Push separately from the immortals, bosses, dragon, robot and zerg because they are strong even solo and ye make for enemies the fork.
Push together or at least 4-1 with knights, seeds, spiders as they are weak alone.
If thy team is behind in level, try to gank because ye have a bonus to experience, and after 10 ye get more experience for kills than for creeps and camps.
If ye are the leader in experience, then push because ye have an experience penalty for kills and ganking is not profitable.
Before level 10 more experience for creeps and camps than for kills.
On a map with temples between events, try to damage the towers and forts as much as possible, this will free up some of the damage from the temples for faster destruction of all structures on the map. Ye should to push the same line as the temple, with your hands, and ye can leave one at the point. This way ye will destroy the structures even faster, and if together with the camp… Do not try to take both temples. If possible, of course.
At shrines, when 3 pieces appear, take the top two, because the distance between them is less than between the tops and bottom one.
On spiders, knights and seeds, defend in 4 empty lines and do not let the enemy tie ye on one line. It’s better to lose one fort than two. If it worketh, then at 4 ye will quickly kill 2 knights or others things on 2 lines.
If the enemies don’t push with a “boss”, zergs, etc. defend with 4, and leave 1 hero for the boss who has the strongest pve/tunnel (sustain) damage.
Try do not fight without 10-13-16-20.
Try do not fight without ults, ye must have at least crowd control one.
Ye can engage if ye have less lvls (2) than enemies at a boss and try to “catch” them.
If ye lead by levels then go to core, dont wait untill enemies will get 20.
If ye made -3 at lvl 20 go to a core. At lvl 22-23 even if enemies have full line. Try "catch them on defence and kill them one by one just to the core.
Ye can engage fight before enemies will get 10-13-16-20.
Compositons :
For 3 melee must have a burst mage with an area cc ult.
For 2 burst mages need 2 tanks.
Must have 1 sustain and 1 burst range dd. If 2 mages one of them must be a sustain as Nazeebo for example.
If 2 sustain rdd then thy targets are tanks and bruisers. 2 sustain mages work too.
2 bruisers work too, both must have survival builds for that.
A tank + melee dd work too, must have enow crowd control, preferly a mdd must have self-healing as Alarak for example.
One of the front must have spell( energy) armour and an other kinetic(physical) armour. Some heroes have both.
Against burst mages must have spell armour. Against sustain including magic self-healing.
One of a rdd must hath an area cc ult. Never pick both without any cc even if a tank , bruiser and healer have it.
Damage and healing tipes ( the countering):
Against area healers - single target damage and focus. Against single target healers - area damage.
Against burst healing - sustain damage. Against sustain healers - burst damage.
Against kinetic armour - magic damage. Against magic armour - kinetic damage.
Against fats - sustain damage. Against thin - burst damage.
OK that’s a good one too. Below a certain rank most teams are terrified of the enemy’s core, if they could only have a little faith.
Also true, everyone should have a plan when dealing with fats.
I’m a big fan of two healer and no healer comps, and 3 drug pusher comps to harass the lanes the whole game. I like your idea of 2 full tanks and two mages, that would be fun to see more of.
Please harken to this sage advice. This is what mine team lacketh in many a game.
How oft hast thou had the advantage, then procrastinated thine attack, only to be conquered once the enemy hath gained level twenty?
I am Russian, so it is more convenient for me to use some variants of old English words. Moreover, they are not so old that modern people would not understand them. Plus, I’m learning the Celtic languages ​​of our Slavic brothers and this also leaveth its mark :)) And in general, the old versions are more interesting. Modern languages ​​have undergone too many forced reforms and have become degraded. The more primitive the language, the more primitive the human mind.
Ah Russia, hopefully you folks can wrap up the Ukraine fiasco before the US agencies drag you into a world war. Would be great to see people on the street in U.S. cities as healthy looking as they do in your country. Good luck learning Celtic languages, very laudable
I studied German for a bit (I find it easier to study than Spanish which I had been told is a brain dead easy language to learn) and know just enough to interact with someone overseas if I push comes to shove. Mostly was interested more for the military aspect. As horrific as it was both World Wars greatly accelerated the development of technolgy, especially military hardware which I enjoy reading up on.
Also, I have had the privelege of firing an MG42 and own a replica of a Sturmgewerh 44 (assault rifle 44) chambered in .22. I am a sucker for German firearms, despite just how difficult they are to acquire here in the states.
Except the one time I had the misfortunate of helping someone disassemble an HK MSG90A1. My siblings in the Nexus, I never came across a more finicky or more frustrating firearm to disassemble and to put back together. I am still stratching my head to this day figuring out how a the police force in the hillbilly town I grew up in managed to nab one of those. That was two hours of trial and error.
I have only recently delved into Slavic culture. Russian military hardware I am relativelly well aquianted with being a bit of a very novice military historian.
A part of my family fled from Russia long ago due to sever disagreements with people in power, so there is a bit of slavic blood in my veins. The fled a bit after the Bolshevik uprising in Russia.
Seeing someone on here use old English, while odd, is a breath of fresh air.
It’s worth explaining a little here, because many people simply do not know, especially in the West: Communism and Bolshevism are two different things. Communism is a Western project to destroy Russia from within. Communism is a utopia, a philosophy. Bolshevism was born from Communism thanks to the Russians, who adapted it to their mentality and other things. In Russian, “Bolshevism” literally meaneth “power of the majority”, even prefixes are the same. True, it should not be denied that the Bolsheviks were radicals and dealt with the parasitic minority (the so-called modern “golden billion”) and enemies of the people very cruelly. Stalin, for example, was precisely a Bolshevik.