All invisible heroes should be relegated to their own queue

Its an undisputed fact at this point that all people who pick invisible heroes in QM are bad at the game.

I propose all Nova, Zeratul and Valeera pickers should be forced into matches with other Nova, Zeratul, and Valeera pickers.

Let them run around and do nothing against each other instead of ruining our games.

That is all.

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I notice a distinct lack of Samuro in the OP.

What about heroes with temporary invisibility like Greymane, Tassadar, or Dehaka? How about heroes that can grant invisibility like Tyrande, Brightwing, or Medivh? How deep is this rabbit hole?


Kind of making me miss that old all nova brawl.


Or that weather anomaly that would randomly grant heroes invisibility. Unseen Garrosh was terrifying.

gotta love the hammers that take her invis talent, siege up at base, and then ‘sneak’ their way to a tower and pretend their splitpushing is carrying the game.

Zeratul, either dies really fast or has to run. He only gets you if you’re already about to die.
Valeera, you can see her coming, so you fire a spell at her, only to have her teleport to you, disable you, and kill you. Oh and you’re three levels ahead and full health while she’s half.
Nova picks triple tap and wonders why the lanes are never cleared.
Samuro is like Murky but without the instant respawn.

It’s funy that this is the exact opposite of what people used to complain about a few years ago.


Not really. Nazeebo with full hp dies to zerathul.

Just make all the heroes invisible and increase everyone’s damage by 4000% with the rag doll physics maxed out.

Your corpse will be in orbit before you can process what happened. Be the most epic game of Marco Polo ever.


Then the Naz player would have to be very bad to make this happen.

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I’ll give you that, but he’ll die to most melee assassins if they can get in his face, one on one.

it doesn’t matter, because the teleports are OP. Even if you use ice block 16th level Zeratul can kill you in 2 sec. It’s just the hero. And no matter if you use a spell shield you can still die.

We’re to scared to make a comment, we might get nerfed again by the janitor.

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I think most melee assassins do mostly physical damage. So yeah, a spell shield is not going to do much.
The main two heroes I play are Zeratul and Illidan. Nazeebo can be too much at the start of the game, but near the end, I love to find him foolishly all alone.
Anyway, sure, the invisibility can make it harder to notice them coming, but getting ambushed to death is the risk of going alone late game anyway.

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Valeera at her most efficient is a melee mage almost in the same field as Alarak. While she has AA talents, they are not optimal, with the bulk of her damage coming from her Q and talents geared around it, as such she does a ton of spell damage. Evicerate is more of what some may call a resource dump.

On paper, her AA talents somewhat look interesting, but in practice they just set her up to be a pinata for the opposing team.

Out of all the Very Hard classififed heroes Valeera I would say is the least rewarding. Medivh is insane when on a well coordinated team and/or when used by someone whose name is in some Asian language. Zeratul is nightmare fuel in the hands of someone who knows how to use him. I have Kel’Thuzad up to level 92 and finishing his trait is one of the most rewarding things in the entire game, and he is a monster in the hands of someone that is dedicated to learning him.

Valeera requries so much elbow grease to get her to work it ain’t funny. Every game I play with her unless the stars align, against A.I, it’s a slog. She has no wave clear, is extremely weak when knocked out of stealth, no escape, no sustain, and relies heavily on specific talents to be useful. At best, a 1/3rd of her talents are useful if one is optimistic, but it is more 2/3rds with her storm talents sitting around ‘Meh’ rating.

only 3 of them are generally defined by aa damage. The rest tend to be combo focused, so the scarier part of their damage tends to come from ability damage. However, it is important that they do get attack in between casts to deal enough damage to secure kills; melee assassins are too shorted-ranged to be restricted to their aa damage like ranged “marksman” tropes do.

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Zeratul while not usually capable of 100-0 someone can jump on a target dump his burst in about 1.5 seconds and jump back out easily. I find singularity spike build is easiest to do with as it preserves your blink cd for escaping. Then he just waits for his cooldowns and does it again. His whole thing is being able to teleport a lot after all.


as has already been pointed out thats really only 3 of them. Illidan, Butcher, and Samuro. and Samuro is more well defined by his ability to just avoid death no matter what than by raw damage plus having easily the best wave clear of any stealth hero. others like Kerrigan Alarak and Valeera are based on landing devastating combos like Kerrigans jump into pull into stun into maybe an ultralisk bonus stun into another jump. Or alaraks telekinesis into discord strike. combo assassin is basically all of the others besides murky who really plays in his own very distinct way and serves mostly a pve role with the ability to lock down an opponent once every 40 seconds starting at level 10. Which if you talent into it can actually be a 100-0 combo by himself on some heroes. Zeratul can also be pretty auto attack heavy if he builds for it but usually he is focused on either getting a quick cleave out when doing cleave build and running away or he is trying to stack up his damage bonuses like psionic strength into a single devastating combo.

Heh. Shame on me for being logical and thinking if the ability is an extra fancy use of the weapon, it does physical damage. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering this is made by the same people that built Yrel’s controls to be completely different from every other hero in the game—for no logical reason.

Alrighty. I take back my erroneous statement about melee heroes doing physical damage.