During the last weeks I have seen very very often, people giving up at 3 mins. I don’t think people will enter the game JUST to ruin the game for other 9 people. It’s annoying because it happens quite often. I started thinking these accounts are made on purpose just to ruin the experience. Blizzard should pay attention to the reporting and ban these accounts.
These people (or bots) stay AFK walking around and typing on the chat. They just make the decision to stop playing but don’t leave the game. And no matter how the game is going they just stop playing.
Last game we were 3 levels ahead winning and one player ‘TerranVeloz’ just typed… “I’m done” and stopped playing and wasting everyone else time.
Blizzard please do something about this, I love this game.
Why not both? If you forced me to make a wager, I’d say most of the AFK players, are more likely to be bad/troll players, than actual bots.
I’ve noticed, too, that the majority of complaints regarding AFK or bad players, are coming from new or low level accounts. Again, just my feels, but I think many of those complaining are playing on their smurf accounts and expect the same quality of matchmaking they experience on their veteran account.
Posters to these forums, Reddit and from players I’ve met in game, backup your suspicions. Many have gone on record to say they make accounts to troll with. These people often use justifications for their actions, such as Blizzard is evil (it probably is), or claim it’s a protest against the poor report system that got them banned.
All you can do is report these people for the correct infraction and/or group up with friends if you can.
There certainly are people who do. Dumb people are willing to do everything to ruin it for others. If it then means they have to hide behind 10 burner accounts to do it to avoid getting banned then they do it.
This forum had plenty of them aswell in the past. People who would start necro 20+ threads to gain as much attention as possible just to get banned. Then come back again a week/month after on a new account and do it again.
Some probably do, but there are far more productive, and fun things to do with your precious free time. Trolling games is just sad and a waste of that time and hurts everybody, including those doing the trolling, they just aren’t self-aware to know any better.
Probably player, but I am very curious about the stats. I imagine a 30 mins game, 3 level lead where teammates kill the enemy team and then take the safest camps, waiting for other team to respawn, instead of finishing…
There’s bots too, though, don’t worry. But those ones keep feeding until game over.
It’s a very common mindset which is unavoidable for the midwit who has been subject to many years of social engineering and unspeakable medical procedures. They pay for an OF, eat at McGarbage and believe the news. Let them wallow in emo, no biggie
I said the same in my reply to the OP, why not both?
The majority of those complaining about frequent AFK players in their games, are usually playing on low level accounts, or are ARAM mains, where there is minimal matchmaking, so it’s no surprise they run into these issues more frequently.