Best Duelist in the Game?

So this isn’t exactly a new topic, but its a fun discussion so lets have it. Which heroes make the best duelists?

The Butcher with a suitable late game store of meat (so 300 maybe?) is the first duelist that comes to mind, I’m trying to think of heroes that he actually loses to and I’m not sure, most heroes flat out lose without any counterplay. The only way is perhaps to juke his stun/ult.

A hero that does come to mind that might stand a chance is Muradin, who with the bruiser build is capable of putting out very suprising levels of burst (a full rewind combo + haymaker is actually capable of doing upwards of 3000+ damage with with the right build (which incidentally makes him a terrifying duelist in his own right), so I am curious if he could survive the slaughterpost, perhaps with a well timed thunderclap for the aa reduction.

Slime build murky is also an incredibly potent duelist, quite surprisingly so. He won’t beat every hero in the game, but quite a few of them he will eat for breakfast.

Of course there is twin blade Varian who is more than capable of doing 1v2 against certain heroes and coming out on top.

There are plenty of heroes to be considered, I’ll leave that for the discussion, but there is one last hero I want to bring up for an honorable mention, and that is Ana with the dose build and the aa speed at level 20 and suitably stacked level 1 for dose healing.

She won’t beat every hero in the game, especially bruisers, but against quite a few heroes Ana actually becomes an incredibly scary duelist with quite a bit of sustain due to doses. I’ve actually won quite a few duels in this way in game with Ana, because people genuinely don’t expect her to make for a good duelist (did it with a Jaina just today), and then they learn the hardway.

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Fenix or Arthas

Fenix can outpoke them
Arthas just does a slow / att speed slow that grows the longer it stays there + good substain /poke

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I wonder how Butcher would go against Fenix, if he lands the stun its all over, but if Fenix gets the tp off it might be a little more even. I’d also be very curious to see how Ana would do against him, if she got the sleep off to dodge his q she might stand a chance.

Arthas vs. Butcher I have no idea and would be interested to see.

What about a fully stacked Greymane?

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there is no “best dualist”. each solo laner gives u a set of things you can work with.
the most reliable 2 are leoric and thrall, cuz they have AA/spell dmg, good sustain, etc.
if anyone says chen is the best dualist, enter all the samuro mains you will never beat.


A fully stacked Greymane, by which I assume you mean his level 7, does quite terrifying levels of damage, but he does lack sustain. Of course it is very difficult to hit 30 stacks of his quest in an ordinary game (I have done it before).

Oh I know different heroes work in different scenarios, for instance Raynor destroys Tracer who destroys Li Ming Etc.

Thrall was also in the list in my mind as he can be incredibly potent, however I find at times he can be rather easily kited.

But hey, this thread was started precisely for such a discussion and people are welcomed to debate such things.

I hit 30 stacks for once as well and i felt he is broken. But as you said, he lacks self sustain and with a good cc setup, you can finish him off easily.

I find Muradin works well against him.

It all depends on the rules. At level 1, I think: Greymane, Imperius, Kharazim. I didn’t check, that’s my guess.

Twin Blades Varian can beat most of the hero roster, except Arthas because of the AA slow.
Without AA slow, it is hard or impossible to outdamage his self healing from Second Wind.

Running away or kiting him as a solution is problematic due to the 30% move speed he gets from TB + his charge. He can also keep healing himself through silences like Butcher’s ult.

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I wonder how well Muradin would do against him, I have a feeling Muradin might come out on top if he times his combo right. Of course if he doesn’t kill him in the initial combo then Muradin then lacks the damage to finish the job and Varian will self heal out of danger.

I also can’t help but wonder if Samuro might be able to outduel varian as well.


And corrected, thank you for your contribution.


Samu, even with 300stacks, a samu can kill the butcher with Q+D+E for armor as long the butcher hasn’t his silence ulti up.

And E+Q counter charge stun, too, and little samu is so much better in dual/triple lane in the downtime with no fight.

And do not even think to escape a late game samu, level 20 in movement speed assassin’s build can catch up to movement speed Lucio on the wall

There is a possibility Muradin can, due to his auto attack slow rendering TB’s healing from Second Wind very low. That would be one very drawn out fight.

Not sure if Samuro has enough dps shared between him and the clones to kill self healing twin blade Varian, especially since he can block their attacks. Leaning towards probably no.

Ah sorry my bad, we’re talking about 1v1. Forgot about it :confused:

He can, as long Varian has no abathur in his team. Assaine E samu starts with +15% more dmg and +30% armor, and will have the first hit crit. When Varian parry, he has 1 parry no dmg, or 2 parry AA save.
You simply Q and D you main body so that his AA hit mirror, and D full reset mirror HP. When you finished on level 20 first exchange, you use your 6sec colldown E to drop time from W and Q and refight again. If you play it right, you should be full health and he should be 50% health.
He will go down, but you will be low on health in the end.

Only difference is, on which side in team is abathur. ABA + samu broken, ABA + Varian broken.

Since it’s 1v1 there should definitely be no aba giving attack speed to Varian, just a pure one on one.

Thanks for the details. Never got proficient enough with Samuro to know those stats. The problem is how much healing Varian gets once he drops under 50% HP. He attacks very fast and gains tons of health on every hit.

I wonder if Samuro can truly burst through that?

Samuro isn’t really about burst, although under the right circumstances I believe he can pull out dps nearing that of The Butcher. He’s a very potent duelist, but against some heroes he is hilariously weak.

Qhira with “Your pain, my gain” is a good duelist too!

The war i play samu on level 20 with full E build (+movement speed (for dual triple lane and escape), E (+30% armor), W (aoe splash, simply good in TF and minons), Bladestorm, E (jump, gap closer in TF on the healer), E (+15% dmg debuff) and E (less cooldown, together with E level 1 you now have perma stealth as samu plus perma 30% movement speed and jump on restealth, you are simply now on of the heroes with fastes map movement ingame).

Typical late game burst in this build for example in 5vs5 TF vs Ana (you can pick here every healer) as healer. You use E to bring you in position, you hit ANA with W crit and debuff, drop Bladestorm now so you are unstopable with +30% armore vs enemy team counter dmg), and you will bring Ana down 100% health to 10% health, now Q and one more AA crits, ana down. This combo works on malf, lili, etc…in 5vs5.

In 1vs1 it is the same, you start full health, go E+W, crits, than Q, counter D if enemy hits main body or has debuff like butcher heal on you, you AA and see how enemy team reacts. If fight goes on, you restealth E debuff enemy and fight longer, if they run, they are death, if they not run, they are death, and if they get help, you run and wait next moment you start fight with your abilty ready.

and if you do not have any hero for attacking, you kill minons and forts + merc camps.

The strong point as samu in lane is his mirror are first target for minons, so you can use them to block enemy minon wave when you + your minon wave destroy a fort.