Are my skills waisted on illidan even if i like playing him

recently ive been messaged by the enemy telling me that im good but my skills are waisted on a bad character, i really like playing illidan and i think hes fun. (ive got about 400-500 levels on him)
i like the sustainability, the has the damage from blades of azinoth is fun, i just like getting in the middle of everything and bouncing around like a mad man until i get into the backline. his ults are fun too, hunt is hunt, its just good. but metamorphosis is interesting, theres so much stuff you can dodge, love to bate out an ult and delete it. lambs to the slaughter(gone), gorge(gone), pulse bomb pyroblast ring of frost (gone gone gone). i just play what i think is fun and i do play other characters.
is there a character that you love and play a lot, i really want to know what others opinions are on this.


Illidan is my second highest level. I love playing him a lot. Sure, some games you’re almost guaranteed to die if you show your face, but he’s so much fun when that’s not the case.
Are your skills wasted on him? I don’t think so.

Lately I’ve been enjoying playing Yrel. Maybe’s it’s that her abilities charge, or something else, but she’s very calming to play. Maybe I have idiotic unrealistic goals with her, but I want to pull off stealing a boss.


The thing is, in random games he is a subpar hero that can be easily rendered useless because he is 100% melee (not counting immolation).

Where he truly shines is as a late surprise pick in drafts where he has an Abathur to buff him & the enemy has no stunlocks or blinds.

That is a very niche scenario. But back when this game didn’t have many heroes, he was mained by lots of people.

He was played in the HGC main event by professionals in conjencture with Abathur.

In that meta and that state of the game, it was the most fearsome hero duo. Especially with those crazy Koreans being able to move and stutter-attack with him between every single step.

In a way, time drove past him. He is still viable, but there are many better melee heroes if you decide to play solo only.


the hard part with Illidan is that it can be hard to win games with him alone; compared to other heroes, he tends to need a +1 to compliment how he plays. Typically that has been Abathur, but it isn’t exclusively the case.

A number of heroes were tuned to have their support-reliant builds made baseline, and due to how polarizing Illidan be, he hasn’t really been brought to that point, so if you’re queueing alone, yea, it can be a ‘waste’ compared to other duel-soak heroes or bruisers or semi-globals.

However, if you like how he plays, and enjoy pushing yourself to excel in the gaps he makes, it isn’t a ‘waste’; the point of a game is to play it, not necessarily to win in a particular way or only with the same things everyone else does.

Though while I write that, I usually don’t have the courage to play that way myself. I like playing Kerrigan or Maiev, but usually end up taking a tank or healer instead.


Don’t take it to heart, I get weird when I’m salty. I was on a very frustrating losing streak.

I will say that I truly don’t understand why people only want to play one hero, when there are 90 of them and at least 88 of them are fun. But, honestly, it’s QM. That’s the mode where you go to play one hundred thousand Nova games because you can. I certainly go on streaks. I’ve been on an on-and-off Orphea tear for a year now, albeit with a large variety of characters between.


A wild anomaly has appeared!

You’re telling me that you’re good at the game and you choose to play a character because they are fun?!

Congrats! You’re doing the right thing and you should continue doing it.

I love how you choose fun over winning with meta heroes.


Because how you see the game is really different according to what hero you are playing and some people are really better focusing on one way to view the game, or at least are feeling better to play like that.

When you are focus playing few characters, you have literally timers in the head and other automatisms, you know exactly where you are expected to be located at each moment.
I personally dislike a lot the learning phase with a hero, it’s probably my main problem on that game and probably on all games.

When i’m playing with a character i’m not accustomed to play, i lose those automatisms and i even get a worse macro.

Also sometimes, even after thousands of games i still discover new possibilites, by exploring talents that are considered bad or that i have usually avoided in the past because i believed they had no importance. It’s something i probably wouldn’t do if i was playing the flavor of the month, i would probably copy popular builds etc.

Butchy is one of my favorite heros, but as i know, everyone dislike him. This character is even considered as a troll pick by many people, especially people high ranked in SL.


People can onetrick all they want in QM. But in ranked they atleast need to know more than one hero. What happens when your onetrick get banned ? Then they will just troll around with a bad hero and pretend they dont care about winning.

Lol. She is! I think it’s the wind chime sound effects of her hammer that brings that sense of calm.


The problem in this game is that people who enjoy melee assassins will often have a bad time. It’s the most miserable class in HotS.

The way the game works doesn’t often make it possible to hit someone several times in melee range (without dying)

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If you play QM he is in general fine to play. In ranked matches it depends on the draft. He is too easy to hard-counter but still much better than a random Butcher pick.

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Illidan is great if you are competent with timing against stuns and lane well. Don’t let the normies spoil your fun with a char they don’t understand.

I’ve always enjoyed Murky and Gaz because they lane well and can fight as they progress towards 20. In the end, lower IQ people will always have a problem with unconventional heroes.


Wow, even when giving tips you can’t help yourself…


There’s a certain group of people who persistently dislike truth

This is true. Especially for you. But, that is not what I’m talking about.


Well kid, I wish I disliked truth, life would be more blissful, which you may not be surprised to hear…appeals to lower IQ folk. Unconventional heroes are simply harder for simple people to figure out.

Mighty hypocritical of you since you’re speaking from current experience.

Morbidly impressive your unwavering blind devotion is to insult and belittle everyone with every post you make.

Just from the way you speak here, one can only assume that this comes naturally to you or you do this on purpose because you love being a jerk. Either way, being the biggest :ok_hand: is not ok, nor is it something to be proud of.


You’ve answered your own question there.


Just put him on ignore. He got a hard on for lower IQ people casue he cant get the attention from people with higher IQ then himself.


I’m sure I did a while back. But, yeah, I felt like taking the bait this time.

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