About incomeing this year 2019 Ranked Quests wich you promised

Hi…so…long time ago 2 years avarage i did suggest such Ranked,Unkared quests.
For every class and depence from heroes…
Like to 10 lvl or different requiements to 15, 20 in game lvl or so on ,so … or in 10 mins, 15 mins,20 game mins make xxx number dmgs,assits,xp,heal,soak for 100 ,200,300 wins games ,based like almost same these MMR 20 achievements…(MVP,high % heal so on…so on…)for an axample and make awesome rewards system like as you know mounths,skins,boots xp,gold or shards. But must be make it so hard for achievement.Because …of course payement dor skins,mouths,budies must stay and you continue earn money. you still have to make money … it does not matter that it’s free to play. I know its so hard to be define what exactly to be…because need so long time and colled data from player base. Such Ranked ,Unranked quests can a little help of players to improve himselfs. And make them separate by hard lvl. So…?! :slight_smile: Come oon i play your games from Star Craft 1 , alfa versione of WoW…so on.so on…since about over 15 years ago time. Im over 20 years gamer xp-ed not only your games.i can be your s Leader Game Designer…:smiley:

Just wanna add that I am fine with people getting ranked quests. Even very much so because I think quests do spice up the game and give plenty of incentive to play the game.

But as someone who does not play ranked, getting ranked quests would seriously annoy me, so I hope that if they ever were to add ranked quests, that they never will occupy the common quest slots for the QM-only peasants such as myself.

Sounds bad knowing that many don’t play ranked and getting those quests would just outright annoy them. Worse, they’d just play for the sake of finishing the quest without a care for the team who’s trying therefore ruining the match.

Unranked… hmm could work I guess.


No dude…you dont understand…such Ranked quests is based of assist alot for one win game…dont talk at me bulsh.t like “they care only about rewards” and Ranked is still played …no matter what is % of player base…and indeed …then less players would be rewarded with these sick,awesome rewards and Blizzrad would continue make money from skins , mounthd…even earned money is low. Until someone player already see these awesome rewards like mouths,skinns,but that is hard part from whole idea. Rewards must be define and painted bassed what our humanity like so much. Must have “WoW " effect, sick “this mouths or skins is sick”,i wanted too”. And whenever one player see these rewards
earned from all rest players and ask…“How i can too get it too?!”
Like i said this would so hard for them to work it. And quests would be so hard for achievement bassed of over 100000 win games (they must looked collect data)and numbers would not be easy for achievement…

Most people right now play ranked just for rewards, thats why theyre thinking about setting the rewards according to the amount of the games you play in ranked.

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Oh…come oon…i not beed to explain why our humanity is rewarded,and what is the psychological part .,like you know very well that too…like everything in our world…
And you know very well not everyone would want to pay with real money and they can work (make skins,mouths so…on so on…) saparared sides ,for money and achievement for hard play…and these reward after every seasons is not enough and not enough coolest…as you know not everyone can achievement…

Literally no idea what youre talking about, i get that youre not a native english speaker but neither am i and theres no way to translate your post that makes it sensible.

Language barriers are real.

I know…and search youtube movie about BlizzCon what is his plans for 2019…if you didnt info yourself for everything to now. And as you know google translete os not the best…exist different translate programs like one old Bulgarian"s software company wich is uknow for whole world,even is better than google translate…

What? I meant that i dont understand the text or the meaning behind the words you use, its like youre using google translate

I know literally every patch note text that has come out in the last 2 years and everything that was promised in Blizzcon but good nonexistent god, I cant understand you.

Edit: Nevermind, I translated on the 4th try.

We already have skins and such that you can either buy or get by achievements (gold from leveling and lootboxes that give shards).

heh :smiley: then try to get now current and like old one models skins ,mounths wich cost 2600 shards… i talking about semilar models wich they must earn money from them…

Well yeah, if you want to own every skin and color of it you have to spend money.

I myself only use 1 skin per hero so its not hard, i have 6000 shards right now and no idea what to spend them on.

Marketing model they run on HotS is terribly bad, if the prices were lower people would spend more time/money on the digital goods, instead it’s like EA model, get the full game and pay 100*more money for never ending cosmetic content packs.

2400 shards on a single skin or mount is a terrible idea, they don’t feel exclusive because of their price, they feel like cheap chinese ripoffs

New players might have a bit easier time getting most of the common and uncommon stuff from boxes but higher level players have to spend quite a lot of time rising levels to get a loot box or spend a ton of money without a guarantee they will be able to get enough shards for 1 skin at 2400 shard price.

Just do the math about how much money you WOULD have to spend on gems to buy boxes to get shards, or do the math about how much time a high level player will need to spend on getting at least 10 boxes for leveling up.

Players with 1000+ levels usually start a new account, it’s easier to buy a package of all heroes than spend money on already high account level simply because your chances of getting a box are so low you can’t even get 10 during a single event time.

OnTopic: Ranked/Unranked quests don’t really make much sense, and as such they will end up in the game.


Dude you are so stupid… read carefuly what i said…"they will work on saparated models wich are also coolest and wich can be earned only from these so hard Ranked quests " almost like sumilar old and new models wich can be buy it for 2600 shards or like these bundies with gems.
And not mean players like you wich have everthing and not need from something,I TALK ABOUT THIS PART OF PLAUER BASE WICH WANT TO IMPROVE HIMSELFS BY PLAYING AND EARN SOMETHING AND DO NOT SPEND MONEY AND LONG TIME IN GAME!! .OMG…cause like your sh.t brain selfish quality,wich think only from one side point and dont think about all types groups from peoples. That why exist young ppls like you ,wich do not allow me climp up in Ranked!.

Because you spend a lot time in game…not everyone have long free time to collect enough…and indeed this is different problem ,if someone want climp up must play over 400 games in Ranked for 1 season. And this idea would be add this year. And can help or make out player base to improve . And this not only mechanics wich can help.Exist 1 more wich Blizzard team maybe never add. Like this:

(Find mine thread)

Learn to write in english and maybe i will read you messages better and actually understand them so you dont have to try to insult people over your own inability to speak english.

If you cant climb or play 400 games to do so, maybe you just belong to the Bronze seas. :poop:

And i just play a couple of games a day if even that, i just save up shards because im not a sheeplet that needs every skin and save up on them if i want one.

Reading your messages carefully wont help in understanding them if you cant write in english, sorry for that.

Yeah…i know very well that myself. This mine problem…and i unsult only young peoples wich are not enough intellected and wich not think about everthing fast. Yeah… in sorry about that. And these mine human qualityes and intellect conditiones ,not reflect a lot about mine game skill and game xp.

Yeah…man you are right! Most of peoples think about rewards insted how to improve yourself game skill and game xp. Such Ranked quests can improve game skill ,if based of 1000 win games. Some peoples are dump. And that why they are bad in game.