ARAM - Pleaes remove 10 man mirror matches

Is it really easier, though? By the time you quit out the game you’re playing and then log out and log into a new account and queued up again, you would have already finished playing that mirror game.

With exceptions like all Probius, most MM games don’t last longer than a regular ARAM. You’re making a massive fuss over something akin to a scraped knee. I told you where you have the best chance to have your complaint heard (the Hots Subreddit), but you clearly prefer to post here for all the attention you’re receiving.

Instead of discussing the issue, you resort to personal attacks, which I gather is easier than taking personal responsibility for your own actions. If you really cared about this issue (beyond endlessly complaining about it), then you would seek out the one random Dev on Reddit who is in a position to perhaps address your issue.


At least give me an opt-out option. 10 out of my 10 mirror matches ended at lv25+. Not a single of them ever ended before lv20. It’s just a torture.

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they ruined QM by introducing ARAM now they ruin ARAM with MM’s .

Saying that this forum is full of friends that band together and bully people like you is just you making up lies cause you got nothing better to write. Constructive posts will always be respected while troll posts will be treated as such and ignored.

You never tried to contact one so how do you know ? And if the devs really has no relevance to you then why should your opinion matter to them ? They have tried to please minorities like you for too long and now game is like it is now.

No it only hurts the players you are forcing to play in a disadvantage and force those to leave aswell just to get into leaver que with you again where you again will leave if you cant get what you want and force your team to be stuck in leaver que forever since you need to win to get out.

At this point you properly dont care about those do you ? You are playing a team game not a singleplayer game so saying you leaving games has no inpact is just pure nonsence. You are wasting other players time and will end up getting reported for doing so.

That is properly why you hide on multiple accounts so if one get banned you can just continue your mission to ruin games on another and that is what trolls do. They dont care about others time.

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There has been a lot of studying done on the relationship between paranoia and narcissism. Our boy Blizzbane here exibits MANY of the traits of a narcissist and the fact that he thinks there is some group of BFF’s banding together on the forums is a clear example of his paranoia.

I googled “narcissism paranoia” and one of the first results seems to describe his stance to a T.

" Paranoid narcissists often display paranoid behavior as a result of their inflated sense of self-importance and lack of empathy for others"

Anything there sound familiar?


I like this community, but I’ve never played a game of Hots with anyone in this community, or talked privately on discord, or had any interaction outside the forums. So where I’m concerned, your accusations of a “friendly” conspiracy, are unfounded.

Most of the people here are very generous with their time, they freely share their knowledge of all things Hots, and they have been patient and respectful with me over the years.

If they can tolerate me, they will tolerate you, too.

Also, I’ve yet to see anyone attack you personally. People have rightfully told you not to leave matches and said you should take responsibility for your actions, which I think are fair and very mild statements considering your combative tone.

The Dev(s) DO listen!. This is precisely why we have the “problem” you’re complaining about. A Dev asked on Reddit if people wanted Mirror games added back to ARAM, and the people there said yes. So literally, the Dev listened.

That’s why I have told you to take your complaint over to Reddit, but I suspect you know your post will be downvoted and ignored, as the community on Reddit is far less forgiving and patient than the community here on the forums.

Did you know Hots is in maintenance mode? I’m sure you do, and I’m confident you’re aware that nobody in Blizzard is going to care if you leave mirror games. This is just another flimsy justification you cling to, so you can shirk any personal responsibility for your actions.


I agree this mirror match-up is awful.


I don’t know how much Aram the people up here are playing. But it’s always the same bunch of people saying it’s a good mode. I would love to see your aram stats


asking for aram stats is like asking for a glass teapot, the premise is there but when you taking the factors that A) there be no skill based matchmaking B) you cannot control which 3 characters you get and C) you cannot control what 3 characters that your enemes don’t get. you’ll find that it’s completely null and find out these “aram stats” are like everything else in aram completely luck based

but you already know, that otherwise you wouldn’t have said such a stupid idea.


I don’t care about win rates only the number of games played. I don’t wanna listen to the opinion of someone who barely plays the game mode to give an opinion on it. You can’t say your opinion is strong and valuable when you barely play it, to begin with.


and nobody wants to listen to you sweetheart
yet you continue to plague everyone with your constant badgering

so is your constant bickering


Leaver que is eating good these days with all those quitters.


or it’s you not making much a distinction on what is being said what with your <25 minutes of reading time on the forums.

The capacity to call something ‘cancer’ doesn’t usually mean much, and it usually done by those that ‘don’t care’ about much else.

It’s also not like people need to ‘post their stats’ and you could pull up samplings on heroes profile. I’m the only xenterex there

so I have some 1400 games on their records, though I don’t think you would have read what I “always” say to match up your opinion with your claim.

On the other hand,

you have some 1800 games on HP for aram, with ~78% of that being a 5-stack pugstomper. Based on some opinions given on stacks vs non, I think you’re going to find some replies regarding what they think is “cancer” for aram to be different from yours :thinking:


whilst I understand you prove a point

but why does everyone have to stalk everybody else when it comes to these “debates”?

