I bet that is what that Diablo thought after I beat him.
That’s why you don’t chase and why you must not fight surrounded by enemy minions or two levels behind.
Having 2 ults and diablo miss an free AA on you will make him lose the 1 v 1 yes
Alarak is just the main supporting actor. The real heroes are the minions
Ouch… his first mistake was to charge you while there was no walls to get you stunned. i rate that diablo 0/100 but since he donated 1 kill he can have a… 0/100 haha you thought i’ll write something other than 0??? nope
minions did all the job , nerf minions
After that I lured Leo to a trap by acting as a bait, it was hilarious.
Failure Upon Failure… they really underestimate the highlord and for that they shall suffer!
I would just like to point out that your lvl 1 talent choice did absolutely NOTHING for you that fight. However, if you picked Sustaining Power, it would have cemented the fight even more firmly in your favor due to that slightly higher amount of health you had.
I’m not gonna throw my team by choosing a talent that only “works” in those scenarios. I did a lot more with Extended Lightning during the whole match. This is a team game and Alarak is very team dependable, please never think in pick Sustaining power, help your team is more important than any selfish desire of gain 50 hp per E.