Are the forum trust rules too harsh?

It would be good. I am still laughing from fact I lost my TL3 because one joke.


While I certainly have no issues with lowering the requirements on TL3 (this as someone who has had TL3 continuously for almost 2 years, I have no life!), maybe a more elegant solution would be to expand the list of whitelisted sites? I know YouTube, Reddit, and Blizzard sites are supposed to be whitelisted by default, but it sometimes gets buggy, and I would love to see more popular sites also on the whitelist.

Twitter, Imgur, the various wikis related to HotS, Heroes Profile, HotsLogs, Icy Veins, HeroesFire, and similar would be useful for people who are regular posters, but not fanatical ones.


Twitter is allowed.

They are intentionally ignoring whitelisiting sites that have image hosting as a main thing as to keep it a TL3 feature.

Just reduce the requirement to 20% posts read in the last 100 days.

I donā€™t like scrolling an infinite wall of text. This is why I choose the forumsā€¦ not a big reddit user either


The rules are not harsh, the rules are just flat out retarded.

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Yes, and too hidden.
I have no idea why I donā€™t have it, but I donā€™t care enough to repeatedly go out of my way to check either.

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how do you see your trust number? my trust just says member?

Because some are from countries where Reddit is banned and itā€™s not that easy to have VPN and still have a good internet latency.

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What more do I have to do to get lvl 3? Are the rules still the same?

As I understand it, the recently made it even harsher. Supposedly, they recently increased the penalty duration for being silenced/suspended from a 1-day TL reduction after the silence/suspension ends to 1 year.

I may have misunderstood (I believe Sami mentioned it, so correct me if Iā€™m wrong, Sami), but considering that I got a 1-day silence last week and I still donā€™t have TL3 back (despite definitely having read a sufficient number of posts recently), it seems to check out.

I assume they did this to try to fend off HoHā€™s bi-yearly spamfests, but letā€™s be real, if HoH wants to get around this, heā€™s gonna get around it. Itā€™s not like it affects alt accounts, and heā€™s already shown a complete willingness to use those.

You need to maintain a posts-read count of 25% or 20,000 of posts the made in the last 100 days, whichever is less.
So itā€™s a rather ludicrously high number which basically mandates that people who donā€™t spend 75% of their free time on the forums reading even the most inane posts have to speed-scroll through large threads if they want TL3.

Itā€™s literally the same for the OW forums, except the OW forums get easily 20+ times the traffic. Weā€™ve had probably only 4 non-pinned threads break 1k replies, but the OW forums have had more threads than that break 10k replies.

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Oh crap, there went my possible trust lvl plans for the coming few years.

Yes, trust lvl is too harsh.

Go to your profile Summary, go up to the address bar, and add ā€œ.jsonā€ to the end of the address.

For you, it should be


I am a bit lost there.
So which one of those trust numbers is the correct one?
I see there T0, T1, T2 and T3ā€¦

Btw it would be nice to be able to send picturesā€¦
Why am I not a T3 yet?
Probably I post too littleā€¦ :thinking:

Yes but it is 6 months not a year.

This is double edged.

So basically, if you are suspended before the change last year, you lost FOREVER.

Now, regardless of suspension type, you lose it for 6 months, but also regardless of suspension, you can still get it back in 6 months, still a very long time though lol.

More specifically this commit they did:


This is DEFAULT settings, admins can change these, it can be different for each forum, but most of them are accurate.


I donā€™t think so, mainly because when I quote a post, the quote gets usually auto-deleted, keeping only my post (not every post, sometimes it happens).

Also I canā€™t post links, nor pictures.

:smiley: I would send you a pic of my .json but cant.

You donā€™t have to do that anymore. just go to your profile page lol.


New => Level 0
Visitor => Level 1
Member => Level 2
Regular => Level 3
Leader => Level 4

Fun fact: This is a default feature for ages, idk why they disabled this in the first place.


:astonished: awesomeā€¦

now how do I post pictures? :sweat_smile:

Delete-d posts do not causes a chain reaction of deleting all posts that are quoting that post, though clicking the arrow thing of that quoted and cannot find it will just return a trash bin as it was deleted.

Otherwise that would be so counterproductive and stupid.

<img src=ā€œlink-hereā€>

Or just drop an image with spaces on top and bottom, it should auto preview, sometimes.