Balance Patch Wishes/Expectations

Please absolutely GUT Flash of Anger and Surge of Light. Would honestly be happy if they made these two talents troll-tier pick.


I wish they would return to the previous system of seperating solo que and ranked que but i really doubt that will happen.

I would like to see an avoid player function added in cause trolling is out of hand.

I would love to see the old system of you have to be at least level 5 and own a hero to be allowed to play it in ranked.

I would also love to see smurfing being dealt with by if you group with any player in ranked, the whole party will be treated as equal rank of the highest ranking player in said group.

There are a few maps with poor bush placement that this talent can do well on. Overall I agree with you that it needs some more functionality to stand on it’s own.

I want grenade buffs too but I don’t think it’s really possible as long as anti heal is still 100% baseline. I miss having grenade as duel purpose ability. You only ever use it to guarantee a target doesn’t get healed when your team focuses them.

I agree with basically everything in the OP.

Except this.

You misspelled “Seraph’s Hymn.”

Honestly, why would anyone pick it now? Even ignoring the absolute powerhouse that Surge of Light became after its buff, Grounding Rod, the E/Q talent at that level, is better for her AA build than Seraph’s Hymn. At least with Grounding Rod you can usually get the extra %-damage on your AAs, and that’s a lot more than a piddly 10% extra damage.

Seraph’s Hymn is a joke, and a bad one at that.

* Cries in Malthael/Lucio/Hammer/Tyrande *

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Boy, did I call it, or did I call it?


  • A mini rework to some hero that is balanced and nobody wants a or expects a rework on

  • Mei Nerfs

  • Nerfs for Cassia and Imperius


  • The return of Haunted Mines

Oh man, what I’d do to get haunted mines back! Used to be my absolute favourite map.

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I specificed a talent, not the hero as a whole.

If a hero is either garbage tier or overtuned because of one single talent, that’s a problem, and you defending it means you’re part of the problem.

It might come back when all the bugs the map has is fixed.

You harping for nerfs to a balanced talent, especially without any compensatory buffs to the hero you’d be nerfing, is the problem.

And I agree that Imperius shouldn’t have to rely so heavily on that one talent and build to be relevant, which is why I’ve suggested changes in other threads that would give him multiple viable builds. But that’s a design issue more than a balance issue.

Honestly just revamp his level 7 and everything fades out, give it the bullet time post rework treatment.

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Yeah, his level 7 tier is definitely the big problem for him. Flash of Anger is the only viable talent because Blaze of Glory is a joke and Holy Fervor just doesn’t quite cut it, but people don’t like having to deal with that extra burst FoA drops on them.

I wouldn’t mind a functionality tweak to FoA, such as making a portion of its damage be dealt as DoT rather than all of it at once, if they also reworked BoG, buffed HF, and added a new E talent that fills a similar role (AoE+sustain) as the rest of that talent tier.


I would go down for this either way, to give more context Bullet Time was the only viable choice on level 7 and their design was simply just dumpstering the whole tier and changing it with somewhat similar talents that give similar result (but nothing too close obviously), should be healthy direction generally, maybe even mix FoA with other abilities than just being plain press Q button.

BTW sorry if I sounded rude in my other interactions, no hard feelings?

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The old “It’s not broken, everything else just sucks” argument. :man_facepalming:

I’m sure you’re right bro. I’m sure theres no way an 180 damage AoE combined with a 300 point shield in one talent as early as level 7 isn’t a problem at all.

I think FoA overall is good design. You have to land Q to apply the mark, then land an AA afterwards to consume the mark.

I actually think the “consume mark from X ability for Y bonus effect” is a great concept to base a talent off of.

The main ideas I suggested for him were:

  • Making Blaze of Glory either apply its full center damage and slow along the line (meaning it would benefit from Consuming Flame’s bonus damage), having it reduce its own cooldown for every mark it consumes, and/or simply having it trigger but not consume marks.
  • Making Holy Fervor reduce its own cooldown for every mark it consumes and increasing its damage bonus to +40%.
  • Adding a new talent called Flaring Temper, which causes Molten Armor to flare and deal 100% increased damage to all enemies within its radius on its next hit whenever a Molten Armor mark is consumed while MA is still active (healing for 50% of the total damage done to heroes but not healing for non-heroes hit).

Along with making half of FoA’s bonus damage apply over 3 seconds, those are the changes I would make to Imperius’ level 7 talents.

