Towers of Doom.
This a 5-siege map - everyone should focus on sieging. Blizz made it a DPS race, 6 towers matters more than obj. Short lanes heavily favor siege, 6 towers win mechanic is faster and safer.
Towers of Doom was designed differently, so does everyone play the same? This is my new macro for when it pops. Tell your best friends.
The problem is that early game the attacker is at a major disadvantage since the towers and keeps hurt and will prioritise heroes should you deal damage to a defending hero. You lose even a few heroes to such siege attacks and the enemy team is at a massive advantage.
Generally the gameplay is to lane as normal until the team fight stage. Then try to score a big win off-lane or between the defences. Once you have the number advantage, and are at a reasonable level, you can push and wipe out keeps before the enemy respawns.
The enemy may try to retake the keep, but you can trade it for another one of theirs as you have map control. This stalemate will continue until the next objective where either you trade them back one of their towers for the objective, or they try to contest the objective and can team wipe them again and take yet another tower or two likely winning the match.
Like wise if you get team wiped they can take back their towers and possibly take one of yours on top of the objective, turning the match around with a comeback.
Even if the objective does not end up contributing most of the core damage, it still is a major part in enabling you to own all keeps for that damage source.
That is a gameplay analysis, which is true in basically any map.
This is specific to Towers of Doom, where in the draft phase you want as much siege as possible, due to how this map changes the rules of engagement.
Anti-hero comp would likely counter that. Dead siege focused heroes do not contribute anything. All they need is 1 or 2 DPS heroes to take advantage of the enemy team being wiped and capture the keeps, something a lot of anti-hero comps have.
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No, the short lanes make siege much stronger than any anti-hero.
The obj is literally reduced to 30% effectiveness this map.
Guess I am the only one who sees this?
Strategies for Towers of Doom:
- 6 cap, hold and control the towers
- +1 cap, but focus on controlling mercenaries to run down lane
** usually this involves controlling the bottom lane for 2 merc camps
- Winning team fights to secure objective
- Winning boss fight and otherwise forcing rest of the map into stalemate
- Holding Tower advantage (not 6) but trading safely on objective
While getting 6 can be a win condition, the more towers a team has, the harder it is to maintain them: tower HP decreases over time, and there’s a shortcut in the middle of the map, so an enemy team could just bypass whatever front you’re trying to hold and go clear a backline tower by facetanking the shots.
Typically full-control comes later in the game once death timers are long-enough to swing the control of at least one lane, so dps heroes can match sieging ones by simply killing the defensive.
However, since the average player at the game is demonstrably lacking in knowledge, skill, and observation, they’re unlikely to treat ToD as particularly special, and if anything, hate the map because it’s the best map at deviating from typical online-arena fighting.
Organized teamplay is more likely to embrace a particular strategy for the map, but that also means the other team is ready to try to counter it, so the battles tend to mix-and-match instead of focusing on a specific one listed above. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone place a specific emphasis on Nova despite her being the only her with a version of bribe that spawns the mercenaries faster to then assist with winning the map faster…
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When your opponent is dead, you can take their towers.
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Dont forget the usual scenario where both can win if they get boss.
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towers of doom is a simple map. people draft a lot of genji and lucio to interrupt mid top rotations and ganking the offlaner. majority of time bot control is the most important of all lanes because of the camps so in good lobbies people will never go for more than just bot unless they get a teamwipe, they just play to def the capped bot tower. complete bot control eventually just wins by default.