Blizzard is incompetent and cannot run a MOBA game properly

Blizzard is incompetent and cannot run a MOBA game properly. Blizzard does not care about this game.


Not like we know that already.


They’ve been struggling with everything on their plate for the last 4-5 years if not longer.

This isn’t just HotS but across the board.


oh no you is completely wrong evvvverything bad is because of hots
pay no attention to diablo 4 diablo immortal the expansion passes on WoW the Overwatch community overwatch in general starcraft 2 being essentially forgotten.

nope Heroes of the storm is CLEEEEAAAAARLY the only problem that blizzard has
because heaven forbid I guess


I’m getting the impression you aren’t aware that they announced they were giving up on this game years ago.

So in case you aren’t aware: A message from Kaéo Milker



They are still releasing balance patches and brawl updates. That’s more effort than just banning the trolls ruining our ranked play.


You expect too much from a game that dont even get any attention any longer.

blizzard is great, bring back 100% asam mode and buff nazeebo to do 300 damage per spider bite please!

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I don’t! D4 and Immortal, are the first Diablo games I didn’t even bother to try.

An issue that is also not confined to Blizzard, a good deal of established gaming corporations who traditionally serve up AAA titles, most have been struggling with the quality and critical reception of their releases, and have found it more challenging to retain or attract players, for many years now.


It is a bit odd that after a year of nothing since maintenance mode activated, we are getting balance patches every other month or so now.


It is odd but im not complaining




these balance changes are like deer when in the woods a graceful and very much appreciated but easily scared away
“a deer in headlights”
I’ll give you three guesses who’s driving the car if word catches that these patches are happening


Would be hillarious if no one takes credit for the patches because somehow during micro’s acquisition of acti they lost track of an employee, and he feels like doing something for the money, because he didn’t receive any more instructions.

It’s probably micro trying to put the game in stasis so they can decide later what to do with it. Might even be cooking a new hero to check if the game is reviveable. But they’ll have to put hots on pass first.

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if they would honestly consider doing that, then they would have to get the game as balanced as possible before hand.

But Blizzard never fully balance their games, they usually put something OP/Strong on purpose for a season (/expansion?) and then put something else in highlight the next one. At least it’s what WoW taught me all those years.

Total balancing is not what they are aiming for.


I don’t think it would be their worst game on the pass (to lower their reputation /stock or anything). If they had to do anything, it would be to make the game fun. If they plan to get any players, their best bet are people that played league / dota / smite, and hopefully didn’t try hots. But even if they play 5 games, if it’s 5 stomps full of afks, trolls and bots, I doubt they’ll hang around much.

If anyone wanted to revive this game, i’m afraid they’d have to crack a few eggs (or push away a few players). They could move most of the current community in fake qms that are actually with / vs AI and they wouldn’t notice, while Micro could take the game a different way, for a better chance. :joy:

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That is heavily in part due to such companies–everyone really–wanting to check off certain boxes rather than hire people qualified for the job itself.

The result is people who have no business holding certain positions having the power to dictate the direction projects go with a lot of time, money, and other resources being wasted producing games that are average at best.

Currently Ubisoft is on the chopping block, EA is looking to be following, CD Projekt Red lost nearly all, if not all, of their talent to new developers such as Rebel Wolves, and others are feeling the repercussions of going down the wrong direction.

A good analogy is to think of all the gaming companies as different sized boats that are sinking at different speeds. Some boats are bigger or have bigger holes, but they’re all sinking.

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Request Doge intervention

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Coming back to this game randomly after taking a break for a year plus still a fun game but sad to see it in this idiotic state.

I’m happy to say you can still get games reasonable quick so it’s not dead in a sense of can you play it. Issue is now though pretty much only addicts like myself and smurfs are playing it and it makes the ranked system pretty much mean almost nothing.

This game needs a revamp it just is dead because it can’t make money I’m coming back having not played for over year and there’s nothing to even buy. The loot boxes have ruined this game financially why is blizzard making a martyr out of themselves with this game over freaking loot boxes.

Just get rid of the loot box system surprise everyone drop a big update with like 5 new heroes charge something worth a damn to get them have little add for it and you’ll be fine. There are garbage Gotcha games out there raking in money that are so much worse then this game is makes me sick that we’ve abandoned shop here. I honestly think this game was trash canned to appease a certain foreign market.

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Don’t talk about Diablo Immortal like that. :joy:
The game was trash canned because, like you said, you can make a game where you do the same thing for 50 years to get an item that otherwise you can buy for a lot of $. For a hots battlepass, you have to make at least 10 new things like skins, heroes, sprays etc, and it only adds a season to the game. (roughly a few months)
The gatcha game gets a new level that you can only do after going through previous level. Also the gatcha game doesn’t care about power creep, so whatever it sells, sells for more and is in more demand than a skin.
I think you can thank the gaming community.

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