AI teammate / leaver = autolose

Can you please do something about this? The AI is straight up so awful it could pass for an actual feeder / thrower. It never follows your team unless pinged 24/7, it’s allergic to objectives, and is always at the other side of the map.

Holy crap how is it possible to have such braindead AI? Even CS:GO’s AI bots aren’t this bad.


They have hired an employee (Kevin Gu) to work on the AI full time, but I wouldn’t expect amazing results until 1-2 years.

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they’re working on improving the AI “yet again” (for the idk amount of times) and all you can do is pray they finally fix it rather than make it worse!


I just had a game (7/24/20) where our quira loses connection for the whole first 10 minutes of the game. So, naturally, the AI saw fit to stay in the altar until someone pinged them. Normally isnt a huge issue except when that player is in a group with someone without issues, and they ping and unping the bot anytime someone else pings her.
So we literally played 4v5 the first 10 minutes. Then the player comes back and trash talks and feeds and the whole team loses 200 points.
Ive noticed ALL ally bots staying in the altar if they are not following anyone. As soon as theyre unpinged, they immediately hearth while full hp and mana and just sit in altar.
If you ping a bot, they only attack the target you attack. If you stutter step, the bot just moves around or stands in melee range “holding their ground”. They occasionally use their abilities but their fight or flight mode is only set to fight once they attack once.


4 months necro, but this is still an issue :. Blizzvision might want to do some investigating on the progress of all these designers they keep hiring. If they truly have an adequate team there is no explanation on how slow updates, bugfixes, and features are rolling out. I suspect dead-weight on this hots team.

I work on a team of 14, and I’d be willing to bet we could churn out 4-5 times what these guys are doing, easily. They are either potatoes or being distracted with other things that don’t matter.

Fixing this notoriously bad AI, and defending it, are just one of several facets that should have already been corrected(years ago).

Implementing some means to really deal with afks, smurfs, one sided games, etc are to name a few others. Stale heroes, overly needed reworks, bugs that have been around so long they are now ‘features’ to boot, are some more.

You used to have around 5-10% chance to win with the old AI, if it was just 1 ally who disconnected.

Current AI is completely worthless, it only follows you if pinged (otherwise will just sit in base doing nothing). The follower bot may not even used its’ abilities.


Seriously, I should NOT lose 200 rank points for a tank who leaves before the game even starts and comes back after 13 minutes.

Also the AI in this game is tragic.
Suicide into 5 enemies or just standing in base.
You kidding me?
If we lose a player, the AI should play like an Elite AI ffs.
Not a potato beginner programmed by pre-schoolers.

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DON’T JINX IT! :secret:

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too late for that :sob:

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It depends on which stage and for how long - I had some minor DC in teams and still managed to win - OFC those were like 30 sec DC and than 1 minute latency problem but still. I feel your pain though as if someone is DC for 4 minutes it is enough to lose game.