Best voiceline interactions at the beginning of games

I can’t remember it word-for-word because I only heard it once a few years ago,but Li-ming said something to Murky like" If you don’t have anything intelligent to say,DON’T say it at all!!" And the live Murky player even said to me in team chat “Damm Li-ming,you’re a total beatch” Never forgot that !!


I love Brightwings’ anwers:

  • Abathur: Organism: faerie dragon. Ability origins: perplexing. Must examine closely.
  • Brightwing: Ooh! Scary voice, Brightwing no like. Things like you should not talk!

My fav has been around for too long.
Morales: Sensors say you’re male. So… How do you lay eggs?
Murky: random murloc noises.


Anub: “Nice legs…”

Zag: “Creep.”

Gets me every time.

Also enjoy the bro moment as meph and Diablo.


Whitemane: (laughs then laughs harder)


Kerrigan: I am not your enemy, Tassadar. Things have changed.

Tassadar: Yes, you radiate a purple glow now. How very different.

That was exactly what I thought when I played Hearth of the Swarm. Apparently evolution works the same as skins in game, just change the color and call it new.


Kerrigan (only Queen of ghost Skin) has also a special Voiceline when she kills Raynor mourning his death.

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Qhira: have you ever tried solving your problems without resorting to arsen?

Blaze: if you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen

I laughed way too hard for reasons I don’t even fully grasp, other then the fact Blaze is officially the only man in history to Explicitly tell a woman to get OUT of the ktichen XD

Butcher: Butchern oises that sound like a laugh
Qhira: that is honestly horrifying… go do that to our enemy.


Zarya: Ugh… and the weird slug man is on my team.
Abathur: Creature recognized. Disinterest immediate.

  • Baleog: Aren’t you that witch from Transylvania?
  • Sylvanas: No! And you should lay off the brew before a fight.

I have another answers for the game isn’t actually an voice interactions.
Imperius: So easy, even Tyrael could do it.

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Lucio has a unique Voiceline with Rollerderby Nova:

Lúcio: Ooh, I dig the skates! Ay, you wanna hit the park after this?

Roller Derby Nova: This might just be fun after all.

I’ve spent too much time digging through the Soundfiles in CASCview :weary: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Some of these are amazing.
Tyrande has some good kill voices for malfurion and illidan.

Not only for them:
after killing Sgt Hammer:
Not even Gnomes would create such an abomination.


Whitemane: The silverhand failed paladin. Join us. Take up the path of vengeance.
Uther: Yes we get it, you’re edgy congratulations. Can we move this along.


Zul’Jin: “Hey, I know you!”
Gall: “Uhh, me?”
Cho: “Shut-up! No one talks to you!”

Not sure why that cracked me up so much. Maybe because Gall would be kind of awkward to talk to if he were real.

(It’s gets me every time when Gazlowe kills someone, and says “Hey! You, uh, don’t need that wallet anymore, do ya?”)


I got a few favourites :slight_smile:

Lunara: How am I supposed to help someone like you?
Zarya: You are the meanest deer lady I’ve ever met.

Lunara: What are you staring at?
Kharazim: The forest gods are odd creatures.

Lunara: Ah, the man who’s almost a wolf.
Greymane: Ah, the woman who’s almost a deer.

Zarya: Ugh, the weird slug man is on my team.
Abathur: Conversation superflous, focus upon combat.

And the ones where Lunara talks Nerglis to Murky :grin:


Johanna to Azmondan: “Don’t reveal our plans to our foes. Azmo — I mean it! Not a word.”