No hard feelings. We got too caught up arguing semantics.

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Unrealistic Wishes

  • Have Blizz actually take feedback and implement it in a realistic way. Not just do their own thing and say “We did it for you!”.
  • Revert X change
  • Have Blizz understand the players they sell their games to. (They’d probably make more money and the Beancounters will be slightly happier, till next quarter.)
  • Remove MVP screen.
  • Remove Reporting. (Does more harm than good)

Doable wishes with extreme effort but most likely won’t happen because, reasons

  • Have more team members work on advertising the game to bolster player numbers instead of more …,…,… stuff
  • Record Win / Loss when the match is ACTUALLY over. (BEFORE all your BS screens.)
  • Hire more than one dude to work on AI.

Realistic wishes

  • To be a real boy.


  • Combust into flames out of pure rage, smolder, and die because I’m wooden…


Sorry rcw, you know me, I had to do it. Don’t be mad at me! I hope I gave you at least a chuckle.

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As opposed to the old “if everything else sucks, then this must just be too good” argument?

That’s sometimes referred to as the “Pie Fallacy.” You’re assuming that if every other talent at that tier sucks, it must be because FoA somehow stole all their power, like it took an extra slice of the pie and left less for the other 2 talents.

But that just makes no sense. One talent being good cannot make another talent bad. It can make it “unviable” simply by being too much better than it, but it cannot make it bad just by being better than it.

Take Cassia’s level 7 talents. Surge of Light is absurdly strong, but that doesn’t mean Grounding Rod itself is bad. Grounding Rod is a very solid talent, just because Surge of Light is even better doesn’t mean Grounding Rod is garbage.

Flash of Anger is a solid talent, but it is balanced. But even if it were actually “OP,” that would not be why Blaze of Glory and Holy Fervor are so weak. Those talents are bad regardless of how strong Flash of Anger is.

Clearly it isn’t.

Imperius needs that talent to be useful. He’s actually pretty weak without it, which is something I seem to remember you commenting on at one point (though I may be confusing you with LyrasVulture). Hence, my quote from another thread about people wanting heroes they struggle with nerfed simply to make things easier for themselves.

If a talent is mandatory for a hero to be relevant, that’s bad design. That does not mean that talent needs a nerf, because then you’d just be making the entire hero bad.

You may have done this when replying to others, but I haven’t seen it as of this point in time, but you have yet to explain why you think Flash of Anger is balanced. To prevent sounding hypocritical, I’ll make my case for why it isn’t balanced.

A talent can provide power in 3 different areas:

  1. Damage (How much?)
  2. Utility (Healing? Shielding? CDR Movement speed?)
  3. Availability (How early can you pick it up?)

Flash of Anger draw a lot of power from all three categories. Not only does it do an impressive 180 damage which is more than an Orphea shadow waltz, Falstad hammerang, or Medivh Arcane Rift, but it also absorbs an impressive 300 damage in a shield. All of this is available at level 7.

As I’ve mentioned in previous threads, neither one of these things is out of place by themselves. 180 damage by itself is fine. 300 point shield by itself is fine. The talent being available early game is fine. It’s the fact that it has all three of those things going for it is the problem.

The problem is compounded by the fact that Celestial Charge is a very rare ability where you can adjust the minimum and maximum range of the skillshot’s distance, allowing you to either use it at point blank or for a dive. Not very many heroes enjoy this luxury.

This adjustable skillshot ability limits counter play because if the skillshot was just a regular unchangeable one, you could argue hugging imperius when he’s on you is good counterplay so he can’t spear you (similar to Mephisto’s lightning nova). But that isn’t how it is. Even if you’re practically clipping into Imperius’ hitbox, he can still spear you.

I’m also not buying the whole “Risk vs reward” thing. The aforementioned adjustable skillshot function already eliminates a great deal of risk if you miss at point blank range, which, if the skillshot wasn’t adjustable, would probably having you soaring past your intended target in a direction you don’t want to go.

So, it’s bad design, but we should just do nothing? If a talent is so powerful it singlehandedly defines the character, it needs to get nerfed, removed, or baseline incorporated (See wormhole, lightning bond, crash lightning, devastating charge, etc.). Period.

Wishes:entire hots staff was fired from top to bottom and replaced with component employees.

Minor changes to op heroes
Reworks continue pushed back a few more years
Promoted interns defending the bad match maker
Zero concerns for 5man, smurfs, afk/trolls destroying the game for everyone else