As if Zul'jin wasn't already a menace in brawls

The new talent sounds like a blast, don’t get me wrong. But c’mon…

Still competing with Amani resilience though.


really? i don’t think I’ve ever taken that. 20 has always been something of a throw-away tier for zul’jin. The heal is nice but generally gullotine is far more useful in a brawl - mostly because of the lower cooldown. And while the buzzsaw is “amusing” sometimes, it’s hardly a requirement.

You’re likely better ZJ than me then. I tend to get into oh shi* situations with such frequency I find the talent basically a must.

Well most Zuljins in ARAM go for a spellcaster build to stack the level 7 quest. We might see more Zuljins go AA build instead. I almost welcome that.

But yeah, this might bode trouble…

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It is a level 20 talent. Level 20s are supposed to be game enders, and so I feel this works just fine.


Weak talent
20 char here

I don’t know.
Taz Dingo upgrade is hard to beat.

It’s neat, and I’m glad Zul’jin finally has a third level 20 talent, but I think this is just going to be another Forest Medicine – not inherently weak, but still unable to compete with either of his ult upgrades.

I’ll give it a try and see what I think then, but I’m not expecting to be impressed.


I think it depends how many times it bounces and the range for the bounces.

If it bounces the same range Zul can attack, it will be obscene.

Attack tank and hit his backline.
Also dont forget his passive will now stack twice as fast.

I know its a 20 lvl talent but it looks quote OP

going to agree with this. getting the half dam will be nice but semi point less. u also get a another stack but at that point in the game also pointless. well let me not say pointless just not needed, if by that point and time u are not stacked enough u should not have picked zul.

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in regular games, definitely. But in brawls it’ll be a bit one-sided.

That new talent is god awful. There is no chance you would ever take it over upgraded Tazzdingo. Two huge problems new talent has:

  1. Damage is abysmal. It’s only base damage, even if you have both targets with Q on them it won’t proc those on secondary targets so it’s around 100 damage on secondary targets.
  2. The range is abysmal. It’s somewhere around 2.5 and 3 for the chain to move to secondary target meaning they pretty much gotta hug each other.

The full AA build isn’t the best build in brawl and that talent is only high value if you take the AA build. Twin cleaver is just objectively better with Guillotine. You play from safer range and the slow and infinite stacks get more value than AA build.

The Taz upgrade is amazing if your going that build but against lots of CC Taz is weak in brawl. Buzzsaw can provide a huge finisher but is inconsistent. forest medicine can be nice but it’s not great in brawl. This new talent feels more like a nice addition to an AA build but in that build you would probably be taking the the Taz upgrade over it.

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the thing is cooldowns. Taz has a cooldown of three death timers late game, so you don’t get as much use out of it as you might need.

Brawls ment to be goof off and have fun, not omg have to win, balance this, nerf that…

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That’s a fair point. If you go AA build though it’s still probably more value and game winning potential than the new level 20 talent.

Thank you. You’re the first person to not think it’s strong

It’s not that strong. The bounce range is small and the damage is 50% of his base damage. In a regular game it could be nice for wave clear or camps but it’s not a super strong option. Both ultimate upgrades are better value.


Thank you for supporting me. Seemed like everyone was calling it op and saying I’m dumb for not thinking a bouncing auto attack was strong