Anti-social behavior of the majority of the playerbase

There’s 3 key qualities that are ‘eroding’ society with increasing potency

  1. A lack of delayed gratification.
  2. Overstimulation
  3. Excessive Praise

Any sense has multiple ways that it interacts with the brain; initial, intermediate processing, lingerwing aftermath, memory after that, and so on and son on. All the electronics we commonly interact with have radiation, light, sounds, movement and a myriad of other stuff that get exposed to younger and younger people with increasing amounts of intensity.

We haven’t magically evolved better brains to process all that, so a lot of people end up addicted to over stimulating themselves; they’ll shoot up a bunch of sugars, substitute water with dehydrating fluids, lack nutritional balance, not get enough physical stimulation to match their diet, and then blast themselves with several electrical signals from multiple monitors, smart-devices, enclosed music etc etc.

All that stuff boils down to chemical reactions, hypes, withdrawals and insufficient reactants to clean it all up; people don’t take the time to ‘come down’ long enough to really recover, so they just learn to mire through life in this zombie-like state of partial processing because enough automation exists around them to get them through each day of that cycle.

When I was a kid, letter writing was still a concern. Communication took longer, so people had to put more time into thinking about what matters and how to convey it. Then, they had to anticipate a reply at some unknown date. They had to be patient.

Nowadays, texts are effectively instantaneous, so people don’t really think through what they mean, read through all of what other people post, and demand faster replies then they’d take to actually process. That’s part of why there’s a rise in ‘reactions’ as entertainment; it’s a form of simulated experience where people relate to others doing something, and just soaking that in. “Oh, I don’t need to hang out with my own friends, I can just relate to two people talking on a couch and borrow their experiences”

When people get used to being mired up with massive amounts of stimulation, it teaches them to really only react to lots of positive praise; either they get unwarranted compliments all the time, or they assume they’re being punished, or the world is out to get them.

Hopped-up people demanding more rewards for essentially nothing pushes them to polarized reactions and emotional impulses because they don’t develop enough restraints to not do that. People don’t “think” about communication or reactions, so they don’t learn there are “good” habits to have. It doesn’t occurs to them and of the times something may have tried to tell them about it, it was stimulating enough an experience (ya know, takes patience) that they just ignore it.

Furthermore, so long as such people have something else to blame, they cook themselves complacent in their catastrophic chemical catalysts until they crash and become catatonic. And I don’t really mean that figuratively; some of the occupants in my neighborhood literally try to run until they collapse on whatever surface they finally paused on long enough for their body to shut down.

As they repeat that cycle enough, it gets harder and harder for them to get going again, so they set louder and louder alarms, or drink bigger quantities of Monster/whatev to try to keep them meeting the demands and obligations of their daily lives (ie, work)

“English” is a pretty crummy language as is, but it’s more demanding of what people would ever really think about it to consider "what do you actually mean?

In an overgeneralized perspective of life, we’re transitioning away from a period of “Know-it-alls” (cuz google-experts) to “Know-nothings” instead: it takes too much time to actually be informed about something, but so long as people think they know, they’re not going to bother to consider anything else that doesn’t already agree with them.

So instead, they take a “my way or else” approach, and just dare anyone else to not agree with them; you get people offended by the prospects of losing “rights” they’re completely clueless about; people that think themselves the ‘best’ at games they don’t really play at even a basic level, or even ‘scientists’ and ‘doctors’ that spout quack conclusions that ignore how ‘science’ is supposed to work, but so long as they’re paid enough by the right people, the word gets out for any else to soak it up and believe it, because they don’t have good-enough communication habits to have a decent conversation that’ll take them out of that nightmare-bubble until it gets too late.

Some people like to think there’s a bit more distinction with anonymity with the internet and screen-lessness, but the evident consequences of ignorant, unobservant, anti-social tendencies is becoming far more pervasive in ‘real life’ and all those sorts of examples do the same thing in their game world too.


Nah, anyone can, you just need good listeners.

Seen it done with assassins, tanks, healers, the list goes on.

Sorry for the rant ahead of time lol

I’ve read up about something similar. We are all essentially Dopamine addicts and we are overstimulated. This makes us always need more and more stimulation. It’s kind of like the gambler who gets a rush out of winning. The same can be made for making arguments. As long as the gambler has enough money and he keeps doubling down, once he wins, he’s back even and feels great about the win giving him such a rush. Same thing with doubling down and refusing to admit one is wrong, as long as we keep doubling down, we never lose.

The problem arises when the gambler runs out of money and cannot double down anymore that he now needs to bet his house and car and life and risk losing it all. Much like if you keep doubling down to the point where you need to start actually believe yourself and shape your life along your new beliefs, you become an extremist set in their ways, unable to see the nuances and unable to think rationally.

