Before you make a topic about HotS being dead

Take a look at how a game actually dies, like Anthem has, or rather how it seems to be dying.

As someone who has some behind the scenes view, I think the HotS team has poorly communicated overall.

But there has been fairly consistent reddit postings, and twitter activity.

And in some areas, such as developer comment on patch notes, they have gotten better.

Basically, don’t call a game dead when there are real dying games.

Btw, remember, SC2 is a dead game also!!


It is not as dead as Diablo 3.


I’ve heard from vets of this game that HotS has been dead since 2014


No, it’s dead since Dec 2018 - The 20 best developer from Heroes were removed.

Citation please!
Thank you

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While I do find that the evidence on-hand is on your side…

I honestly don’t really spend much time trying to argue with people about the game and whether it’s dying. It’s less a matter of looking at the evidence and more about what people FEEL about the game… Almost like debating religion.

Queue times too long? Doesn’t matter that you’re trying to find a high-level ranked game at 2 AM on a Wednesday at the height of college exam season… the game’s dead.

Got silenced? Doesn’t matter that you spend half your damn game verbally berating your team and offering nothing by way of constructive advice… “this is what’s killing the game!”

And on and on and on.

The game’s dead when Blizzard pulls it from the servers… No matter whether you think the game is dying or not.


Really I should have noted I feel very sorry for those who really like Anthem. As it sucks to see a game appearing to truly die


I’m probably uniquely situated here as I think i’m One of the relatively few people who loved and sunk time into a game that literally died—Dawngate.

Going off topic: I think Anthem is a myriad of different problems.

Even though it looked pretty when they had that ‘gameplay trailer’, even then it looked… bland. The flight mechanics looked neat, but the combat just looked like a bunch of flashy stuff and didn’t seem to be as engaging as other games out there.

The game COULD have had depth, and I think there’s evidence of that in spades even looking at the videos out there… But I think the rush to get it out, to hold to a release schedule, the meddling by people who aren’t looking at the development of a good game and instead of producing a product for consumption… and the philosophy that ‘we just have to do good enough work to get a functioning product, we can add in enough after launch, and as a bonus to ourselves charge the consumer for the content’… THAT’s what’s gutting the project.

Anthem is an example of why I can’t get so excited for new games very easily… Right now only Cyberpunk 2077 is only on my radar, and I’m trying not to get too excited about that.


I don’t get why people feel the need to say that a game is dead at all- what, so they can say I told you so?

Just play the game if you like to play it or don’t if you don’t, gOsh. There’s no point in trying to convince people still playing the game that it’s dead- ya literally sound like teenagers (“Oh you’re still playing that game, hAha”)

This wasn’t directed at anyone btw, was just reading the thread like, “fr this is still a thing?”


We still got it better than the Anthem community, bless them

Based on what I have read, if they had stuck with “survival” where you fly across an “open world” exploring it, it would be a great mid tier game. Where flying to places and learning the world is important.

That also assumes flight feels as good as I have heard.

One of the big issues with games like this nowadays is how grindy they make them all just to extend playtime. Instead of making the game longer “naturally” by adding more content, they “artificially” extend the game by making everything bullet sponges or have a level cap requirement you have to grind to reach.

That kind of thing is why I don’t play games like Diablo or WoW, even though I like everything else about the games.

The PR for Anthem was pretty bad, but it was the grindiness combined with the monetization that drove people who did buy it way and kept away the people who were waiting to see if it’d be any good.

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The problem with that is that doing it takes a insane amount of work. And i mean insane. Even old games that got updates for over 5 years like Warframe can be grinded out in under a year if you play it as your main game.

There is no way for any developer to pump content out faster then the gamers can eat it. Anthem just does not have a fun game loop. It looks boring and not fun. If the game is fun you can grind no matter what.

Best example is Path of Exile. They have seasons there. When the season ends a new one starts with new items and the like. So if you want new content you must start with a new char every few months. You cant bring anything with you.All players start anew and all of em grind. And these seasons come and go and players still play em,why.

Game is insanly fun and gives you as much builds to make as you want. I was a summoner with over 15 summons in one run,in next i was a totem user (these totems can use ANY in game spell) and the like. Game is fun,the loop is fun as well and there are hundreds of viable builds.

So gamers build and build new chars.This is the game skill tree.

edit; this is the old skill tree, new one has quite more options on the edges.

This picture tells you more about the game depth then anything else.Anthem was simply put under cooked and their competition is fierce. WF,destiny and division sure as hell aint gonna make it ez for em

started it’s death throes after 2.0

The difference is that Diablo actually has a huge development team working for it, one that was recently made larger. Sure they are not working on Diablo III, but they are working on Diablo mobile and likely other unannounced Diablo products (IV?).

Heroes of the Strom had its development team slashed, with some leaving Blizzard or at the very least being pulled to other franchises like Diablo, Warcraft or Overwatch. There is no other Heroes of the Storm project that they were re-assigned to, instead they were literally phased out so the developers left have very limited resources. If this will be permanent only time will tell, it is completely possible that after the next big wave of releases games like Heroes of the Storm could be revisited and even totally overhauled.

Exactly. I’ve played a couple of dying games in my time and those that call heroes dying have no idea what an actual dying game is like.

This is surprisingly accurate now that I think about it. Remember kids, feels>reals

Same goes for all doomsayers really. I get it, sort of, but there’s a difference between voicing an opinion and simply wasting time.

ugh. reminds me of the anime community.

I guess its not dead because its being supported…okay.

It could be a lot worse.

However, this game only receives a balance update every month or so which is…slow as molasses.

You could say Halo isnt dead either…

According to the last ama the next content we’ll see will come from the new team we’ll get to judge whether it is good or not.
Also i’ll still consider it half dead as long as blizz does not create a pro circuit back for it.

Lots of games recieve patches every 6 months or year. And i kind of like the last patches with small changes style.


It is not A PvP game. Diablo 3 can be played as a solo game which HoTS certainly can’t do that. So, the whole dead thing doesn’t really applied on Diablo 3 as it doesn’t need playerbase to survive.

As I remembered, Sc2 final at BlizzCon has 200k+ viewers while HoTS final only have 60K views max. If anything, HoTS is pretty dead in comparison considering how much they pour the money into HoTS esport scenes at that time.

So yes, while HoTS is not truly dead but it is not at the state where you can call it “alive” either. “Dying” is the best term to describe HoTS current state.

The game is incredibly imperfect. It needs a substantial amount of balancing and hero additions before it can measure up to other mobas. Blizzard has shelved this game for the sake of its better IPs. I hope, one day, they drop a huge patch that has like 50 heroes and a huge amount of balance fixes. Until then, i wont hold my breath.

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