Blue post about ARAM changes on Reddit

ARAM and Heroes : heroesofthestorm (

So basically now that Blizzard ask us about what should be changed in ARAM we can have a little debate about it here aswell.

For myself I want to see 5x same hero come back again just like it was last time.
Balance out popular heroes on both teams or reduce thier chance to be picked.
People complain about too safe heroes that can deal safe dmg so reducing thier chance to pop up in draft menu would help it out.


Would love to be able to play Leoric in ARAM again even if it means disabling his trait.

I know this might be a bit outside what they are asking for but I really do hope that they can fix the replays on Industrial District.


I’m somewhat surprised by how many posts on the reddit thread are in favor of all-hero matches and enabling the entire hero pool.

Tighter role-mirroring would probably help (tank vs bruiser instead of warrior vs warrior) and only having select heroes be capable of all-hero match would probably be my foremost concern for any changes to the mode. Preventing select hero duplicates would probably also help. (eg. not having 3 mephisto on one side)


I want ARAM to be reverted back to Brawls, because those were arguably more fun than just pure ARAM. They seemed more like a mini game mode and I liked that.

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That’s my takeaway from the Reddit thread and something I would like to see changed not only in ARAM but QM. I’ve always wanted the “flex” roles of melee assassin/bruiser to be matched more strictly.

I’m fine if they enable all heroes again, but I think the same issues and complaints would arise regarding Hammer/Leoric/TLV/Abathur etc…

This was something I loved about ARAM. Nothing was more fun than a full KT match or all Kara’s. As this was before the release of Deathwing, that’s something I’d love to experience. As an all powerful Dragon world breaker, he deserves to dominate the Nexus, at least temporarily.

I know there are no promises, but it’s enjoyable to have an issue we can discuss where there is some chance of changes being made.

+1 for that idea.

It IS the #1 request it seems. I’m honestly confused as to why they didn’t change it when they made the roles update.

Wasn’t Abathur removed from the start?

Abathur was in ARAM for a very short time as I remember a very miserable match I played with him in that mode!

I don’t know why they never updated the bruiser/melee assassin roles either, both for ARAM and QM, it might have stopped at least a few complaints.

Blue posts requesting feedback about potential changes is quite a good sign isn’t it?

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Certainly unexpected. But the classic teams made updates to the other games, so I guess it’s HotS turn.

So I lurked on Reddit and it now seems that alot of players now have 5v5 mirror matches now in ARAM. 5x Genji/LI-Ming/Rag/Lunara so far.

It seems like whoever still update this game took our advise and added it.

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A couple of weeks or so ago, the community manager on Reddit opened a thread asking for feedback and ARAM was one of those things brought up. They did listen and respond, and things like role matching in ARAM and the chance of having 10 mirrors was listened to and added in the patch. Not forgetting the Nova and Abathur skins.

These small changes appear to be overwhelmingly well received in the patch thread, and it’s also encouraging to see so many new/old posters have returned to give positive feedback.

For those of us who still enjoy Hots, it comes as no surprise, Hots still has a very loyal following. Hopefully, the Devs will do a few more changes here and there that doesn’t require much in the way of time and manpower.

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I thought having a ranked ladder added for ARAM was going to be requested since so many people seem to take ARAM as serious as Ranked.

No point in having a ranked ladder in both ARAM and normal ranked. Will be a bit strange to say you are grandmaster ARAM player.


I agree. Been saying it was stupid since the first few kept complaining about how ARAM isn’t treated like Ranked.

I would change “strange” to “absurd.” I wonder how you calculate you’re a GM ARAM player, in a mode that neither uses points nor awards points for MMR?

I love the same hero ARAM! <3 It really shakes things up a bit! It’s happening more often then not which is nice! So far I’ve had x2 all Fenix games, all Tycus and an all Butcher game! So fun! :heart_eyes_cat:

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