ARAM Community Tier List

Hi, this is hopefully going to be a community tier list that continually gets modified as we all try and come to a consensus as to which heroes belong in what tier. Here’s the general framework I’m going to be working under:

S - Heroes who are exceptionally strong in ARAM under almost any circumstance.
A - Heroes who generally preform well in ARAM, due to having their strengths emphasized in the mode or simply being strong in their own right.
B - Heroes who preform decently well in ARAM, but don’t stand out. They might be more map or team comp dependent than other heroes in A and S tier.
C - Heroes who struggle in ARAM, either by being too dependent on matchup or simply being not as good as other options.
D - Heroes who generally do poorly in ARAM, due to one or more glaring weaknesses.

Within each individual tier, the Heroes will be organized alphabetically to avoid pointless arguments about which of two very similarly powerful heroes are actually better.

Ill start off here, with my personal opinions as a baseline position for various Heroes, and then we can hopefully work from there in order to try and make the tier list as accurate as possible.


  • Li Ming
  • Mephisto
  • Uther
  • Zul’jin


  • Anub’arak
  • Cassia
  • Deckard
  • Imperius
  • Junkrat
  • Lucio
  • Mei
  • Stukov
  • Zarya


  • Alexstrasza
  • Anduin
  • Azmodan
  • Chromie
  • Kael’thas
  • Malfurion
  • Muradin
  • Nazeebo
  • Orphea
  • Rehgar
  • Thrall
  • Zagara


  • Ana
  • Garrosh
  • Gazlowe
  • Gul’dan
  • Kel’thuzad
  • Sonya
  • Tassadar
  • Tychus
  • Varian


  • Artanis
  • Blaze
  • Brightwing
  • Deathwing
  • Falstad
  • Jaina
  • Johanna
  • Raynor
  • Rexxar
  • Valla


  • Alarak
  • Arthas
  • Auriel
  • Diablo
  • D.Va
  • E.T.C.
  • Hanzo
  • Hogger
  • Lunara
  • Maiev
  • Mal’ganis
  • Qhira
  • Stitches
  • Sylvanas
  • Whitemane
  • Xul


  • Dehaka
  • Fenix
  • Genji
  • Greymane
  • Lt. Morales
  • Medivh
  • Ragnaros
  • Tracer


  • Li Li
  • Malthael
  • Tyrael
  • Zeratul


  • Chen
  • Kharazim
  • Nova
  • Probius


  • Kerrigan
  • Tyrande
  • Yrel


  • Butcher
  • Illidan
  • Murky
  • Samuro
  • Valeera


  • Abathur
  • Cho’gall
  • Leoric
  • Sgt. Hammer
  • The Lost Vikings

You’re encouraged to post here and voice your opinions if you disagree with the placement of a hero, but please explain your position (i.e. please give a more persuasive reason than “OP in ARAM”). If a general consensus seems to have been reached with the community, I’ll update the list accordingly.


i’d probably agree with most of the list :slight_smile:
Butcher is a weird one he’s either D or S depending on if there is a garrosh/stitches
or someone to feed him, and also if he plays safe and gets his quest.
a fed butcher is pretty faceroll in aram,
but a bad butch who charges in and dies is as worthless as murky XD

i would say that arthas is criminally low on the list though :yum:
between permaslow and root he is a cc master and his damage is also suprisingly good for a tank,
he also has nice self sustain (full deathcoil build ftw!) and Sindragosa is amazing for pushing :smiley:

This list is a joke.


please post constructively. If you disagree, explain why.


I would swap Deckard and Uther because Uther sucks at healing poke dmg.


It’s ARAM…
There are globes everywhere to heal poke damage.
Or you just die and respawn.
Besides which, Uther just takes Holy Shock and walks into most pokes like they don’t matter.
But I think Uther is just S tier in general.

I do think melee assassins in general just have a hard time in this game, and that it’s made worse in ARAM where everyone is always grouped up and killing people who are laning or rotating isn’t an option.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t still have fun playing Valeera in ARAM.

When only mastered heroes are taken into consideration:

Since Heroesprofile doesn’t register hero levels like in other leagues, I’ve done it by hand. As we know and can see, safe poke and sustain are king.
Stat taken from HP Aram and hero difficulty. Very hard gives 6% WR while easy takes away 3% WR. I’ve made minor adjustments on some heroes like Sonya to reflect her good talents.

I’d put Probius, Maiev, Medivh and Hanzo higher, but since they lack sustain and safe poke as a whole, they get less value than expected when put on a random draft.


Personally, I would put Arthas higher, as his self-sustain is very strong, and although he doesn’t have poke, Sindy is insane in ARAM.