That’s how I think people end up becoming white supremacists, Antifa, SJWs, Science Deniers, etc. They know they can keep doubling down and never admit they are wrong. Because being “right” gives them such a big dose of dopamine. It makes them feel superior. If you are never “defeated” you are the winner. Much like the athletes that win 1st place at the Olympics. They enjoy winning and being the best. So these extremists find others who believe what they do and create an echochamber of the same kinds of thinking and go further down the path of extremism. At this point, it’s very hard to bring these people back to reality.

Just like in HotS, people who think their skills are so much greater than their teammates and when they lose, they “KNOW” they are “THE BEST” so it clearly means that something OTHER than themselves is the reason they lost. Call it the Dunning-Kruger effect, call it inflated ego, call it narcissism, etc. It’s all the same: People are just collectively terrible and unable to self-reflect in today’s society. We live in a “Me” culture, where everyone is offended, everyone gets a trophy and anyone who disagrees with you is your mortal enemy and must be destroyed.

Very well put!

We’re kinda ruined as a civilization, we will crumble like Rome did back then. We’re up to a point in society that we can’t even understand each other anymore. No wonder we suck at communicating! We only hear what we want to hear, we load up on media that agrees with us and disregard everything else, we are all junkies of being right and virtuous to the point that we never step back to actually self-reflect long enough to make sure our beliefs, pre-conceptions and narratives are logical, moral or correct.

We take anything that brings us immediate joy or a rise in dopamine to be correct and good. I know too many young people and players that end up as cowards both in game and real life, because they are so afraid of failure that they only stick to what they know, afraid to take a risk, afraid to try something new. Because they were not given the skills required to think on their feet. They need someone else (that they agree with) to show them the way, they don’t want to experiment, they just want to be shown what is correct. This leads to them being unable to adapt, which is honestly the #1 skill anyone can have. Being flexible and able to adapt to a situation is what separates successful individuals from their less successful counterparts.

That is why we have people trying to stop some people from speaking, because it’s easier to cancel them, block them or ignore them than it is to actually debate them and show them and the rest of the people that they are wrong. Debates are no longer about showing who has the best argument, it’s all about who is a worse person, slander them enough and say : “Someone who said, is or did XYZ CANNOT be correct on anything” So we don’t even need to address their concerns or respond to their arguments because we are more virtuous and therefore correct. Ignore the fact that we presented no counter-argument. It’s all about optics, arguments are only valid if the person making it is someone we agree with. That is what modern day politics and debates boil down to in our society in 2020.

Example: 1+1=2, but this person believes something that I deem to be wrong, therefore 1+1 CAN’T equal 2. Because if you agree with what that person said, it means you must also agree with everything else they say.



This thread really went off the deep end.

Go find some studies with substance or go imo. Whats the deal with jr psychologists and 30 year old “seen it alls” spouting random bologna based on lone observations.

My favorite is when you took the leap from hots to all youth. Ok bud.

Hots is pretty mellow actually. I been playing off on since shortly after release. I rarely, yes rarely, feel the need to report for behavior you describe.

The only person sensitive and cowardly seems to be you. Based on my lone observations, what you describe happens very rarely but seems to bother you disproportionately.

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Lol, I legit just typed 500 words about attacking the person making a statement or argument instead of the susbstance of the argument. 30 year old JR psy… Cannot possible make a correct judgement because he is not an "expert: that I agree with.
Thanks for proving my point

I’m not trying to make a scientific proven 100% fact and I am not one of the top researchers on the subject. So what. If you think I’m wrong, tell me why, don’t just attack me and therefore claim that everything I say is bologna. That would be a VERY weak and intellectually dishonest position to take. Agreed?

I’m attempting to make a connection, a rational explanation of the state of HotS players and our current society and how it differs from older individuals and the younger generation. Mixed in with our current political and social polarization. If you read anything other than that, you are either wrong, or unable to understand what I am communicating (Also a topic of my rant).


Don’t worry, Turnip is just a known contrarian who thinks he is edgy by disagreeing with 99% of posts even if he has no legitimate argument. Talking with those people is pointless, he just wants to disagree with everything that ever gets posted on the forum.


True, I saw even healers shot calling. Though people will usually only listen to that healer if he his higher rank (in general) or performing very well.

Uther can also be a nice pseudo-tank shot caller who can also initiate fights.

I’d rather believe he is just dumb, but I guess winning internet points (even if it’s by being dishonest and missing the entire point) is also a way to get some more dopamine released.

It’s nice to have real life examples showing up like this to illustrate the points made!

