I agree with everything the OP said here. I would simply add, that when punishment is handed out, it’s important that EVIDENCE go along with that punishment. I’ve been silenced in the past and I literally have no idea why. I’ve had games where I THOUGHT I’d get silenced, but no… regardless, if you want people to change their behaviour, you have to let them know what behaviour you found objectionable…
Anyways, you’re better off without this game. There are far too many issues with it… the reporting system is just one tiny aspect.
I think there’s this stigma right now amongst some in the thread that action was taking for me saying things like “kill yourself” or talking about them dying or using crazy racial slurs. Let me say unequivocally that is not the case.
If anyone here thinks that once your a few silences in, getting action taken against you isnt extremely easy, your mistaken. To some extent i knew this was coming. I can guarantee that I was reported for telling people not to take a certain hero in a ranked draft if they arent proficient in it (in diamond-master). I was reported for getting upset when people would not show a pick for the entirety of the ranked draft, and then take something ridiculous at the last second when they could have easily said they only play one thing and the rest of the team could fill. This is ranked and in the diamond 3-master ~4000 points area. Remember i play hundreds of ranked games a season, and now it doesnt take much of that to have action taken.
I feel like there are people in the thread that cant grasp the idea that toxic chat has ridiculously broad definition today, which should not be the case, and definitely not be so broadly reportable or actionable. That concept seems to be beyond some, as well as the fact that once you have had action taken its easier to have it taken again in the future.
All this post is about is trying to bring to light some of the problems around the reporting system and things that get players in trouble and lose there accounts, at least the discussion happens one more time so the small dev team that supports the game may put resources on it, however unlikely that is. I loved HotS, but im done with the game. Hoping changes are made for others <3
Yeah. Man this is the truth right here. i had well over 1000 ranked games alone in preseason between Alpha to prior to the ranked change with leagues. Most of the trouble i got in was back then.
Now the game looks like this:
statement: “why would you pick that”
response “reported you toxic dick”
I wld like to point out how Forced 50% winrate is very relevant to this topic.
First of all, the goal of the matchmaker is to make “Fun” matches not fair matches. You end up with a variety of hard, easy and even matches., so not every game is 50% chance of winning. This is why we have lopsided stomps and repeat back and forth losing streaks and winning streaks.
Now these Intentional hard and easy matches definitely contributed to the tensions and toxicity among players. And if you think about it, banning or perma banning players for toxicity are not so warranted after all when it’s the matchmakers that encourage tensions in the first place.
It’s the responsibility of the accuser to prove their accusation. That’s the basics of the jurisdiction system. Have they not taught you so back in school?
People learn not from their success, but their failure. The bigger the challenge, the higher realm of achievement shall they attain. But if they chose to keep staying down after a defeat and blame everything else in the world except their low skill, then yeah, they would stay lousy forever.
Then why the whining when they brought the hammer down on something you have actually done?
That’s exactly what the GM told my friend, they admitted my friend said nothing offensive, but that he was reported, so was the “community” saw him as abusive, so he was gulity. I looked at his ticket, not one line was swear words or even saying something negative like “GG” in a sarcastic way, or telling someone to “get gud” or anything a reasonable person would consider abusive.
I can’t share his tickets as it’s against the forum rules here to do so. I think people would be surprised if they saw them. Up until he shared them with me, I thought people who got silenced had to deserve it, it’s not the case.
This you can’t do on the forums. It is against the rules to show evidence of any disciplinary action taken against an account. That includes tickets and conversations with GM.
What do you expect dude, its blizzard.
I also got an account banned for “talking” in the chat.
They dont review and dont want to hear from you. Even tho you just tell “hi gl/hf/gg” or things like this.
You shouldn’t talk at all and mute the chat.
The contrary of what a multyplayer game is.
But whatever.
For bliz its new players and noob that are essential not long term player like you.
So if a noob tell “i can’t see nova” they change the whole invi concept for example.
Its just an old ex, but you get the idea.
So dont give them money anymore and trash their game.
The game doesn’t punish bad behavior, it punishes existence. My main account got banned YEARS ago, and ever since then, i am just like “Welp, if you get banned anyways, there is no need to behave!” Screw Blizz and their idiotic report system!
I really dont mind your opinion. I dont even think its super toxic or that the way you’ve went about telling it is overly toxic. It is however probably the most toxic comment in this entire thread, and i feel like your fishing for an over reaction. aka…trolling.
Ok now you really starting to come off as holier than thou. Especially when i was defending you. I love your opinion though and think youre a great guy.
You yourself cant resist there very thing your saying is easy to not do.
Here it is again. Whats the point of saying this? Thats not conducive to any part of the conversation, which is steering way off topic. This entire post is just (once again) bringing up problems with the current system in place and possible suggestions for the devs. If you feel its fine, thats your opinion, say your peace and let it rest at that. No reason to try and take a dig
Even if you dont say negative things they ban you.
The problem here is people like you telling “no its not true” but playing like 3 games per week.
Play 10-15 games per day and you will see.
Just say
please listen to pings
Dont go in alone
Wp mate
Back back they are here
Stop die please (after 5 death in 5 min)
And things like this.
10-15 games per day. For 1-2 weeks. You get a silence.
2nd silence.
1st ban
2nd ban
defenitive ban.
Just by telling some basics communications things on a multiplayer game.
Insane, no?
Just do what we all did. Make 3 Accounts. Your Main, YOur Smurf and your “other account”. Play on main, if you get a troll game or get mad in a game, Switch to the Smurf. If Main or Smurf gets silences or banned, switch to the other account until it is no longer silenced. If banned, make another “Other” account and your old “other” account is now your main/smurf. That way you never put all of your eggs in the same basket and have less chance of being punished.
My main account which I played 5+ hours a day, was over level 2000 and spent over 1000$ on, also went to Blizzcon and watched everything like you did also got banned. 5 years after. So kudos for lasting an extra year. I was one of those players who would have helped keep the game up. But blizzard has very POOR judgement and seem to cater (like you said) to the snowflakes and the emotionally weak people who need a safe space. (A Safe space on the INTERNET LOL)
Since the ban, guess how much I have spent on this game? ZERO$ So if this game is no longer making money, it’s 100% because of this BS.
Reporting system is bad, but imo, that’s because it doesn’t work. if it did, there wouldn’t be so many toxic griefers/feeders/afkers/etc.
That said, I do agree with the majority of your post, especially on the honor system. HOWEVER, my experience has been largely the opposite.
I have said things in-game that (in retro-spec) probably were a bit too toxic-- And yet I have never once been silenced. So, I am a bit baffled when people talk about how easy it is to punish someone, because I think I would have seen it at least once by now.
Reporting system is automatic.
You get X report you are silenced/banned.
So the more you play the more chances you get of being banned.
Problem here, you just have to write something on the chat to be banned (i know someone that got banned without talking for 3 months also) .
So let say, you play a lot, you get a guy that don’t like your pick in the draft, he report you. 1 report.
Next game you make a bad move and die. One guy is tilted, 2 report.
Next game you tell “please dont die”. 3 report.
X report.
I have been down this road so many time.
I had a time i muted the chat but after some time i got silenced, i open a ticket but blizzard just ignored my request.
So i unmuted the chat and i dont care at all now.
I got banned.
Done another account.
Chat always unmute now. Mute or unmute same thing for me.
Anyway making another account isn’t hard.
Ban ip? You change ip or just change game. No worries.
Making new accounts is fun anyway, you just put more problems on blizzard back.
Like they limited the new account rank to bronze or whatever.
It was diamond at one point.
But whatever, they should have done a better job at this game all in all.