Automatic Silence / Report NOT WORKING

Past 10 days or so, reports have completely stopped worked. I have have 5 people added on my friend list who types every game, I mean literally every game vulgar and toxic comments. Not a single one is silenced. It’s been 10 days I have them and they continue their behavior without being punished. I know the system was suppose to automatically silence once report numbers are reached but that seems to have stopped working.

To further verify this, I checked EU and NA regions public channels and surprisingly I have not seen a single player that was silenced over the span of 10 days in those channels (General and New Player Chat). You are welcome to verify this yourself.

Automatic silence / report stopped working altogether. Something is wrong, someone please take a look. Game is completely unenjoyable, I have not played a single game so far in which some people were not toxic. And now even the automatic silences have stopped so toxic people get away with it.

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To add to this - it seems reporting for abusive text chat is instead reporting for abusive voice chat. People are getting voice chat silences, but these people are not using voice chat at all. I know someone personally who has talked about the voice silence he got on himself, and he freely admits throwing abuse in text chat regularly. Since it’s only a text chat silence, he can still talk in chat.

I’ve noticed something similar with other abusive players. There are still people with voice silences abusive in chat, there have been no text silences on any players which is unusual to see over several weeks. It seems like text silences are now just voice silences.

I realise this could just be due to a lowered threshold of voice chat reports since far fewer people are using voice chat than text chat, but these silences were never showing up before and now they seem to have taken the place of text chat silences.

This is a tricky topic to bring up because the very last thing anyone wants to see is a report saying that even the automated reports that slow down harassment in chat aren’t working, and then even more players stop using even those reports.

This is one of the most important issues affecting the game.