Adding more anti-shield talents?


as already mentioned in another topic about nerfs to Johanna’s trait I come up with that idea that the devs should just add more anti-shield talents to balance Johanna or Lucio without nerfing them.

Because currently I feel about them that they are indeed somehow oppressive or superior in their playstyle to other heroes. Lucio with his safeproof Soundbarrier and Johanna with her trait. But I wouldn’t like to nerf them, because I also like their unique style and it should be their strength.

But I would suggest to add more anti-shield talents. One possible proposal could be make Varian’s anti-shield talent (at 13) baseline, same cd as Johannas trait to have a counter to her shield-talent. Another thing could be giving other heroes also anti-shield talents, maybe for some supports to be more useful?

What do you think about this?

No. Varian is already OP against shielding, there is no need to add it baseline. It will end up like stealth were 50% of the roaster has free stealth reveals and stealth is useless. Having few counters makes drafting more important.

Adding hard counters in general is a bad idea.


Adding it baseline is just stupid.
Adding it as a few 13 or 16 lvl talents could be ok.
Currently there is only Varian, Morales and… one more but I dont remember who.


Shield is super niche and fragile mechanic that has advantages but not much to a majority of heroes and it is only a shallow overheal health, doesn’t need more coutners.


Varian already op? I doubt it, hes a weak hero in general. Only good at crushing bad players.


Against shielding. But that explains your mind capacity.


Can you provide more data and not just claim sth.? I doubt that Varian is a counter to Johanna or Zarya.

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Lol. Just stop posting, you are blowing away your credibility.


I don’t care actually, because if you have no arguements to add, you proving me be right. Just call sth. OP doesn’t , mean it’s true.

And what you forget I made a proposal as example, not more not less.

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When you think about how many heroes who has shields these days we dont need anymore anti-shield talents. Its fine we have Varian and Moralas who has it.

You might be right, but still it was just a proposal, because I like adding/buffing new stuff more than nerfing heroes like Johannas trait.

It was nerfed this patch. It now has 25 sec cd up from 20.

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Yeah and that’s what I dislike. Was this nerf mandatory? Had Johanna a skyrocketing winrate?

It was mandatory.

Hold Your Ground enabled her trait too hard with a 15 second cooldown (with the talent). I wish the bonus shield amount granted by the talent was reduced from 60% to 50% instead of nerfing trait cooldown.

KTZ has a Strip Shields talent at level 4.

She may not have had the highest win rate, but was by far the most picked and banned tank at all ranks for the past few months. One of the reasons she was so heavily picked (and similarly, why she didn’t have an insane win rate) is that she is the easiest tank to play in the sense that she is almost completely mistake-proof due to her trait. She almost rewarded poor positioning in that instead of getting punished for it, she could just press D and walk out of things like no other tank, putting the enemy team’s abilities on CD for naught.

It wasn’t the shield portion of her trait that made her so easy to play, it was the Unstoppable. Adding more shield-breaker talents would affect a number of heroes that are already fairly niche, such as Zarya, more than they would help balance the tank meta.


If Zarya’s shield gets destroyed, she gets full energy.
Varian using his shield breaker on Zarya just gives her 120 energy.
Which may or may not be a good thing in the moment.

But shield breaker talents are good counter to Johanna and Mei, as Johanna loses her unstoppable and Mei her healing.

While something as drastic as shattering throw is not advised there definitely should have more shield damaging talents.

Not like tanks that rely on their HP have to deal with everyone having %damage and the ones depending on healing have to contend with more and more heroes getting -%healing.

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she’s too damn popular and iron skin is like a cheat code with how good it is for a tank

Generally Varian won’t be using the active when Zarya is at full-health and using shields to gain energy, but when she is using it defensively, whether on herself or an ally, to ensure a kill. All the energy in the world won’t help her if she is dead!


First of all thanks to your constructive posting that’s how a good discussion should be for me.

Not every hero should be hard to play. What’s the problem with easy good tanks? Furthermore I see in your reasoning that other tanks should rather be buffed than Johanna nerfed to be more equal to her and attractive for the players.

I know and still if it is broken her unstoppable disspears, so it sounds legit for me give some heroes good shieldbreaker talents (KTZ or Varian) to be a good counter to Johanna.