[All] Chat; why is this not a default feature yet

Honestly, from a most basic level, what is the point of talking to your opponents in the middle of a match? What sort of things would you communicate? I could understand the brief period before the gates drop being able to give a friendly ‘glhf’ sorta message or some other ilke message… but seriously? What would you say in the middle of a match?

Okay, maybe you want to congratulate the team on their well-timed combos… You want to recognize players for good gameplay, that’s fine. But you honestly forget that there are people who report their own teammates for being toxic just for offering useful advice. I once had a guy go nutz because I was reminding him that he didn’t need to keep Morales’ healing beam on me when I was already topped up and hitting her trait could cancel it. There’s a solid chance that someone on that other team just is hellbound and determined to take your compliment as toxic for whatever reason.

I also have to say that the last time I ever had the global chat function visible was back in 2016, I had it on long enough to see a handful of people getting into a shouting match over politics, repeating slogans back and forth. And ever since I’ve shut that right down anywhere it’s an option.


Why would you talk with the enemy team. This is a team vs team game so talking to enemy team makes no sense. Then you could just tell them already what you gonna do whole game so they know it beforehand. You dont talk with enemy team either in real life when you talk tactics with your team. So adding a all chat make no sense in this type of game.


here is a list of ~100 or so things, staring with the good things:
short list:

  1. insanely good plays (rare)
  2. saying sorry they have a feeder
  3. laughing when something “stupid funny” happens, like when you duel someone and you both die

long list:
eh, i don’t have the time or energy to type out all the bad stuff people would say… but it’s roughly a minimum of ~97 things at least.


It depends very much, who is using the inter team chat. I use it in Overwatch to make an Enemy a Compliment for a good Kill, to excuse me for some dumb situations or just laugh with them for something hilarious. So I would use it in the same way in HotS. Because I know when an enemy made an excellent move, that I do appreciate.

Star Wars - the old Republic can make use of Inter Team Chat, which can be helpfull, but a MMORPG is a different kind of story.

all the proof you need that all chat will open the flood gates of toxicity is how many times people drop those stupid sprays after getting a kill. you just KNOW they would rather say LOL or something even more toxic in all chat if they had the chance…

The only reason I’d want this is for those times when you run into mid, throw a spray down, and wait back on your side to see if the other team does the same. Then I could type in All chat to the person who sprayed back that they’re cool. Because they are.

People complain about enemies’ BM, B-steps, sprays, taunts, master rings, etc.

Also people want All Chat.

Another thing, people stay idle to trash talk with teammates. Guess what if they can chat with enemies?