Best girl thread

some folks like :leg: other like :peach: cydaea was well endowed with both


Misha is the only answer


I yield

That last picture is very…suspicious

Ok, I must admit you got a 10/10 this time, this is just precious.

Yrel is top tier waifu.
275 votes and 12 comments so far on Reddit


I’ve stumbled across the prurient interest thread, some lovely and scary things to behold.

Jaina is best girl until she goes all Dreadlord on you. Likewise for Brightwing, she’s a great friend until she gets hungry and you’re the only source of food.


I think we’re all missing how great a girl Li-Ming really is
In this essay, I will show you why Li-Ming would make the greatest Girlfriend to all of you nexus-dwellers.
First of all, she’s smart. Like, scholar genius smart. But that doesn’t stop her from being athletic. As hinted in her skins, she is an amazing volleyball player.
However, she does not let her studies and curricular activities keep her away from being a party animal. In her dance animation, she is clearly shown to have mastered a DISCO BALL spell. She is so always ready to party that she has a disco ball ready at all time. How cool is that? How great is it to have a partner like that? Imaging turning on the radio on a boring car ride and cotton eyed joe plays. INSTANT disco ball and the car becomes the greatest club in town. Tyrande wouldn’t even ride in a car because of the environnemental consequences and whatnot.
Say what you will, but confidence is attractive, and Li-Ming is certainly not lacking that regard. Some of her voicelines like “You dare?” or “That was entertaining” are just oozing confidence, and that’s without mentioning her laugh she often does. She’s the kind of girl who will go out partying with you because she knows she will ace her test on her free scholarship she got from the volleyball team.
What more? She can teleport. This power is much more useful in our modern world than Jaina’s ability to throw snowballs or somesuch. Forgot your keys in the car? Teleport. Popcorn ready for Netflix? Teleport to the microwave and back. A nice bonus, if you will.
In her wave of force ultimate ability, You can see a magic clone version of Li-Ming in the spell, which is an hint that she could possibly make magical clones of herself. Do I even need to say why this is a plus?
Her cooldowns also reset on kills. Now you might think this is useless, but what if your house gets invaded by flies or ants? I can already picture Li-Ming throwing fireflies around, teleporting all around the house before finally stopping, posing with a confident smile before all of the flies fall down. Can Tyrande do that? I don’t think so. In fact, Tyrande probably wouldn’t want to kill those flies, as she is a pure vegan who loves animal. I’m not into that, that’s for sure!
Li-Ming is also very good at dealing with hard situations. In the battlefield, you might often hear Li-Ming laughing and cracking jokes. Gentlepeople, find yourself a woman who can keep a smile even during though situations.
Plus, she’s asian. I know you weebs out there are into that.
In short, Li-Ming is not only the best girl, she’s the perfect girl.
Thank you for your attention.


You have my like but you have not convinced me. Nova is the only girl for me.

All of those are very respectable. Especially Tyrande. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Best GIRL is Lili.
But I prefer women, so Yrel it is. Can’t touch her wholesomeness.

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Best girl is Stitches.

Me like.

Oh, well that’s good, cause that’s me on the right.



Best girl is Misha.


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If Mei was added to the game, her model would probably have to be as big as say the Butcher/Stitches surely?

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Don’t be rude.

Just as an FYI: Mei isn’t that overweight, she is just always wearing a heavy winter coat.

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Im aware, but it still makes her big.



Really. They just showed heist Hammer on foot and you talk about Mei.

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