Anybody can see that every change is about a 10% effort

New QM rules? Added XP bonuses?

No sort by xp bonus. No sort by estimated wait. Longer queue times and no ready check. Result: many afk at start of match. XP bonuses seem arbitrary. No list view.

Tutorial: Hovering over talents blocks the “recommended” label causing easy miss clicks and screwed up tutorials. That’s how you learn but you can’t create an account and go to menu or see the game options without choring through the tutorial which nobody wants to do when it’s forced.

Maps are gated on new accounts but no where is that described. No map layout tab nor tips and strats tab yet game is constantly changing to help new players just death ball.

Silence system to police people. Fully automated, no oversight. No honesty from blizzard about its process (watch azmondangold’s silence video in wow). Silence system was a failure. UPdate was to make harsher penalties. Game population dwindles. Non-toxic people fear random bans, make new accounts. Not a good atmosphere for play, competition, growth.

Only updates we get are broken maps, gem only bundles on desperation fan service (who are these fans that like Orphea content and thiccs?), reworks nobody asked for amidst dozens of constant overshadowing problems. No ethical change to matchmaker regarding even skilled players and potato carries.

Blizzard has no trust in their players. No enemy chat. Option to turn off allied chat. Extremely short post game screen. No chat possible. Removed auto fill in whispers to opposing team. (Are they bots?) Infinite options to block people. Block whispers from non-friends. It’s like a parent that has no idea how to guide their children and simply say, “Go to your room.” “But he’s bothering me, slipping notes under my door.” “Here’s a door guard. Just turn 25 already and leave.”

Can’t make individual stats progress go live without serious problems. Can’t publish how it works because they don’t want to change the game. Installs it in secret and then coyly lols at us saying “It’s been running in the background all this time.” What can you tell us, Blizzard? What can you tells us that isn’t labeled “Top Secret” or higher? It’s a video game.

Why change a game to fix a minor issue when the issue is caused by your 10% effort? Where are the in game tutorials? Where is the community support linked in game for people to submit tutorial vids? Why are we so dependent on Reddit?

Why is Raynor killing Nazeebo in the veteran tutorial multiple times? Why are heroes more and more overpowered for brawling while map strategy becomes non-existent? Is it too difficult to balance all the skill ranges?

Why no mmr reset for HL even though it has gone through Duo queue phase and seed from QM phase? Why no guilds? Why erode the integrity of TL before adding guilds and a leader board? Why no tournament tab for players and teams to organize events in game which can take their time? Why bribe twitch stream views when there have been no efforts to the game where needed?

Why do so many talent tiers have changes to the same ability? Why has mobility not been reworked? Why aren’t there towers next to the forts? Why don’t the forts and keeps do AOE damage?

Why f2p chicanery? Why not 1 annual update for 30-40-50 bucks depending on what skin bundles and emote bundles you want in your hero pack purchase each year? It could be a tier system like standard, ultimate, collector’s. It could be a flex price based on what was able to be packaged that year. Why not constant progress updates on heroes in progress instead of this bait and switch teaser play? Why expand the f2p model with boosts when governments around the world including our own now, are investigating micro transaction and loot box schemes?

Why so little communication on the forums? Why such favoritism as illustrated by AMAs? In the age of botnet and censorship, why charades with Reddit? Where is Cairne? Where is the time for 50 more questions? Oh look, 5 hours until next post.

Why do trash talkers or anybody that upsets someone earn the same punishment as hackers?

Why were supports nerfed across the board if one wasn’t strong enough on its own?

Why does internal testing give grounds to the Blizzard think tank to assume infallibility? How do you test queue times with active player population? Was it tested? Was it known queue times would go up in length with QM changes? Why no ready check? Because the report system is good?

