Anyone having issues with SL?

I usually don’t run into the same players often. But It started to happen a lot recently.

Also, I’ve been on queu for the last 10 minutes now. (I had actually forgotten about it while browsing)

Depends from rank. In diamond-master you will meet same people a lot in the enemy or your teams.

I made some friends with people I met a lot because anyway I couldn’t avoid them.

If you need a proof - enemies ban my niche pick if they see me vs them.

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I just never had that long of a queue time before. I just gave up.

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Lol, my highest was 30+ minutes.

Well, outside of when it’s bugged I mean :slight_smile:

It might be because the season still has just over a month to go. This combined with slower hero releases and content updates, perhaps people are just playing other games until something new lands.

I imagine the number of players will pick up in the last 2 weeks of the season as you often get those players D5 and below quickly jumping in to do their placements.

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