I am masters on 2 accounts too, but I tend to avoid arguing against statistical facts with the experience of my small sample of personal games…
I don’t believe stats in websites and prefer to count on my own statistics during games.
I am guessing that you dont work as a statistician… the websites are certainly more accurate than your own very, very small sample of games.
Im not that much into dva that i know those details. But i was using it as an example to make the situations in which it is usefull more clear. (and in this case, i just extended the icyveins text relying on it to be correct - which appears it wasnt).
The talent is just a good example of being massive bait towards new players, which only see the potential of high damage, while in most cases being counter productive, but can synergize extremely well with some heroes, which in turn makes it sometimes a very good choise.
Not a lot of talents are like that, and it shows that the talent is actualy well designed. Its just sad that its being poorly chosen a lot, which is why guiding people towards other talents should be important here.
There is a common saying in german that translates roughly:
Never trust a statistic you haven’t faked by yourself
Which means, every statistic has her flaws given by a tiny database, preselected data or wrong assumptions.
Dangerous words
But true. I learned much more from forum people then icyveins
Iv has some ok stuff and some real trash. Whats worse is they dont update them that often. I remember seeing a jaina build that still had envenom almost 18 months after it was hard nerfed and a 6 months after they removed it. It is not a good place to go for a beginner.
Some of the chat channels like mfpt is a much better place. I know if i am there and you ask i will help, but not with every hero.
Personally, I would look at Heroes Hearth before I looked at Icy Veins if I wanted someone else to pick my build for me.
They’re not horrible. I think you should make adjustments in game on what you’re trying to accomplish with your hero. Make sure you pick your talents based on the map, your team, your enemy team, and how you want to play your hero. Its a guide for beginners or someone learning a hero for the first time. The notes kinda tell you what talents synergize with each other which is helpful for beginners.
You’re the worst kind of dva player…
I used to always go bunnyhop + nuke on infernal shrines. Most of the time the enemy couldn’t afford to back off for 7 seconds bc it would let us win objective. If they stayed then wed use cc and force them to remain in circle. Not to mention that when people run away from bomb their positioning goes to hell.
Why thank you, as the number one annoyance to the enemy team I take it as a compliment. I generally shift my talents depending on how effective the enemy team is to counter D.va’s usual shenanigans. If they fail to interrupt me till level 4 I go down on the humiliation route and pick “Get Through This” to make my Defense Matrix last “forever”. Or however long the enemy realizes they shouldn’t stand in it, mind I usually flank and make sure the evasion path basically either forces them to disengage and abandon the fight or run into my team. I also use Rush-Down for micro boosts where I cross distances just enough to get into range before the enemy counterattacks and then mess up whatever blowup comp they had in mind. I keep rotating on the map, always adding +1 during teamfights or clear minion waves nobody else has time for. I am a flying wet blanket, that’s my typical job as a D.va player… and I love it.
I guess this also explain why I learned to love the reworked Whitemane…
Ok nevermind. I was talki g about the big shot cdr dvas. Those are the worst. Its either that the enemy knows how to stun and they’re useless or they don’t and you’re top dmg, soak, ect. Literally no in between. Defense matrix takes skill and is helpful to team.
Didn’t use them even once.
I do take Big Shot whenever I get forced out of my mech more often than I’d like. The range of Big Shot is enough to avoid CC and operate from the backlines so I wouldn’t call it useless. But I generally rely on GG WP the most to earn my mech back (and before that I AA stuff). Big Shot just helps when you are having a hard time to get close or you aren’t allowed to leave the fight. I admit I wish I could take Bunnyhop more often but since I play QM I get maybe one out of every three matches that way. Most often it’s just down to me being forced to pick fights without the healer topping me off. It’s really annoying when healers think just because I can throw away my mech I should do that to avoid feeding a kill to the enemy. I play as an off-tank and D.va has no actual self-sustain so my “in and out” speedy style does require healer attention.
what the hell is wrong with army of hell. I love 2 warriors.
Its not bad it just doesn’t do anything more than 1 would most of the time. 1 can scout bushes or tank a skillshot.
I do like army vs heavy melee but i don’t disagree with icy veins on this tier.
Yes they are as we speak, highly recommended, over the past 3 months a lot of their content was changed dramatically by verified GM players and others game nerds from Wind Striders Discord after some reddit post throwing out criticism over the work of some Overlay feature Icy Veins made.
And still doing so, I’ve been up over their progress and even their guides are heavily worth the shot right now, well most of them.
I like Army of Hell combined with E-build where I attack a less mobile or out of position target and before the channel finishes I also add a duo of Demon Warriors to the enemy. It also meshes with my new style which uses Demon Warriors to soften up waves before I drop my Q on them. In which case the doubled damage does more for me than getting more durable or multiple casts of Demon Warriors. Not to mention it saves me mana which I used to struggle with while using Battleborn. It gives me more mana, easier baseline questing and in lategame they could be extra damage. Two demon warriors are also more reliable against people who expect summons to block skillshots, IMO. But I only returned to playing Azmo just recently.
Explains to me why the Whitemane guide took a complete 180 and now represents the reality with her builds.
Yeah I even gave my share of contribution over the Tracer guide section which was a complete embarrassment, in comparison to previously and now (and even before the rework) it’s far FAR better than before.
I would say they are surely recommended now, as long as they keep things up to date which I’m hopeful.
This is nice to hear actually. For the longest while I avoided icyveins because a lot of the time it didn’t make sense and I even told some of my friends to avoid it. Good to hear it’s been getting some love to make it a better resource.