Big Winstreak = Big Loss-streak

After all of these years, why is this still implemented in the game? It’s not fun at all and no other good MOBA on the planet uses it because they were smart enough to know it’s not fun.

If you win a lot, the game will start intentionally trying to make you lose a lot. This is an indisputable fact even if Blizz won’t admit it. I currently have 9 losses out of my past 12 games with 6 of those being crushing losses even though 3 days ago, I had 11 wins out of 12 games at one point.

Also my mmr according to hotslogs swings wildly from 3000 to 2500 in any given week. I would much rather be placed in games with stronger players on both sides rather than be placed into games where one side has afks, leavers, feeders, or 5mans and the fate of the game was decided before it even started… just because someone is on a winstreak. Why do you punish players for playing well?

Just look at my past game here ht tps: // imgur. com/a/ PFO geeC? (connect the parts. links are not allowed for some dumb reason)
Yeah, that’s what happens when a 5man runs into 5 randos… and your randos go triple specialist for some reason.

At this point I don’t expect Blizz to change anything even though thousands of posts have been made about this game flaw. And people wonder why the game is slowly decaying.


What game mode?

I hope you are not complaining about QM.

Theres no such thing as win fixing.

The system would be insanely complicated. I mean cmon, your talking about the company that thought diablo immortal was a good idea. No way in hell are they smart enough to setup such a system.

I also enjoy when people go. (Look theu gave me a feeder on purpose) like game companies are fing psychic and know how a person is going to play before hand.


Unranked draft. I’m not even touching “storm league” or whatever cause that is a whole other can of worms.

Don’t call facts from your own anecdotal evidence.

The system can’t possibly keep track of all 10 players’ wide array of different win and loss streaks together in a game if it had to factor for the 50/50 ‘forced winrate’ garb that everyone’s talking about. It wouldn’t make sense.


Blizzard announced it. They quickly denounced it, but the damage was done. And if you think modern technology coming out of one of the biggest multi-billion dollar behemoth gaming companies isn’t competent enough to make a forced 50/50 system, I don’t know what to tell you.


Why would they even make a forced 50/50 system? Sure it might make sense in terms of technology if you stretch it enough, but the incentive is not there. It would be a waste of time and effort to design a system like this. Also the system Blizzard announced wasn’t forced 50/50 it was a normal matchmaking system (That all other games have). Just because there’s buzzwords in it that match the 50/50 myth (Winrate! Matchmaking! 50% Winrate! etc.) doesn’t mean it’s actually true.

Also, what if you’re winning a bunch of games (what you would call, a win streak) and you throw a game? What would the algorithm then do? Or if you play with your friends in QM, friends who don’t have a win/loss streak that matches you (which would be necessary for a forced 50/50 system to work), what then?

See it doesn’t really add up.


There are some things currently in place that drive you to your actual skill rank, and then once you are there you should win roughly 50% of your games. But to imply that this effects if you lose or win a match is ridiculous. You are playing with 9 other human beings. The system is not adjusting anything in-game, so it cannot be “fixing” the match. It has no idea if your allies are going to play well or play poorly. The best it can do is to try to balance out MMRs, but since everyone’s MMR is so volatile, it is not directly tied to if you will win or lose.

Your perception is based on about 20% truth and 80% conspiracy.

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Do you put yourself in the best possible scenario for winning or do you expect others to win for you?

-Do you queue solo or do you queue with friends you know that are actually good players?
-Do you always pick your best hero or do you just pick what you are fancy playing with?
-Are you putting some effort to actually know the game? Watching videos/guides about: laning, offlaning, soaking, peeling, engagaing, disengaging, meta picks, meta builds, map strategies, team compositions. Or do you just play how you think it’s best? Guess what, it’s not.

I think, without proof, that the game “forces” 50% win rate but I recently found out that my win rate increses if I:
-queue up with friends in voice chat and actually comunicate
-focus on getting good at one role and stick to it
-focus on 2 - 3 heroes for that role. Not the ones I like, the ones that are actually stronger
-watch competitive gameplay to learn how pros: draft, build talents, map startegies, rotations etc

Dota 2: 50 % win rate is rather annoying when its forced. :: Dota 2 General Discussions

Do you upload your games? But even if you do, it’s not accurate on personal lvl.

Nope. They just stated the obvious. If you are with and against your skill lvl, your chance to either win or lose is like if you’d toss a coin.

I’d tell that person is smart. 1 human is chaotic enough but 10?! No way.
And even if it’d be somehow manageable, it not worth the money.

So pls, follow your own guide.

So. There is a hypotetical system forcing everyone to have 50% wr. You believe this uber-complicated enourmously expensive system can be made by Blizz. But they can’t make it unnoticeable to ppl like you? If you believe in things like this why not go big? Blizz could easily keep you at forced 50% wr with a random number generated win-lose sequences. Like: WWLWLLWLLW. See? Looks random, looks normal but 50%.
And if there is working system forcing ppl into 50% wr how on Earth can ppl have 30% or 70% winrates?
Does the system separates gamemodes or you are still forced to lose/win if you switched mode either?

Use Occam’s razor or stop trolling, thanks!


Forced 50% winrate again? Lmao, there’s no such thing.

What there is though is a system that tries to create a match where both sides have 50% chance of winning, and that is what happens in every moba.

If you lose a lot after a big winstreak is because you climbed and got matched against/with stronger people, but you actually are not that good/don’t belong there, so you naturally start losing. That also means you are probably where you belong.


So…this guy really believes win and losses are handed out by bli$$?
Try being afk all games and watch your winrate.


Funny thing about people complaining about forced 50 is they all complain about their lose streaks, and not their win streaks


Winstreaks are natural cuz they’re awesome, duh!


You’re all about trolling the OP but the streaks, win or lose, are new and common now. They weren’t before late 2018/ early 2019. This is a fact, not anecdotal and that means changes have been made without us knowing them. I don’t like games when I don’t know the rules.

Win/Loss treaks were always a thing since forever with any moba.

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5+Win/Loss streaks were never a thing since any moba.


Anecdotical. How many topic on this forum ?

Just like the OP.