Add report button for win trading

wondering what the pro’s and cons of this report option would be and how we can fix teams win trading.

Imo, since wintrading consists of 1+ player(s) that don’t try to win and sabotage the match, it’s “non-participation”, which is an already existing report category.


I had to report a player doing that just yesterday actually. Just put them under the nonparticipation. It sucks but you gotta just hope it matters. Made sure the rest of my team did the same.


It’s important to fill the text box of the reports with why do you report. Write it down in short details.

Click Report for Non-Partivipation: wintrader throw game on purpose.

Done. And yea, encourage your allies to report obvious offenders.


Pros: win trading is lame
Cons: how could you possibly know?

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If the wintrader is just afking, report for that and explain on the text.
If the wintrader is intind and dying, report for inting and explain on the text.

If you know the person who is getting the benefit on the other team, you could report for cheating, explain on the text as well. But only if you’re really sure about who it was.

It’s not that hard to figure it out if you look at the match history. You’ll mostly see either both of them together and winning, or one on each team and someone always losing with high amount of deaths or low stats. And then you’ll also have games where the guy who dies/afks is not with or against the other player and he just hard wins (he needs to get the rank back).

How does wintrading work? I mean, I know one person in one team throws a game so the other person on the other team wins.

But how do you guarantee same lobby/match?

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That’s not really possible. In the match history in the in game profile, you don’t have the name of the players, only the heroes. You would need to go to HeroesProfile if the previous matches were uploaded.

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I’m heavily in the “press X to doubt” camp with wintrading being a serious issue. It might be something two dickhead friends do if they happen to match together, but there’s too many factors to make a consistent sting operation out of it.

This thread has some interesting arguments in either direction if you scroll past the OP (OP is shady as hell here). It might be worth a read.

If you do see something fishy, you can report for cheating. Otherwise, a non-participation report should cover anything throwing but not incriminating.

They do it when the population is low but it doesn’t always work. They queue up at the exact same time and when the stars align, they ruin everyone else’s game. I’m just as confused about the intent though. It’s so much effort over no form of substance. Actually makes me question if such a thing exists at all and if we’re just encountering normal feeder trolls.

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When people decide to but an effort into ruin 1000 of player’s games then there are no boundaries of what they can do. Those people care only about themself and not what others fell. Ye thats how crappy some humans can be in this world but there are nothing we can do about it.

Basically queue at the same time and hope for the best. With hots having low population, it’s way easier to do that, but people do the same thing even in league where each server has 2+ million players.

Doing that, more often than not you’ll get matched in the same lobby. If you are against each other, you just throw for faster games. If you are on the same team you just fast win with a good duo combo hero, and considering one is usually a smurf, easy wins.

Yes, you look in heroes profile. If you get matched with them a couple times you can kinda suspect something. Just upload your replays and check them there. Hopefully more people uploaded them and you can see the pattern.

Might not be like REALLY serious but it is still a thing that should be dealt with. For example, a couple seasons ago the top 3 GM in EU were wintraders with close to 100% winrate. And yes, they were 100% confirmed wintraders. I think they got banned after a couple months though.


The issue with wintrading is while it can be hard to pull off in a heavily populated bracket, such as Gold games on NA, it is absurdly easy to do on low pop servers or brackets, such as ANZ or high Masters/GM. When there are only a handful of people queuing for a match, it isn’t hard to synchronize.


And the map, and the time. Which is more than enough to fill the gaps.

There have been some topics on this issue on these forums, unfortunately they used players ids and got deleted. There are good reasons for not revealing player information in forums but I was iffy about this.

Anyway, the main issue was these were top 5 players who were exploiting win trading, and the evidence was obvious. When the players were matched together they always won, and when apart one of them always lost in throwing fashion. And it’s not hard to queue up at the same time which was exactly what they were doing.

It also helps the smurf to de-rank which I really hate.

I know it’s not great but just make sure to report for Cheating/Inting/AFK depending on which they do. Pretty much the only thing we can do until Bliz actually care about HOTS again.

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