Anti-social behavior of the majority of the playerbase

You must not play with very skilled opponents if you came back from a 4 level deficit… Games like that are usually a stomp that ends after 10-12 min. But then again, you don’t play SL… so not very surprising.

I don’t like cheerleaders because they seem very fake (not genuine) to me.

It was meant to be funny yet serious and true. But overall, communication is NOT a strong skill of the overall HotS community.

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Yea it was way better back in the 1500

This generation of players is very bad.

Let me waste my time writing a 50 000 words essay based on generalisation and biaised perception


I agree. The anti-social behavior is a huge problem and probably won’t be fixed unless something more concerning happens.

Dunno why but this is kinda me. But HEY. Don’t get the wrong idea. I AM aware that there is something wrong on the team. But raging on the team only causes things to be worse.

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I am often anti social on the forum and I appologise :smile:

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Sure. That’s your own business.

But being a “cheerleader”-type makes me win games that would be lost if I wasn’t. So whatever.


I am often quite amazed how cool the HOTS community is to be honest. Compared to other games and other communities, I’ve had a lot of great moments in HOTS with random players. They outweigh the negative ones by far (maybe because i can easily ignore toxic players).

The way we act towards our teammates influences their performance and this influences our very own winrate. Some players are not familiar with this concept it seems.
Most players will not play better when they get flamed or insulted - most likely they play worse. I experienced a lot more toxicity in low MMR matches so I am convinced that some players can’t rank up because they act toxic and sabotage their own team like that. Just make a smurf account and play with some bronze players - you get trash talked so much, you really see why they are bronze players…

I often keep my thoughts for myself during a match because my feedback will not help me win the game. I only say stuff that will help me win the game when i am in tryhard mode. Giving helpful input before the bad things happen is the key.

I also experienced some weird type of players who perform badly and then complain about their teammates. They realize they can’t help their team winning and are in fear of losing the match. It feels like they are crying about not getting carried by the rest of the team. In the end, their strategy about crying until getting carried doesn’t work because they just annoy their team making them not wanting to carry.


I am a big follower type person and I will always respond to pings or if I think it’s a bad idea I’ll counter ping a danger or retreat. I love when I get on a team with 1 or 2 shot callers and the rest of the team is more than happy to follow. It almost always gets you a win because your team is on the same page.

It’s weird in a game about teamwork that teamwork actually works! :smiley:

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I’ve experienced all those types before. I turned the chat off, and that made my life a bit easier.

It depends how you do it though.

There’s nothing wrong with having a positive outlook, but I don’t do so by warping the reality of what’s currently happening in the game or telling people to stop arguing over legitimate issues as if ANY kind of acknowledgement of the reality is what’s causing the loss, rather than the, you know ACTUAL thing causing the loss. It’s just a form of gaslighting and delusion, which makes me feel like you’re playing a different game. Mistakes can be fixed, delusions, can’t.

That’s when the cheerleader starts pissing me off. Me being positive isn’t giving into despair, it’s taking inventory of our mistakes, calling it out (if appropriate and constructive if possible), and hopefully whoever is making the stupid mistakes, stops.

That is actually what I hope most people would do… Unfortunately for me, I do not like Tanking or Leading randoms because they do not respond to pings or if they think it’s a bad idea, will simply ignore my ping, not counter ping, and we end up dying in a 4v5 because of the player who left without communicating that they were not on board with the call made.

When teamwork works, it’s because everyone is on board, it just takes 1 to ruin everything.

Exactly. The cheerleader is not the one who stays positive, it’s the one who is acting like an oblivious person and saying nonsense instead of trying to fix a problem.

Example: Solo lane Artanis is 0/0/4 top lane on Braxxis. We lose the objective 100/0. One player says, “Artanis, what’s going on up there?” Artanis doesn’t respond. Brightwing on our team says: “We got the next one, it’s ok guys, we can come back!”.

Problem with that is that there is a clear problem on our team: The Artanis. He’s struggling and not letting us know what is going on. The BW (Who means well) tries to encourage the team but is completely missing the fact that the Artanis is losing hard and we need to fix that to win.

I get it too, in today’s society, people get triggered by the littlest of things. Being called out is the equivalent to violence to some crazy people out there. To a person who cannot handle criticism or conflict, it can be hard to actually debate/problem solve and fix a problem effectively.

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Problem is that some people really should get a slap in the face with a chair.

You can try to “fix” people and their “toxic” speech, but unless you fix the countless trolls, afkers and smurfs, this game will never get better.


