Being a support doesnt mean you are a walking fountain

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Yee same! If I play a healer someone is low and being attacked by lets say a Hanzo I always stand in between him and the hanzo to block shots. I especially love it as Lili

Petition to make a support who is literally a walking fountain.


I love how healers refuse to attack but watch doing nothing instead. Dear Healers, You can also attack!

Mileage may vary. Some supports have attacks worth using either due to range, or noteworthy damage. E. G. Morales has decent range so why not? Same for Anduin, Lili, Tyrande actually benefits from her basic attacks so definitely.
In the melee camp stukov’s burst melee AA is actually very good. Khara also gets great value. However Deckard unless he’s taken stuns at 16 has no real need to AA unless it finishes someone off. His damage is very low and he’s better off focusing on Sticking to allies to keep trait up and block shots than on giving the enemy some AA damage. Id say he’s probably the only healer who has no business trying to force aas into his play. He has enough to do and his AA damage is pretty shockingly bad.

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Being support means you suck playing assassin.


Im landing more basic attacks then my average Raynor