Thanks for the info, maybe I overlooked it and you actually did, but nevermind if you did detailed information I think the devs will take notice it, so your work isn’t really lost. I am not a Morales main myself and only notice a fragment of the discussion about life support (1) and it feels a nice addition. You also said sth. that you find her heroic change for Medivac an inredible buff, so I thought it’s kinda balanced out.
In my experience, that may be due to the fact that most Artanis players are still using swaps the way they always did, rather than using it at point blank range simply to trigger the Unstoppable. So most people do not see any difference in Artanis in general.
I may or may not have been abusing it against heroes like KTZ, Deathwing, and Qhira…
Why do you think you’re abuse this new change? Do you think it’s op and should get changed?
No, but that is what people would complain about if there was something to complain about. Good players are hard to hit with an E, which is why I try to stay in someone’s face if I know I will be needing an on-demand cleanse. I do think enough skill is involved, and it is entirely possible to bait out my E, leaving me vulnerable to CC.
Haha, I didn’t say she was weaker, just that the changes weren’t that great. Baseline Reinforcements IS amazing and probably my favorite thing about the rework. Her ult power in general was just too weak compared to most heroes. She most definitely is stronger, just not like wow amazing, that so many people thought she was. And the design issues I have with her, I still have after the rework.
I thought Tyrande would be super strong, and in diamond/master she is the top healer atm. As a Tyrande main, I already knew she was balanced. However, I guess I forgot that her healing style still requires a bit of mechanical ability which might not benefit people who are lower skilled quite as much.
I definitely felt that with the Q changes in addition to baseline range, that Zagara would be busted. Like why on earth would anyone ever pick a Nova over Zagara?
I mean it’s weird. It feels slower and also smoother/better at the same time. But hardly anything worth complaining about like Ngin seemed to think it would be. As for Artanis, I miss the shield battery duration the most if anything lol.
I miss the extra attack speed on Blades of a Templar at 16. It was great for both PoA and AO build. Titan Killer and Force of Will aren’t bad at all, but I loved being a protoss blender.
AAs go brrrrrrrrr.
This equation works with so many heroes. Why would someone pick Nazeebo, Azmodan, Hanzo and so on over Zagara? She seems to top them all currently. She has great makro, great single target damage and poke (Q), while having access to chose for disengage or global presence. The latter heroes are more useful than the first ones sure, but they can’t compete with her.
Azmodan can do something similar, but later in the game.
Zagara is meant to have very strong laneing. That is one of her core aspects. For this she has both a massive hit box and lowish health making her easy to kill. Unlike Li Ming who can teleport dodge a lot of skill shots, Zagara pretty much face tanks them due to her size.
Idk but I’m playing as much of her as I can before she is nerfed. She is stupidly broken, but fun. Also, she needs more tunnels. Blizzard, take down the Bill Cosby pictures and make it happen.
On one hand knowing that one hero is overtuned, but on the other hand demanding buff to that hero. The irony.
This is why I don’t want that devs listen to much to the community, because they generally have no clue how to balance a hero.
It’s more of a quality of life kinda thing, prick.
Yeah but there’s still some atk speed though. For me, the main thing about that was the slow so you got more autos in the first place because you didn’t have to chase people immediately. I still miss the nexus blades at 20 for the uber attack build lol.
What I like about shield duration and shield power (RIP) is that it allows Artanis to disengage and move around the field a little without feeling you always have to hit something. But I guess I just like shields in general lol. Why I loved old Tassadar and old Chen.
played against her as junkrat. we needed 2 heroes to kill her on braxis holdout since she was doing top lane and sometimes we still lost the lane. mind u im decent with junky and the other hero with me was sylvannas. Even with all my range i still cant compete with her. it was like the rest of the team was something, and she alone was something else we had to worry about.
Well Junkrat is squishy af and Sylvanas is midrange against Zagara, who has full ranged, good movemet speed (trait) and her annoying zergs. I would consider Fenix a good counter, but he needs support.
I struggled against her with Naz and he is a bit tanky, but his wave clear is just meh…