Anduin bringing more toxicity to the game

I have the feeling that this new hero is very unimaginative and detrimental to the game.
An additional hero, instead of adding to this game, detracts from the game because of Actiblizz’s lack of imagination.
Imperius was pretty mediocre as well, but here we have another Support hero who seems OP but is incredibly bland at the same time. All its done is upset the apple cart and create more silly mirror matches.
As if we needed another paladin hero. Wasn’t Uther, Varian, and Yrel enough? This pretty boy half as$ creation is a joke, would have vastly preferred an innovative Deathwing with global+dps advantages. Blizzard is so dead.

  1. Varian isn’t a paladin
  2. Paladin is absurdly broad, given how differently each of those 3 remaining characters are.
  3. I think Anduin is interesting and intuitive
  4. I fail to see how any of this makes the game ‘more toxic’.

It does amuse me how Blizzard tried to convince us that sun worshiping cows were Paladins, but not an armor wearing, horse riding, melee sword wielding king who utilizes the Holy Light to fight and heal.


Anduin will probably be too strong but not for the average player. His kit is more problematic at high levels. His healing numbers aren’t amazing and his root is too slow to hit without setup.

What he really excels at is countering CC chains with yoink while also contributing to his teams own CC chains with lightbomb and chastise

One, imperius is a very fun hero be it used as bruiser or tank. You can’t play him, your problem.
I have not played anduin yet but you find him toxic because…he is a priest? Stupid reason.

Your opinion, also we already have falstad dehaka abathur brightwing as globals plus zagara and illidan as pseudo globals at 10 and hanzo at 20.
Moreover, we also have alextraza as a big dragon who can do the fly and pew pew from the sky fantasy already.
How would DW not be toxic and unimaginative using your very own argument?
Couldn’t you just say you wanted your wet dream DW to be the next hero? Nefarian and Onyxia are better btw.


Ummm… Varian wasn’t a paladin. Varian was a Warrior. He had no magical abilities.

Anduin is a priest. He studied under Vaelen (a powerful Draenei priest).

Because he’s a priest. He uses his magic as its own weapon. Paladins infuse their weapons and abilities to augment their martial battle prowess. In fact, the original Paladins were priests who began to focus on combat training and then began to augment their abilities with the Light. They became so different in skill sets that hey were acknowledged as a different kind of specialty all together.

Heavy armor is simply a game mechanic used for balance purposes since they’re frontline melee characters.

Even if you said heavy armor was part of being a paladin, Anduin does not use the Light to augment his martial skills (of which he has less than the average soldier). He is decked out in heavy armor because:
A: A King has to stand out on the field of battle as well as in other situations.
B: He has to be protected against attacks at all times. These methods of protection include body guards, spies, magical defenses and… a set of heavy, protective armor that is likely highly enchanted.


I won’t lie, as I mostly play healers, I wished we would get a healer that’s not wielding the Light like Uther or Whitemane, and who wouldn’t fall in this “I’m a healer, therefore I’m good and/or righteous” archetype most healers in HotS fall into.
I like playing Stukov because he’s pretty much the closest hero to the “bad/dark healer” stereotype I’d like to play.
I like Anduin though, and I don’t think in any way he’s toxic to the game. But I’m still waiting for a healer that’ll really break the codes in terms of appearance and character. Kinda like a necromancer-type of healer. Someone from the Scourge, the Forsaken or from Diablo I guess.

It is a wow non shadow priest it is a bit inevitable…

I didn’t say I wanted Anduin to be that “bad healer” I wish for. He stays true to his character and that’s obviously for the better. Stuffing some shadow priest archetype into him wouldn’t look good.
What I’m saying is that I’d like one of the upcoming healers not to be another righteous wielder of the Light. A darker character would bring the healing role more appealing to me than what it already is.

From my experince Anduin is bad at burst healing until he reaches his Holy Word ult.

Even then you can knock him back or burst again later

You would like Moira from OW then. Not necessarily gameplay wise, but the feeling and background. Not a necro, but she knows she is not the shining beacon.
You can check out her origin story on YouTube.

if the basis of your conjecture is on a ‘feeling’ then you should learn to pay better attention and try some of that ‘imagination’ stuff you’re evidently content to rant about, but otherwise seem to lack.

imagine the irony of that.

Shameless self promotion is Shameless
As I point you towards a concept I came up with a while ago for a Nexus Original based on the Garden of Terror. Utilizing the maniacal elements of said map for healing purposes, not being at all rigtheous but having a more insane and goofy streak to her.

I don’t know I”ll link if ya want one. I do admit though I wouldn’t mind some dark styled healer. I think there might be a way to do this (or at least someone in the nebulous “support” category) with an Unholy specailized Death Knight lowering damage and healing allies with their lifesteal. Or I know there’s this more unkown part of WOW Lore that says there’s a classification of priests mostly undead who utilize shadow magic to get the same effect as Holy priests.

anduin is pretty bad on gm lvl but he is really good with solo lane uther or medivh
anduin lack instant heal
W is traveling heal and Q has cast time - medivh or uther fixes this problem
and very good with genji, zera when lightbombing them

One of his ults (Holy Word: Salvation) unites his teammates. And you say that Anduin brings more toxicity?!

I bring more toxicity with my Tassadar alone than Anduin with all players in Hots.


Man Tass, you know I’ve seen him do so good in conjunction with Anduin honestly he just needs some minor buffs to the less useful parts of his kit, maybe a 16 talent that makes psi storm do a decent amount of percent damage?

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Not only. Tassadar needs buffs on every talent lvl. And some stats buffs.

I’ve seen him in his current state have great success with basic attack builds due to the lifesteal mechanic on his shields. So honestly I don’t think he’s THAT bad. It’s more to do with all of his niche counters are obselete right now, True Sight is useless with the Stealth Changes, his lane clear once great is actually sub part compared to mages we’ve gotten since and… I mean yeah that’s it.

Lifesteal mostly useless, because mostly enemy team has burst dmg to destroy it.
And when shield is anti-burst ability, I can’t get why lifesteal doesn’t continue after shield destroying.

I mean I don’t necessarily deny it’s not that great, I do think Tass needs some buffs I just think the buffs needed are much more minor then the overhauls many people seem to think he needs