ARAM players who play blame game - I'll pick who I want

It isn’t that they are bad that is the problem here. If someone dies 10x in 5 minutes I don’t say much b/c nothing I can say can fix the issue and it is every man for themself. Worry about your own play.

It’s an ego issue. It’s the fact that around level 10ish the two tanks decided to mouth off to me while respawning about how I sabotaged their game by not picking Morales. They kept running in solo and dying to Greymane + others then blamed me. One even said something like “I never get to fight against a bad comp like ours, only get stuck with them!” like the game was over. Anyway, I carried them HARD and they were all like “I can’t believe we won!” at the end but I told them they won because I am a much better Junkrat than Morales basically. I told them the truth, that they got carried.

Why lie about it? If people don’t start telling these players the truth they’ll think they are a lot better than they really are and then start applying this to real life. I don’t want to see anyone get hurt or burnt down by their own inflated ego when things crash down, so I’m nice enough to be objective and tell them the hard truth.

The nerve of these two delusional players to say I got carried when I felt like I’d need back surgery after all the carrying I did in that game, often holding off an entire team while they respawned…it’s a thankless job. Again, D4 when?