Anyone else thinks that this game is best in small doses?

I go through cycles with this game. I’ll play it a little, have alot of fun. Then i’ll go through massive playtime periods and start getting massively tilted. Then stop playing for about a month or so. If I’m irregularly playing 3ish games a day I think this is the best game in the unvierse. The bad players make me laugh, the wins feel great, ect. How often do you play? Does it change how much fun you have?


Most games (especially the competitive ones) are like this imo. But petsonally I didn’t go through this.

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Indeed and it’s only natural that it works like this, because if you play more, your expectations will increase and you want higher rewards and if you don’t get it, you starts tilting more.

Yea, I don’t have the motivation to play a lot anymore. Feels like a job.

A couple games a week seems like the sweet spot now, at least from the perspective of a player who isn’t really interested in hitting Master and only wants a few quality games once in a while.


Nope. There is always a game throwing afk waiting and that is never fun.

Thats how I felt it the past months. But then I just learned to deal with the frustations this game sometimes gives you cause you cant do anything to prevent it. You will get bad/good games sometimes mostly bad.

I also stopped caring about hard stomps in qm cause I know its not worth my time trying to win a game that already is 100% win in favor of enemy comp. I just do what I can to enjoy what little thier is to enjoy while losing everything you have on the map.

And then if i’m lucky i might get a one in a million comeback and win if enemy gets too overconfident.

Most of the time I can play any game for a couple months before moving onto to another, usually in a cycle of games. The flavor of the month this time around is HotS, Skyrim, and Command and Conquer: Generals Zero Hour with the Shockwave mod. Diablo 3 was on the table but was shelved quickly.

It can be pretty easy to burn out on this game.
There are some things that make it more fun, like finding like-minded individuals to party with, switching up your heroes and finding out you actually really enjoy playing Probius or some other off meta dude, maybe some casual aram.

The more often you play the more likely you are to continually run into some nonsense that just starts to sour everything.

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Godswaps never get old.

But bad godswaps from allies get old quickly.

Variety is the spice of life and all that.
Whether it comes to playing this vs doing other things, or doing godswaps vs the other swaps.

That’s just a normal swap.

My biggest issue is disappointment. The more you play, the more disappointed you can get (based on the luck of the matchmaker and the available potatoes of various quality). Going from one game that is fun and fair to an unwinnable nightmare full of morons and ego battles.

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Nah, I call them suicide swaps.
Which are what most sub plat players seem to try.

If you’re not committing go die why even play Artanis?
The enemy team isn’t gonna 5v1 me themselves, ya know.

My life for Aiur!

If I’m only taking the game in small doses, why spend half of it dead?
That’s a question to some of my allies.

ADD and Alt+Tab go well together

Small doses? How? If I play 1 game, it’s always “10 hours later…”.

Yes, i usually played more. Today i play ALOT less cuz it doesn’t take long to get miss-matches where 2 teams has a ridiculous gap in cooperation which makes you lose intrest to play anymore matches.

I think all of my old games are like that. I have a few that rotate in and out. HotS is a daily play, but most times just a game or two. Then on some days I feel like playing more and will go till I run out of time.

I still enjoy the game a lot. It’s just other stuff takes priority now. When I first got hooked on it, none of the “Play 8 Games” quests ever saw 2 days. Now I do most of those in 2 - 3 days, rarely playing 8 in a single day.

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