The report system is a bandaid. And we’re expected to hit report afk for players that afk for 10 minutes waiting for a match, and are afk during the whole match because they became preoccupied, forgetting that they queued. That’s not what the report system is for. The report system isn’t necessary for when players come from OW to do cross over event quests for skins in OW. The report system doesn’t fix those thrown matches. The report system shouldn’t be the bandaid to fix frustration with the matchmaker. Why are players of higher skill forced to play with players with lesser skill after winstreaks? Why did blizzard lie about this in official posts? There are thousands of people that identified the pattern and quit, yet there is no rational discussion on these boards because people aren’t smart enough to discuss the topic. Inb4 “Grubby sez if you are at your skill, you will win 50% of your matches.” Why then am I playing with people not at my skill level when I’m on a winstreak or a loss streak?


I agree.

In before post is banished.

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First time I’ve been challenged to accept an OW fan. Thanks.

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It defeats the purpose of a matchmaker to manufacture wins and losses. It rewards good fortune rather than skill.

It’s pretty clear when someone isn’t on the same page when they make the same mistake several times in a game, insult you when you ask them to play more carefully, and then you check their profile and they’re a full 7 ranks below you.

I quit Overwatch for the same reason. You get players who are “vaguely” near your skill level and the matchmaker says “this is fine”. The system doesn’t do a good enough job of segregating players of different skill level. You get punished for someone being on your team who shouldn’t. Again, skill is irrelevant. You’re entirely at the mercy of whether or not your team has more feeders than the other team.

It’s a waste of time to try and improve because while you can’t carry*, the game can be lost in one fell swoop because the player who shouldn’t be in your game to begin with overextended past 20 and died for nothing.

*Yes, GMs who tanked an account to bronze or made a smurf, you can carry out of Bronze-Gold when your actual skill level is about a 4000 MMR difference. For the rest of us, this is impossible, and a falsehood. You cannot carry in this game.


All this silence and agreement so far is a rare joy. Thank you, fanbois, for the utter stumpeditude.

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I did have a different sort of response in mind to this cuz I read this here before your reply to me in another topic, and well, to tl;dr for the expectations here:

Your post is all over the place. Front view of the page says this only has 54 views at the time of my writing this – while other newer topics have that many views or more – so either your title is not enough click-bait for people to care, or their can’t dissect what you’re trying to do with it to voice support or dissent.

Some stuff you could right about, other stuff is whatever, and, in conjunction with similar posts you made in other topics, other stuff answers points of your concern as is to the point it feels silly if thus claim you don’t know why something things are/were as they became.

Tell ya what; while i honestly don’t think you ‘expect’ people to read over this, (assuming they’ll skim in favor of finding one thing to like/hate) do yourself a favor and like copy/paste the article to a text doc, pretend you didn’t write this, and then try to come back to it and read through it.

Then, when you reach the point you find you’ll want to ‘save yourself’ to get through the whole thing, you’ll try against with, i dunno, a title about bewbws or something with magically ponies and emotes and trust-level showcases of links and memes to incentivize people to drudge through your echo box.


The people that understood, already knew from experience, the reasons why my questions exist, or that they aren’t just my questions alone. Silence on this forum usually means people are stumped. I don’t need to stoop to click-bait to be right.

This is how I feel about you. You write walls of texts which are largely off topic and call yourself correct.

More advice you’re trying to give yourself I’m guessing. You really ought to stay off mobile if you’re going to type paragraphs.

BTW, you did not engage with any questions I posed.


So many players don’t get this concept.

It’s akin to saying you can “carry in basketball games” because an NBA player roflstomps if you put him in a junior-high summer league game. Well, duh of course he can carry. He’s literally leagues better than the people he’s playing with/against.

Meanwhile, the rest of us who are at or slightly above the skill level of the people with whom we are matched… not so much carry potential.

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Didn’t get any further than here because there IS a sort for XP bonuses. It’s right next to all of the roles you can choose from. Click it and it shows everyone that currently has a bonus.

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20 characters required.

But why would you expect to climb or carry if you’re not actually (notably) better than the people you’re matched with?

Because that is where most of the player base actually lives.

So I want to illustrate the point, because many people look at a Bronze-to-GM challenge, and then use THAT as their argument that carrying is possible in HotS. They are interpreting it all wrong.

