Are the forum trust rules too harsh?

<img src=“link-here”>

Or just drop an image with spaces on top and bottom, it should auto preview, sometimes.


IIRC moderation has nothing to do with TL, Leader can never be reached but only if so by Staff promotion, its not really a moderation title, think of it like uh, MVP?

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For finding out and managing to get through this, I give myself:

EDIT: YAY! It works! :heart_eyes:


Not using Markdown or HTML tag and it is clickable :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

:confused: (visible confusion)


basically this:

you don’t get dumb click icon :upside_down_face:


I never quite understood this requirement. It makes no sense. I don’t want to waste my life reading all the nonsense on this forum.

Basically, if the forum is dead and there’s 4 posts posted in the last 100 days.

Then you have to read 1 post.

If the forum has the activity of a social media like Twitter and gets 1 million posts in 100 days.

You don’t need 250k read, you need 20k which is what capped on.

So forums like OW and WoW who get ton of posts daily by the thousands every day, instead of requiring like 50k posts read, they need 20k, HotS has less activity in general, you would require about 10k posts read in the last 100 days or so.

Still too excessive as its not a requirement that measures quality at all. It only promotes you to skip any longer post and only read short ones. So you are very likely missing out on the posts with more quality because of that.

If post length was at least included in the measurement and an effective time value was taken, it could have done something better.

But then i remember those who make walls about how they want a surrender button. A simple “no” is much better than that entire wall in those cases. But thats only because the post they respond to is worse than their own.

It is 100 days, you can read like 100 posts every day and be on your way.

That’s an absurd amount for anyone with a life :slight_smile:

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Yes, but if a post is longer, it can take a minute to read it. This can quickly add up in time. And typicly in the better discussions, post lenght is relatively long. It to me sounds completely useless to be required to read for an hour a day to only unlock being able to post images.

And reading posts from 80 days ago on that is also relatively useless. But thats only there to measure activity over a longer period. But on that, if someone visits the forums for several years, its very likely they have been behaving well. Why have such high requirement?

The system is normaly ment to avoid spamming and misuse. And for that we have a report button.

Posts length don’t matter, anything counts as read if it was on your screen for 2 seconds, regardless of length.

The % can be changed sure, but it shouldn’t too few to the point you get it easily, you still have to work for it, otherwise you really aren’t a regular.

Again, yall make it sound as you need browse a topic, there’s people who post very little and still get it, most posts aren’t a giant essay and 50% of posts are cry babies and smack talking each other like any forum I go to literally.

You browsed the Steam TF2 forums? Yeah almost equal.

Thats 100 a day.

Just reading this thread today was 50.

I prefered the tf2maps forums. So didnt visit them very often unless it was to promote some mapping work.

I can see why, no on wants to read any of the trash content that keeps being posted, point is, there’s very quite the similarity of posts length, size, and type of content posted on both forums, it’s not hard to read a good chunk of them daily for the next 100 days.

And technically you don’t have to actually read anything, just scroll through a thread so the posts are marked as read.

This happens to me too, however I think this is only for quoted posts in which you quote the entire post of someone who posted just before you so the forums take it as a direct reply and delete the quote. I find that if you want to reply the post above you using the quote function, don’t quote their entire post, maybe 1 sentence or paragraph only, that way the forums won’t take it as simply replying to the entire post but rather a specific part of it and won’t delete your post.

All in all, I think that only happens when you’re replying to the post directly above you (so replying to the last post when you visit the thread) and quoting their entire post.

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yep its silly, grinding daily just to maintain the ability to post pictures on a forum…CRAZY!

i make art,
and i like to post it on the forums for the games that the art is for,
i don’t make much HotS art because i can’t post it!
if they’d let us post stuff (without grinding)
then i’d probably make more HotS art!


Um, you can still post links using Preformatted Text which is available to everyone, but for some reason I still see people breaking up the URL. If you don’t want to do that, then be active on the forums and read what people post. Post your input, give likes, be a part of the community. I’ve had TL3 for a long time, but its because I read through a lot of posts and post comments where I see fit and give like to things I like.

It isn’t hard to maintain. You only have to read 25% of the most recent posts (i think from the past 100 days or something). If there are 2000 posts within 100 days then you only have to read 500. The cap is 20k meaning if there are 200,000 posts made within 100 days then you don’t have to read 50k posts (25% of 200k), you only have to read 20k. I doubt there are more than 80k posts within 100 days.

The trust levels are put in place so that it isn’t easy to abuse the power you’re given. Most people won’t go through all the trouble of grinding TL3 just to be a troll or spammer, but lowering the requirements will make people reconsider. I say it should stay as it is, if you really want to post pics that much, do what is required. If you aren’t willing to do that, you must not want TL3 very badly.

Edit: fixed it, thanks Sami.

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