Balance Patch Predictions

Blizzard you are big liars, servers went down 30 minutes early.

It’s his worst in comparison, but it’s honestly a really good talent. Imo they just need to switch it to a different tier to give him a W talent at lv 1, and ofc buff the numbers on TotD to compensate.

Naz is more obligated to take spider/toad at lv 1 to do meaningful damage. Problematic design at lv1 which I’m sure is what they’re intending to fix.

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In Diablo IV.

20 things.

nice patch !

the only thing i got confused was with the speed removal of ravenous spirit at 20 :thinking: .

It now has a 5% per hit scaling damage. I guess they didn’t want that plus the move speed. It’S still a great Zoning tool.


Increased range in combination with spell power on nazeebo lvl 1 feels like complete bs. It is totally unecessary and no one can contest him with it because your vision range = spell range. It feels a little overpowered when you add in 10+10% spell damage and his gameplay turns into chromie style. Choice between either extra range or extra damage was fine before this patch.

In combination with spider talents on 4 and 7 you can easily out trade people without allowing ranged heroes opportunity to auto attack you even once while spider talents are keeping both your health and mana topped. Sure, it was possible before, but now it is drastically stronger.

Just tested the changes to Strike at the Heart and all I can say is thank you devs <3

Now you do a little bit less damage with it overall but it is much faster. It feels much better now for quick resets.

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They have most likely seen it given the recent activity on the forums.
Being annoyingly persistent about it will only serve to make them very irritated and everyone else on here when you keep spamming it.


I have my concerns but we should probably wait for it to play out before making rash judgments

Ok boomer

Haha omg, gottem, haha boomer lol. :crazy_face:


It wasn’t intended to be a roast I just couldn’t care less about his condescending naggy opinion on the matter. Whether people on the forum like me or not means less than nothing to me


don’t worry. it wasn’t.


Thanks, I appreciate you chiming in! So there’s no problem in that case and we can move on instead of getting butthurt over the matter


really sucks I can’t post links still

We’re the same age dude.

Wait, Ephraim, you’re only 12?!

Honestly, I don’t have a problem with people nagging about getting changes for their favorite heroes.

I do, however, have an issue with someone begging for buffs to balanced heroes they happen to play in one post while simultaneously demanding nerfs to balanced or underperforming heroes they struggle against in another. Which Hail tends to do a lot.

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Ok that made me chuckle.