Are we the forsaken?

Dude read. Im talking about here. The forums.
Its the first line of my thread.

The biggest reason I don’t like reddit is that it’s not a good format for discussion. Chronologically ranked forums are better for discussion as they don’t give preference to a comment because of how popular it may be.

Reddit, for this reason, breeds a hive mind mentality. It’s easy to see the allure of Reddit as a dev because all negative opinions can be pushed to the bottom by a white knight like community.

However, the official forums yield better discussion overall, while Reddit may highlight some glaring issues better.

Reddit was designed as a link sharing site. It’s really only good for that purpose.


I freaking love Within Temptation and that song!

Happy to see another Symphonic Metal-head in our midst.

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we are the forsaken, we will never surrender!

I think that would go a long way to help. Many people who occasionally pop into check these forums because they are “official” often don’t know about the AMA’s at all.

I encounter this often when I’m discussing something with a low post count on the forum, they are completely unaware the issue they are debating or question they have asked has already been answered or addressed in an AMA. When you link it to them, they will just deny it as they say it’s just a “Reddit thing.”


Indeed I am the biggest symphonic metal Head.

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I asked Leonblack if he read Hots forum, he actually said he thinks the ppl in here are insane. lol

So because his name is too random and generic for you, he prolly deserves it? I would bet the majority of HotS player base has a 0 forum post count. I have 2,160 games played yet only around 80 posts
 So its a bit of a wild assumption to say: if you don’t post, you don’t play.

What I take away from your post is
“civility isn’t given, its earned!” And that kind of logic can only survive on anonymous internet forums.

Here is a list with all the people that care

  • Shaden
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I made a list of several qualities that help confirm the stereotype.
I even numbered them because people don’t have the attention span to actually read past one line.

Despite that, you only reacted one thing. Another known stereotype is that people who mass block-quote (ie, quote a whole lot more than they’re actually using) didn’t actually read all of what they quote.

What I *didn’t do is spell out a massive dissertation on why stereotypes exist, I pointed out qualities on why they get confirmed. So what you “take away” from my post is
 a bad conclusion drawn from incomplete information.

It would be fantastic if, despite this being a written medium, that people actually put in the effort to read something through before sharing their assumptions.

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Because no one has ever been ill-served by a stereotype

I addressed 2 out of your 3 points
 Ill do it again.

Point 1. He has 0 posts.

  • So what? So does most of the HotS player base. There is no correlation between that and how much he plays.

Point 2. He could have asked for help.

  • Sure. He expressed frustration instead of asking for help. A crime indeed.

Point 3. He has too random/generic a name for your tastes

  • I have no idea what that opinion is based on. Most usernames I see on here seem no different.

I am not going to write a huge dissertation why stereotypes are usually wrong.

You don’t present any real reason to justify hostility
 so what else am I supposed to take away?

So we now agree about the error of making assumptions

Any other points I haven’t addressed?

Idiots are everywhere not just Reddit. All they need is a place to REEE their thoughts together thinking that they’ll represent the whole playerbase.

Apparently you cared enough to reply
add your name Horsinaround to that list :ok_hand:


Except you didn’t.

While I didn’t explain much about the particulars of that, you pretty much read the one part of the sentence and didn’t think through the implications of the later portions of what I wrote.

Could I have spelled out why it is a running gag, or what the gags entail? Sure, but there’s already a hefty bit here you don’t seem willing to consider, and there’s only so much I can condense in a post that still won’t catch your attention. But here’s part of the quirk:

If a 0 post account is made, and then leaves, then there isn’t anything for them to notice about the response afterward. That means they aren’t doing anything to address their issue, don’t want to have anything to address it, and generally persist in being their own worst problem. The approach people take to interacting with others, a willingness to consider information beyond their impulse, and even a sense of humor at something are all infinitely better qualities than chronic “I quit” posts.

You see to take the approach of assuming something is “deserved” rather than someone explaining the likely results of the consequences of seeing particular qualities. The distinction in that is that many others don’t condone the action, or rather, they may not care because the poster is probably not going to care esp due to what was actually posted.

So while you may mock the notion of “oh he expressed frustration” yes, by experience/reputation people that chronically complain make themselves miserable, fault anything else they can, and otherwise refuse to learn/change/request help etc etc. It’s not a ‘crime’ to others so much as a ‘crime’ to themselves and there’s nobody that can force someone else to let them help them. But some may try ‘negative’ approaches to see if they garners a reply that they can then use, esp since, as noted, the topic did take a more useful turn than simply mocking the OP.

That’s part of why it’s important to read things through, consider them in their whole, and not just stop a particular grammatical symbol or line break.

This is the bad conclusion. You are curbing what you read, and draw off some other tangent. The name isn’t “too random” for taste, it’s a literal indication. I gave examples of the implications of those names, the sort of conduct the have, and combined with the above, indicate why the stereotype is confirmed.

It’s not a matter of “taste” from me, so much as it is to you.

They actually aren’t. Many things in the mundane aspects of our lives break down into ‘stereotypes’, but it is problematic when they’re excessively presumptuous, reinforce negative behavior, or encourage people to not bother to notice/consider more than they already think.

But an important thing people often forget is that "stereotypes’ exist for a reason and they are not inherently negative. People may make them so, or only thing that it’s a “stereotype” once it is a ‘negative’ thing, but that isn’t the case. The capacity to notice similar patterns, or put similar variables together and repeatedly get the same results is a core aspect of learning. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and walks like a duck, than obviously is a swan! /s

As i wrote before, the extent of what you quote seems more to indicate what you didn’t consider. While it’s great you’re asking now if there’s *something" else, consider you are of the opinion that you “already did” despite

  1. missing more than you covered
  2. Neglected how the different items tie together (they’re not just line items on a list)
  3. You draw an assumption of ‘agreement’ despite not actually agreeing with the thing I wrote.

I would like people to read things through and, Instead, you pretty much repeated yourself to the point of making much of the same problems that I wrote about in my previous reply. That would confirm, for me, that issue of people block-quoting things (a stereotypical response) and despite my putting in the description/prediction of such, you still did it more than once to me.

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Thanks for the pictures in my had, after you said this

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Not forsaken, just put on a slow cooker to get the final morsels of grease out untill they try to make HotS great again or toss away the waste and pull the plug.

Long post, well done. If internet trolling ever gets outlawed
 you could be their lawyer. (jk jk
relax :slight_smile: )

Yes, I believe civility and respect is essentially deserved until proven otherwise. Just like how we would operate outside of anonymous internet forums. Since we disagree on such a fundamental point, there is no real need to argue any of the nuance.

You and I just see the world much differently, and lets just leave it at that. (and not hijack Ana’s thread anymore than we already have :slight_smile: )

everyone is running because I know that this is an extremist game and they directly participated in its creation. (I’m talking about the matchmaking system). and they know that sooner or later law enforcement officers will come to Blizzard with questions and I am sure very many will go to jail. developers, technical support staff, all accomplices, tk. 100% know how this matchmaking system works and defended it by banning the accounts of players who expressed dissatisfaction with this matchmaking system