Blizzard's MM is bad and is not going to keep new players

And when people like you start using the word whiteknight in place of actual arguments, we know we’re dealing with angry losers.

I would argue about why you’re wrong, but it’d be a waste of time as you’d just respond that I’m wrong because I’m a whiteknight and therefore my argument is invalid.

So I’m just going to save my time and ignore you. Go be an angry loser somewhere else.

Since we aren’t talking about HOTS in general, but the matchmaking process, the cost is time, I thought it was obvious, but I guess some need help with that.

Time=Money in terms of game development. I guess you don’t understand the basics. Matchmakers don’t magically make or improve on their own, it costs money to pay people the green money stuff so they can do Dev stuff.

You know this right?

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What are you talking about? The cost is paid by a player waiting on results of a matchmaker. The original argument that I replied to is that MM is fine, it’s the players fault. If you want to claim that no money was paid thats why MM is awful then fine, but it means the MM is awful.

Where did anybody say the Matchmaker is “fine.”

I literally quoted it. He goes on for paragraphs explaining that the issue is the player perception of MM something that literally happens all the time in all those threads, Xenterex is the champion of those responses, he can easily squeeze out 1000 words of nonsense on that.

I do, they had plenty of money to do it, so again, it’s not really the players fault, just a mismanagement.

I only do that when you are literally contradicting yourself in your own arguments. Not sure why I would be angry just because you can’t keep the internal logic within your own post.

Narha didn’t say that the Matchmaker is “fine”, Narha spoke of player perception, or in other words nuance and details. Ideally if you’re say a GM, your winrate will be very high as you climb though Bronze/Silver/Gold/Plat and then level off the higher they reach GM so it should end up close to around 50% when they find their true skill level.

This can vary, but it’s the idea behind any good matchmaker.

You are again putting up straw man arguments. Nobody is saying the player is at fault, or that Blizzard doesn’t have the money to spend if they wanted to. You are arguing with shadows in your head.

You should also note that the OP was explicitly speaking about the new player experience and MM in that niche. I already told you why the new player only queue/protection was partially removed, I’m not repeating myself.

This is the biggest misconception here, the idea behind a good matchmaker is NOT a 50% winrate, the idea is to have competitive games while getting towards that 50%. The two are not the same and the HOTS team did exactly that they put the 50% winrate as the golden standard. And as a result the higher populated ranks are a mess.

You’re wasting your time on that guy Minky. Just put him on ignore and save yourself a headache.


“It’s not A, it’s Ax” but Ax is just A with more details. You cannot say A =/= true and then say a subgroup of A is true. Because if A is not true, all subgroups of it are untrue as well.

The MM does this: gives you a number and tries to match you with ppl of the same number. The number increases/decreases with wins/losses, meaning that whoever is good, will climb as long as that’s true.
The MM is not trying to create you 50% wr. The MM just raises/lowers your number if you’re not having a 50% wr, which would make your number stagnate.
So it’s not you have 50% wr because the MM wants you to. You make your own 50%, and the MM just gives you points to reach it.

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And how will that improve the quality of matches?

For example while valla as a hyper carry in a double healer comp is extremely strong, chromie is not.
So you would have the same amount of roles, but guess what… it’s still not a fair game.

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Thats why people should stop expecting qm to hand out balanced games and just play ranked/unranked insteed if they care about balance. QM can never provide that.

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To be fair to the OP the conversation got a bit warped. He was specifically addressing Matchmaking for new players and how it no longer (always) puts you in new player protection queue.

We all know the reason for this, it was changed as some new players were waiting up to an hour for games. Hots simply doesn’t have enough new players to support the separate queue. With the amount of smurf accounts Hots has, it would probably be just the same experience as being matched with veteran accounts.

What I’m not sure of is if the OP is really a new player. He has created three topics on these forums about “Trash Matchmaking” and one of them was made in July of 2020.

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Dective Minky. I’d watch that show :stuck_out_tongue: Solving forum based crimes with your crimefighting squirrel proffesor nuts.


New player protection was removed in 2018 I think and with the amount of smurfs we got today new players ends up againts smurfs most of the time.

I agree its not the ideal conditions for a new player to fight those kind of games but as long the game is how it is now then it will always be uphill for new players.

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I was only profile snooping, promise! Lucifer is already the best forum detective. As the OP had a fair point, I was curious if he was really new. Even if he started in 2020 as his post suggests, he may have only played a few games and just started again recently, so he would still be new.

*Also, I could play Detective Minky and this squirrel professor nuts. I have the nuts part down pat already, I just need to work on bringing out my inner squirrel. :thinking:

Yes, so many good things we can’t have because daddy Blizzard took away pocket money from poor old Hots. :cry:


It’s not A with more details, it’s a completely different goal for a matchmaker (this is coming from someone who designs such systems for living) and it is something that’s completely unattainable via the employed win/loss system. Just because 50% is a secondary “goal” doesn’t mean anything because the MM functionality needs to be completely different to achieve the primary objective.

Actually it is, it’s the whole idea of the correction due to win/loss - move your winrate towards the “balanced” 50%. Winrates, however, have little to do with match quality and that’s the issue.

The goal is the “50% wr”. The method/“extra detail” is the “via competitive games”.
Which is ridiculous. How could one have competitive games if they’re better than their enemies? Hence the reason they climb in the first place.

Would love to see any kind of proof of that.

Weird, because YOU (impersonalized) are the only constant in your matches, so every random factor can be ignored on the long run, meaning that if you’re good, you’ll climb, if you’re bad, you’ll fall and if you’re average on the lvl you play on, you’ll stagnate.
All the ppl I saw proved this. I never saw skilled players low (without actively climbing).
The win/loss system is the best, because it’s the only stat that means anything when “farmed”.
XP, Hero/Siege DMG, even KDA are useless as a metric for skill, because roles, Heroes, all differ too much, and team games are team effort. You’re not good for farming numbers, you’re good if you can carry your team more often than not.

The proper players will reach the proper MMR, competing against each other. The MM doesn’t care what that MMR is for individuals. It’s literally just puts similar numbers together expecting them to win around the same times and if that doesn’t happen, they move up or down a little and try again. Nothing is forced, nothing is unfair, no limit.

It’s not competitive? It’s only truly that when you reach the 50%, but even then, most ppl won’t realise they see themselves on the enemy’s side as well.

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