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What turnip really wants is for someone to grab him by his stalk, yank his taproot out of the ground, and chunk his head at someone in a mask.

Given the current… fashion accessories for cavorting in public, clearly this depiction is very meta.


QM: is very toxic
HotS: is also toxic
Thread: “we live in a society…”

Me, an A.I. player:
*sips tea

Sorry, how do you post pictures? do you have to use a link instead?


You have to spend too much time on this forum in order to gain the elite status of TL3 in order to be able to post pictures.

It’s a hurdle to get through. I did it on accident because… I spend too much time here.


Is that why I keep seeing the same people comment on threads with useless nonsense? Commenting on the title without actually reading the post?

Lol it’s possible. Ive never thought of it though.

That… sounds like way too much hassle lmao. But I feel you. I visit this forums a lot during Online School. Threads like this is a primary source of entertainment during Religious Studies.

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majority of these type of players are true.
most common ones is players who rant about numbers (stats).
and the other common one is when players are not very hungry to win games.

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Extensive Guide to Forum Syntax
ToC for ‘How to picture…’ there.

Even without trust lvl 3, there are whitelisted sites that can be used for posting images. Over at Memes of the Storm - #2962 by Rafaelfras-1457 you can find examples of pics linked from reddit.

i usually use <img src=[http://sampleurl.linktopic.format> w/ optional <height =[value]. i usually post screen caps ported to imgur, others use discord links, and there’s probably other options too.


Most of what you list is either just people having a bad game/day or coordination failure. It’s not really “anti-social” because there’s nothing natural about trusting anonymous strangers. The trust levels only go up when a rank becomes a reliable indicator of general competence.

tanks should shot call if someone playin mei they expect to the start the team off with lockdown CC THROWING ur ult out randomly and having it miss then blaming mei for doing what she does is just stupid

i always hold my ult until someone g ets dived on or my tank dives on someone

I’m this guy 100%.

I don’t care if something is wrong the on the team. Because there is ALWAYS something wrong on the team. In bigger or smaller ways. Why should I care? I don’t expect my team to be full of pros that never makes mistakes.
I accept that they might suck or take stupid talents or whatever. It happens. I can’t help them. Making comments after they fail is just going to aggravate them. Rather, being cheerful, saying stuff like “Oh damn, you almost had him”, “Oh bloody hell, that guy was so lucky, eh Zuljin?” is a thousand times more productive and useful than just saying nothing and even more so than saying something annoying. Like, “Jeez, Zuljin, dead again, big surprise!”

I’ve had plenty of games where we’ve been 4 levels down but managed to turn it around later by not giving in to despair.

I’ve tried games where one player is “gg, we lost by matchmaking, nothing we can do” at the very beginning before gates are opened and I say “Nonsense, we can totally win this!” and then we win by a massive landslide (where stuff happened that ended up in a hots highlight vid)

I’ve had plenty of times where people start going “gg, game over” and they go afking, but when I tell them that we can still win, that we just need some later talents or one good team fight, they rejoin the fight and we turn it around.

We’re not necessarily oblivious to their mental state. But the purpose of a cheerleader is to be cheerful and to spread cheer when the others are full of gloom, as gloom and doom feelings is detrimental to playing well, whereas being cheerful makes you excel.

I have yet to try triggering anyone by being cheerful, though.

I usually don’t play much SL though where people are extremely much more arrogant, obnoxious and downright clueless, though.

On the overall topic at large, Blizzard hasn’t really helped. You get reported and banned for simply being talkative. A lot of players just outright disable all chat so sometimes you’re trying to be talkative or something but absolutely no response so you have no idea if people are listening or not and you’ve no idea if they’re just not reading chat or if they disabled chat.

Then there’s the fact that if you do get banned, then in the appeal for the ban, Blizzard will use anything you’ve said out of context as proof to keep you banned. Even things that was 100% just compliments to other people, because “Gj Maiev” can look like an insult to the cynical mind who is looking for faults in you.

But yeah there’s a considerable difference to online games and how people behave in real life. If we were to compare a HotS match with a basketball match IRL between people who know eachother and there’d be a huge difference. Nearly everyone would be somewhat of a “cheerleader” – it’s normal in sports and such to say things like “Don’t worry about missing, score the next time” “We’ll get back at them right away! Don’t worry about letting that guy score!”. Imagine if they were instead acting like people do online…

Playing mostly QM and ARAM you don’t get really get to identify players personalities much. Most people are quite quiet in EU-QM…

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I get why people spam pings. 95% of the player base ignores them. Seems you gotta time out your pings to have a 50/50 chance of 1 player responding.

But yeah this post was pretty funny.

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