I wish… lol

Anonymity brings out the worst in people.

There are countless ways how to solve this.
Make the league paid.
Force people to have their phone number.
Steep up the requirements for league.
All above together.

Or what about just having some sort of quality control?

For example, have a 2-Tiered Ladder. Think of it as a tournament where there is a winner and loser bracket. When you keep winning games, it places you with and against people who just won a game and have been winning. If you lose, the opposite happens. You play with other losers. If you win that loser’s game, you are back into the winner’s pool. If you lose, you go down in rank, if you win you go up! But your matches are more competitive, therefore the quality of games goes up.

That way, the salty person on a losing streak is only hurting others similar to himself and the good players will naturally be playing with similar players. That would be one way to avoid playing with trolls, just make them play vs each other.

Sometimes it isn’t even about working on the mistakes, but showing the team where the win condition lies. By an odd coincidence, I played a brawl with Narha on EU recently, and we were getting spanked in the early game pretty heavily, they had everything up, and our keep was about to fall. Our Uther stated that he hated the game and the hero he was playing, and called in chat to let them finish it. The Falstad agreed.

Narha then pointed out that we still had a chance, as our heroes would hit major power spikes if we could hold out until level 20. The game was definitely winnable, even though we were currently in a bad spot. I will give Uther every bit of credit in that he didn’t give up, but kept going. And as expected:

Of course this doesn’t always work. You have to give people a focus, whether it be fixing a mistake or working towards a specific goal or strategy. You also have to have team mates willing to listen and accept what is being said. I disagree that the anti-social troglodytes are the majority of the player base. I do think most people are poor at communication, and if they don’t present their ideas well, things will just end up as a flame war. However, knowing how to rally your team and how to give them focus can be key to winning, and can happen if people are willing to lead and not just critique.

And I have to say, these are the sweetest wins of all.


I agree these wins are amazing, but there are very rare.

Most games when behind 2+ Levels result in stomps (In Plat/Diamond anyways, I’m sure bronze-Gold, QM and Brawl have different kinds of potentials). The higher you climb, the better the communication becomes.

Low elo is absolute hell. You have a mix of silent, know nothings, know-it-alls, trolls and smurfs and all of them are in the same game. It’s near impossible to have a cohesive team that can work together.

That’s why those Bronze to Masters people can do it so effortlessly. They are on a level so much greater, that they do not need teamwork to win. They know how to exploit bad players and create a win condition that does not even require the rest of the team. Mostly soaking and getting merc camps, pushing hard and killing the right targets allowing their team to stomp the enemy.

I have a smurf, I absolutely dominated Bronze to Gold, won almost every single game by split pushing, double soaking and outplaying bad players. It’s not hard actually and I’m just ~Plat-Dia, Imagine how even more effective GM players are?

Point is, to be successful in this game (at your current skill level) you need to be good in a great variety of things.

  1. Game mechanics/Reflexes
  2. Game Knowledge (Maps, Builds, Synergies, Win conditions, etc.)
  3. Teamwork (leadership, reliability, good decision making, planning, etc.)
  4. Communication (Attitude, Precision, Honesty, Openness, etc.)

The 4th is where most people are lacking (At all levels). Most people are set in their ways, unwilling to follow, lead or do what is best for the whole team (selfishness). We try to type too fast and end up being interpreted with hostility instead of constructive criticism and problem solving.

To setup a win condition, you need everyone on board. (the win condition, specially when behind, will not simply materialize itself for you, you need to make it happen.) That requires good communication skills.

That hasn’t been my experience. As noted, communication is key, even if it is just pings. Some of it helps that I am usually playing a tank, and people naturally seem to view them as a leader. If you are constantly experiencing difficulty playing from behind, maybe it isn’t the behavior categories you defined, amusing as they may be, but a communication pattern that you yourself can work on?

I think it is mostly americans who are not team players. This society in particular discourages it by rewarding bad behavior constantly.

The no voice thing is ridiculous in this game. In overwatch, even the lowest ranks have anyone in voice. This game requires even more communication, but as you said, it is full of antisocials. Such people should stick to single player games.

If eu players don’t join voice chat (I don’t play eu) then it’s not an na only thing

You can argue language is a barrier, but ehhh might as well everyone use English :us:

I’d love it if they made Voice required in Ranked play. Like, most people have no idea just how effective communication is in a chaotic game such as HotS. I could even interpret not using Voice as Non-Participation.