Balance Patch Predictions

So, we are supposed to get a balance patch today. What kind of balance changes do you guys think we’ll get?

I think we’ll see some Whitemane small number buffs
I also think we’ll get more Ming buffs because why not, right devs?
I also hope for some small Genji number buffs.


Some diablo nerfs, he needs to beat tassadar already.


Expect nothing and not discounting the possibility of being disappointed. But then again every so often they positively surprise me and the small adjustments make certain heroes much more fun to play. Doesn’t take long for the current meta becomes stale and boring.

I would like to see overall improvements to all Tank role characters. They have the smallest numbers and having your standard heroes banned in the draft severely limits your choice of playing something interesting or useful.


Tracer basic attack reduced by 1.


More buffs to alarak

Given the nerfs to Anub’arak and Diablo, tank balance has gotten a little wonky. I have been seeing a ton of Mal’ganis in draft, and have been practicing him myself in QM as I am rusty with his kit. Johanna and ETC are becoming first pick/first ban, and main tank Uther has spiked a lot in popularity.

I don’t know if they will adjust Anub/Dibbles, or if they will do another tank pass, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see some changes to come to the meat shields either this week or with the next balance patch.


My cousin’s wife’s friends’ sister works for Blizzard and she wrote on Twitter that the intern who does all the proof reading for the patch notes has not come to work today which means the update is delayed until Christmas at least.


really? o god…

Not remotely enough to fix that mess, but unfortunately probable.


Actually reducing Scarlett Aegis CD like last patch notes said?


Is the balance patch still happening?

Whitemane GreatStaff tallent to actually match the text and not be less?


I have this strangest feeling we’ll see a lot of numbers movement in smaller ways and then we’ll probably see Ming up there again, and very probably Whitemane will make it up. Li Li too, since she’s probably finding herself in a decent spot with auto attacks hitting a bit of a limelight-- Qhira, and then WM and Junker got AA-centric talents.

But what I really wanna see is when they drop new Tass, if they’ll honor DrLogan in the notes. I certainly think they should.

Do we even get a patch today or not? I need to know immediately.

Devs said we should get a balance patch today and DW ptr next week.

It will probably happen later today.

Lunara dodges the patch again imo :smile:

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The suspense is killing me

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I predict:

Whitemane buffs
Lunara doesn’t dodge the patch
Junkrat RIP-Tire nerf
Nazeebo lvl 1 talent changes


Butcher buffs when?


I’d love it if that list included Kael’Thas nerfs. He have been insanely OP for far too long at this point.