Alarak of the Storm - at lv 13 plz die for your Highlord

Usually, Karababababars post this stuff but he missed this one


I never actually thought of that, but if you have an ally who can die without giving full XP, technically Pure Malice can give more value??


Pure Malice was meant to be combined with Murky and used to be the ONLY talent that increased Alarak’s Sadism above 100% while the rest decreased it

I thought it was meant for QM while you’re on a team with potatoes?


Don’t be silly

Potato sack is too heavy to carry


Boy I am from the province of potatos
My big Prairie muscles will carry the potatoes



What is this province?

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You uncultured non canadian

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Nice place?

I love learning about Canada

Hopefully your muscles can carry potatoes all the way up to Grand Master#1 in Storm League :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m from the province of flowers and Axolotls.

Does this place have a name too?

Literally, there is just one place in the entire world that fits this description. If I say the name would be cheating. Remember, Axolotls in the wild only exist in just one place in the world.

Poor thing, it will disapear soon at this rate.

Is it Mexico? :thinking:

This talent can work with Misha, D.Va and TLV too.

They’re now in Minecraft so they could have a hope because of attention.

D.Va is too risky, if she gets catched as Baby D.Va you are gone. But to be honest my posting was more ironic or sarcastic than serious and I highly doubt that this strategy is valid.

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D.Va anyway loses her Mech during fights/game. If she will be in safe position while losing Mech - it will be fine.


But it’s only count, if the Mech got destroyed without explosion; how can she get in a safe position then?

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Q away or get close to tank/healer/team.

Let’s be honest

Pure Malice on Alarak is only really viable with Murky on his team

Without egg getting destroyed

Any other hero dying would be a liability

Even Rexxar is mostly useless without Misha