Best Duelist in the Game?

I have a feeling in general Illusion Master Samuro would make for a better duelist than bladestorm, especially in situations where you can stand still and attack your auto’s will probably be doing more dps than bladestorm would anyway.

My problem with illu is the loose of none control over mirror, i excatly know how AI handle them, and i like how they move. And bladeystorm is immunity vs stun and slow, so it is a very strong TF or escape tool.

As samu your goal should be 0-1 deaths all game, by max XP and first to second hero dmg. Means as long you are alife, you are the pressure in macro on map and still one of the best Teamfight AOE dmger, finish of hero

Samuro being top hero damage doesn’t sound right to me, he is too flimsy at teamfights and countered by quite a few heroes, such as Kael and Alarak. I do agree however, that a good Samuro should be nigh unkillable.

Kael is no counter to samu, Q+D let dot vanish, Q interrupt pyro cast, E +30 armor is vs everythink and can tank a pyro. Bladestorm makes kael stun useless. 1vs1 or in teamfight, me as samu more or less go first on kael, because he is easy to catch in backline and easy to kill.

Alarak silence is CC, and strong, but vs a alarak in 1vs1 you simply do not use your Q until he uses his combo, you outdmg a normal stack (not 180 stack) alarak only with your main body and AA dmg, so that he has to leave the lane for fountain or teleport. Important is, by alrak and illdian, do not give them your Q, your Q only for minons when they cannot use it for Quest or skill in front of tower.

I suppose I was more referring to teamfights, in a duel rip Kael.

I remember one game quite fondly where I was Alarak with high Sadism and high E stacks, he was walking around with his images… suffice to say he died.

High stack alarak needs teamwork to kill, thats right, but he is killable, alrak dopple ulti (immun) you can counter with Q (to get a position switch to his back) and when he uses his combo not on you as samu in TF, it is the moment were you as samu start to kill alarak.

And kael TF is like ANA etc. in TF, you simply bring them to 10-20% restlife on your own as samu, the rest is switch body and restealth, or finishing of, when he got zoned from team away.

Mages and healer in my build go safe with no counterplay down to 10% life…and you normaly start the fight, when you think it is a good moment. There is very few ingame, who can force a samu in a fight in a bad moment.

Doesn’t tyrande have a talent at level 16 that stacks her damage infinitely or something if you keep hitting heroes

Probably Twinblade Varian since he doesn’t really lose to anything else except full stacked anti-AA Arthas. Beats Samuro too

She does and it can get quite potent if you let it stack up. However, her base aa damage is quite low so it would take probably a whole minute of attacking before you starting doing aa damage like Butcher or a stacked GM. Among the supports she is one of the strongest duelists, but this primarily comes from the fact that she can put out some very impressive healing if she is constantly attacking. However she is quite squishy and vulnerable to burst, but against heroes whose damage is more sustained she can do well, indeed for some of the lower damage heroes she is virtually impossible to kill if you let her keep getting in aa’s.

No, he do not beat a samu with first hit in 1vs1, but he beat a samu when he gets samu off cooldown and varian has first hit.
And he cannot kill a samu who has his cooldowns ready. Samu simply toy with varian 1vs1 all game.
Belief me, vatian is only scary when he has support as samu, like aba.

Valeera can beat pretty much anyone in a 1v1 slap fight if she gets to talent against them.

EDIT: Not sure why that was a reply.


thanksfully to this topic, i played today 3 match with varian. Win-blade of course. I thought taunt varian is op as hell, but win blade varian not bad either. Oh my god. This hero technically the buffed illidan.

If it’s a Thunderdome situation where the two characters absolutely have to fight to the death in a 1v1 situation?

Tychus. In a hard engage situation, most Heroes under his focus have the options of “run away” or “die”. Tychus has amazing sustained damage on top of excessively good burst damage, solid mobility options for follow-up, and multiple options when up against his usual hard counters (such as Blind). I think the only character he might legitimately have trouble dealing with is a fully kitted out Twin Blades Varian.

Orphea is great at dueling, if you can reliably land her Q’s. While some very mobile assassins give me trouble, they can generally be almost “one-shot” with a full combo because of their small health pool. She also has amazing AA for a mage, so you can chip away at enemies’ health while waiting for a good opportunity to strike.

Valeera is easily the best duelist in the game, winning just about every matchup

I have dueled Varian with Qhira with the armor talent and I won by far.

welcome in the Nexus xD

yeah I would say Valeera too, except she can really get rekt by Lunara Tracer and the likes. Or forced to flee

TB varian beats Samuro, don’t know since his nerf but still too much parry, protected, lifesteal. He justs hits whatever images or not. Besides if he knows Samuro he will likely attack the real one. Yeah maybe at 20 you have 9 secs E but you’re just gonna end up fleeing with your +30 armor xD
Besides don’t forget Varian has his 20 too… like he cares about harsh winds ^^
Raggy does well vs Samu

I believe Imperius is pretty descent duelist too, didn’t play him enough to talk but from the lot I’ve played with him and I saw it’s my guess

Simply spoken, for me samu works best 1vs1, I beat everything who isn’t Arthas or Lategame Muradim with fire shild.
Valeera silence opener, simply counter AA her during silence. The small trick vs her. Silence do not work vs Autoattack, Düring silence you can take 20%+ of her life. After silence Q for dot remove, and valeera will very fast run away with stealth. If you want to kill her bladestorm as counter to stealth, if not, let’s call it a draw.
Raggy is like alarak, do not use mirror until you are safe about his self-heal attack, rest is AA race.
Imperius similar, you E makes immun Vs his self heal, so you can prepare him like a well done angel steak.

Perhaps it is only me, because me plays mostly samu only, but I do not feel pressure by most of the heroes named in 1vs1. They cannot really kill samu with there first hit, and when me gets first hit, I kill them.

And rest is most of the time a question about level lead, and samu is perhaps one of the very few hero who can hold even a feeding team in even level with his macro, and when he has no feeding team you will very fast lead with 2+ level. And every 1vs1 become tribal with level lead.

Only thing with Rag is that if we are going for a duel situation I’d imagine the rag is going Q build to fight Samuro and his Q has a pretty short cd. You basically are forced not to use your images at any point because they are more harm than hindrance.

I hadn’t thought about Valeera as much, but I reckon most of the bruisers and a few of the tanks still wreck her.

Tychus is a strong duelist, but I’m pretty sure loses to quite a few of the bruises, Thrall, Gm, TB Varian, Butcher and the likes. Although that depends in a duel situation, cause if Tychus is dueling and so he uses drill, does that person just run away then outside of drill range and fight there? If they are forced to fight in drill range then tychus’ winrate goes up quite a bit.

Imperius is a pretty good duelist, but some heroes still make mince meat of him.