  1. In this case, some posters ask for stats. Granted, they may do so because they assume said figures will match their perspective (so they don’t actually want to know) so there’s a way to get an appraisal of some stats without having to try to friend/whisper a account and look up a profile.

  2. It’s something a bit more than just a claim. It’s not a small secret that most of the posters on the forums that complain do so with the same avatar. Finding a heroes’ profile account can confirm if said account actually plays the game, or just made a new forum account to repeat the same things over and over again.

  3. To show people how to find information for themselves. The internet is a powerful tool for information that is generally underutilized because people don’t want to actually ‘know’ about something, they just want to confirm that they’re “right”

A key part of the usual “argument” that comes with game-complaints is the assumption that anyone who disagrees with an OP must not be the ‘same’ as they are: they play less games, aren’t as skilled, have cerebral palsy, etc etc

The usual topic is a form of a “No True Scotsman” so the position is less about actual “argument” and just trying to disqualify dissenting opinion by acting like it “doesn’t count”. People that do this tend to have demonstrable double-claims in their position – such that they don’t even meet their own standard – so the insistence they’re stressing on superficial qualities wouldn’t actually convince or dissuade them, but they’ll still try to claim so anyway.

The issue isn’t so much “oh I have to stalk someone” but rather, to demonstrate that much of the usual issues people go out of their way to complain about aren’t the actual problem they are having. It’s much easier for someone to find something to blame, assume something has to be ‘wrong’ with that position, and so long as people have that thing to blame, they won’t consider any other action or fault on their end.

When the game is in a ‘maintenance mode’, the only update to the player experience is their own perspective. For people that convince themselves of falsehoods and then claim something is ‘cancer’, the metaphorical solution is for them to give themselves chemo as the rest of us aren’t the “real” protagonist of someone else’s life. I am an anonymous “NPC” to anyone else that isn’t me. “Xenterex” is just an internet boogieman that writes such atrocious as “paragraphs” and “compound sentences” – the fiend!

Posting a link to Heroesprofile – flawed as is it is – is a way of pointing out that “Xenterex” isn’t just saying “xenterex” things as the usual reaction to what I post is going to be “oh [you] must be a shill for blizzard” since assuming someone is being ‘paid’ to actually think through their problems and not mire about in adolescent tantrums is a simpler conclusion than for them to consider how lazy, ignorant, and banal they’re being.


So much this. I think there are only 3 unique accounts, making multiple (what should be considered spam) complaint threads. In so many occasions, their attitude and behaviour creates or compounds the very “problem” they are complaining about. They administer some kind of “purity test” to any forum regular, that they fail to meet themselves, due to a lack of self awareness, or deliberate intention.

The daily complaint posts about something as trivial as Mirror Games in ARAM, has basically dissuaded me from bothering with this forum. As you noted, most of these threads/posters are lazy, ignorant, banal, and I will add to that list that they are basically spam/vandalism. Many of these threads would have once been removed as spam by mods, sadly, no more.


Why do some players hate mirror matches?

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Because they got too high expectations for it and think aram should be like ranked with proper teams. They got no clue what ‘‘All random all mid’’ really means.

  1. it’s different.
    Even as kids, people can take a strong aversion for anything being different than what they already ‘know’ so the impulse is to dislike it and peter about the game to confirm that is is ‘bad’

  2. ‘forced’ to play a role.
    A number of aram ‘mains’ typically stick to one role, or prioritize particular heroes and complain if they don’t like their selections. With everyone having the same thing, they feel ‘forced’ to play ‘bad heroes’

  3. Players are bad.
    The game experience isn’t as much fun when everyone is playing skill-dependent heroes and they don’t know how to hit their skill shots. People will complain about games that are too long or too short in aram, and it only swings those extremes when people don’t know what they’re doing with the hero.

  1. Bad builds.
    The quick expectation is that people want anyone else to be the role that they aren’t playing, but they won’t vary the builds enough to actually adapt to the particular game. Granted, some of the aram mirrors are not good heroes for the mode, esp since they don’t have good talent variety, but it’s not uncommon to find players that don’t know what to pick, copy someone else that’s playing differently than they are (eg, one player takes all defensive talents to bait/frontline and someone matches those picks, but they’re playing backline) and effectively not have talents. In battles that dogpile or swing unexpectedly, giving yourself an unwanted handicap can make the game feel ‘worse’ esp for players that are simply looking for something to blame.

I’ve gotten in a couple more mirrors lately, and while some do moan about the mode, leavers are scarce and some players admit that the game went better than they were expecting. It’s an easy thing to scapegoat right now, and if enough of the players don’t know what they can do with the matches, they’ll default to assuming it’s going to be a bad time because it’s different than typical aram matches despite those having much of the same issues.


It’s hard to say, really. Most of the people creating threads asking for its removal can’t provide a solid argument to discuss. They typically just claim that a few players leave these matches and therfore they come to the conclusion that “nobody likes this mode.” Then, when someone attempts to educate them on how the game works, they essentially put their fingers in their ears and shout, “LA LA LA LA LA LA, I CAAANT HEEEAR YOU!”