Most players are not leagues better than the players in their match. If you are roughly Gold 3, you aren’t able to carry a match with Silver 1s dragging you down. Or if facing G5s and S1s, you aren’t stomping them like the Harlem Globetrotters beating the Washington Generals. Because you are not massively better than them.

A GM beating up on Bronzies is no basis for determining carry ability. It just shows that a GM is loads better than them. Which we already knew due to their respective Ranks.

I personally don’t expect to carry my matches. But I completely understand the frustration for players that perform really well in a match, yet find it a struggle to either barely win or actually lose… Because there honestly is no carry mechanics even if you pop off and play really well.

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This is pretty much Xenterex’s calling card. You can read every single one of his posts for a week and maybe identify a couple sentences that were worth contributing lmao.


To be fair I expect most multiplayer games will be adopting Blizzard stance on trash talk going forward. While Blizz has been doing it for as long as I can remember, I think it’s gonna have more to do with streamers and a company’s fear of naughty words appearing in a video that makes them look bad. I think it’s only gonna ramp up as more people try and latch on to that as a career.

Most of things on your list are “nice to have” item. They are not gamebreaking or must-have else ded game.

I completely disagree with the 10% effort. People working behind this game are delivering new stuff each patches and work hard.

You sound like an overspoiled child.

Wow OP. Truth. +++++

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Do you have any actual proof, or is this just feeeeeeeeeelings? I have never seen actual hard evidence that this is happening, just mah feelin’s. In fact, it all seems kind of impossible.

  • How does it maintain a large enough base of players who are “worse” at the game that still deserve a loss to manipulate everyone? Keep in mind, it needs to pull from a pool of players of a lower tier than you who also deserve a loss. If these players didn’t deserve a loss, they would be forced to win, surely? Yet if the game knows they’re bad, what is that based on? If they’re maintaining a 50%, how does it know they’ll lose? Conversely, it needs to pull opponents who are on a losing streak yet demonstrably better than you in order to create this equilibrium, which means everything I listed is actually double the effect.
  • Where does this large pool of players in specific situations reside? There needs to be a huge reserve of players in both higher skill leagues that need a loss and lower skill leagues that need in win in order to fill out Quick Match’s new rigid role system, fit into groups, and check all the checkboxes to “force losses”. I thought the playerbase was dwindling, according to you? Wouldn’t a small playerbase point to a sporadic distribution instead of an intently crafted one?
  • How does it factor things that MMR and PBM can’t account for? I’ve seen things like power outages and sporadic leavers get lumped into this system. Ignoring how stupid predicting an outage is, how does the matchmaker predict when someone who rarely leaves is going to leave? Moving past that, what about ‘on’ and ‘off’ games? I’ve had games where I did the most damage and set up every kill and whatnot, and I’ve had games where I fed, couldn’t land a single skillshot, and accomplished nothing. Sometimes I’ve had them back to back. It’s all about mood. The computer can’t predict which mood I’m in.
  • Want to break the universe? Add the players who are “better” than you and deserve wins to your team. Send them a group invite. I do this all the time after I get stomped (it’s a great anti-salt tactic. I’d recommend it). What happens when someone who “deserves a loss” is on a team with someone who “deserves a win”? Can you cheat your way to massive winrates by playing with new people mathematically engineered to tank you, avoiding almost all losses?
  • Let’s buy that this intermediately popular video game has an omniscient system that can pull all the strings and do everything I listed actually exists. Why would Blizzard implement something like that? Wouldn’t it be better for buisness to make a system that uses these godlike powers to create, I dunno, balanced matches? I mean, it’s not like it’s some kind of secret (as you said, “thousands” of people have figured this out), so what does Blizzard gain by using this?

TL;DR How does this system work, what are its limits, and why would Blizzard implement it? If you can answer those three questions, you’ve got an actual case. Otherwise, it’s all feeeeeeeeelings!

*Yes, people have proven that you don’t have a 50% winrate if you’re way above your actual skill level, but if you’re at your actual skill level then you’re stuck at a 50% winrate.

I think your own point just disproved your own point.