His gap close is weak against the top ones and being sticky is his thing, so he gets less value in most cases.

Thanks, lucifer. This seems more accurate to me.

Edit: But I would like to see Ragnaros higher, because if needed he can still go W build and being a mage like DW and SS/Moltencore is also great.

I am also just wondering why Fenix is so low in ARAM…

Some issues, I would rank rexxar way lower, most of the time he is just a stack magnet for stacking heroes. Rexxar main role is that he is a very good solo laner and…pretty useless in ARAM.
Tracer and Genji need to go way lower, most of my ARAM’s they do no damage and especially in ARAM’s with no healers they are soooo bad to have.

Also wondering why Sylvanas is low on both lists, would think her W stacking quest at 1 would be good, especially against a heavy frontline enemy team and she can delete the single wave instantly and shutdown the tower and keeps which help pushing with low death timers.

Rag’s W is very avoidable especially against good players.

Fenix has a good sustain, but not on constant fights. He can get out poked and his large hitbox doesn’t help either.

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Sure it is, but he also has his E that can be casted on beefy frontliner for zoning. Rag has so much zoning potencial so I am surprised that he isn’t succesful.

Before I give feedback about the heroes positions, I do want to say that dividing the tiers even further (into “A+” “A” “A-” etc.) is unnecessary.

What is the actual difference between A+, A, and A-? The minor differences between heroes of the same rank are irrelevant in a tier list, and there are no numbers to show those differences anyway. It also makes the list look like a wall of tl;dr and it’s very off-putting. I’d condense them back into the standard system.


Azmodan should be A tier, and Ana S tier.

If you lose with Ana on your team, you were going to lose no matter who you brought.

Rexxar is also over-valued, and should be B tier.

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S tier
Agree for the most part.
Mephisto is indisputably number one. Damage is insane, poke is insane, his self sustain with that one globe talent is insane.
Not totaly sold on anub for S tier. His long range engage is really good but I think his reliance on needing a healer holds him back just enough to bot be S. Hes still good tho, dont get me wrong.

A tier
No complaints here.

B tier
As someone who actually plays deathwing, I can attest to him not being bad in aram.

C tier
Yrel should be B tier imo. Her sustain and disengage is pretty good and she can do halfway decent healing and sense shes a briuser and not a healer, your team can have a healer while the other team does not which us pretty unfair : p
Idk where id put luna. Shes pretty broken against teams with out healers but against teams with, shes just ok.

D tier
I’ve got the biggest issues with this tier :stuck_out_tongue:
I agree with others that arthas is better then he looks.
Id bump probe up to C atleast. He does lack sustain but his small size, fast speed, and shield talents go a long way towards protecting him and the pylon shield talent at 13 is insane in aram. If you’ve got a team that can actually start fights, probe essentially has flamestrike on a 3 second cooldown which is pretty good.
Hanzo should atleast be on the same tier as ming. He does lack sustain but with some of the longest ranges in the game, he shouldn’t need sustain.
As bad a rep as nova gets, snipe spam build aint that bad in aram :stuck_out_tongue:
For maiev, I feel like anyone with 1v5 potential should atleast not be in the bottom tier. Aside from that, she can start fights which is valuable for teams that lack poke or healers and fan of knives spam shreds tanks.

Why are Genji and Tracer even on the same letter as Azmo, Kael, and Diablo?

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He doesn’t really need a healer if you build and play him carefully. Beetle build and holding E for either an escape or a guaranteed kill makes him surprisingly durable in ARAM. Cocoon if you have the follow up damage, or Locust Swarm if there is literally no healer and your assassins are asleep at the wheel. One reason he shines in ARAM is all of the walls everywhere, making it easier to escape cleanly, or to do the “Surprise! Beetle!” flanking attack from out of vision.

The only tank I have more fun playing in ARAM is Blaze, but you saw that last night. :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, I can’t really disagree with you for most of them.
My best heroes in aram include Hanzo, Probius, Maiev and Yrel. So, heh.

I could make an other list portraying heroes when put on balanced comp. It would look quite different. It’s just less reliable when the mode is a lot RNG based.

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I think heroes profile in general isnt an accurate source for aram if your going for a list that assumes people are good at the hero they got. Difficulty plays a huge factor in how good a hero is in aram in general and throwing that out the window and assuming mastery will really shake up an aram tierlist.
Most of the heroes in the D and C tiers aren’t easy heroes that anyone can pick up for the first time. I think this kinda aram tierlist almost has to come from personal experience.
Probe and maiev are the biggest examples of this.

Blaze is a ton of fun in aram :smiley:

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