Adding more anti-shield talents?

I personally using him in high elo mostly to shut down key shielded targets like Jojo (who is quite common) and Fenix (sometimes Lúcio and Zarya too).

Johanna is pretty strongly ekhm… blocked/countered by removing her Trait Shield, so the right way to balance her is not giving more Anti-Shield talents or baking them into baseline, but to nerf… Johanna herself. She deserved it.

If you make more Anti-Shield talents/abilities, you also nerf Artanis, Zarya and Kerrigan (plus Fenix), and I don’t think they deserve nerfs (or Varian deserve a buff).
So if something is problematic, you change the root of the problem instead of going a multileveled overlycomplicated string of patches to avoid a targeted and deserved nerf.