Abort match if player leaves in draft

Please abort the game if a player leaves in draft, no matter which mode. While it’s true that there are bots, they can’t compensate a real player. If the match is not in Bronze 7 it’s lost in draft in most cases.

if a player leaves in draft, no matter which mode

You’re not talking about SL because the match cancels when someone leaves during draft.
In QM, there’s a 5 sec grace period when someone leaves, it cancels the match. I assume the person left because he didn’t like his team comp.
In ARAM, the game starts anyway, but doesn’t last long normally even tho it’s unforch for the other players. If the leaver queue isn’t a thing anymore, people could just abuse leaving their draft and rejoining for an other game with non tantrum players.


Yeah, topic makes no sense because there are no other drafts besides Unranked and Storm League (both of which end if someone leaves). Custom drafts also end if someone leaves.

ARAM doesn’t really have a draft, it forces you to pick from 3 or forces all players to pick the same hero.

QM gets canceled if someone shuts the game down before the countdown is finished.
It was actually such a huge problem some years ago that they disabled the ability to log out when the countdown starts. And im sure that ranked draft gets canceled aswell when comeone leaves. They on the other hands gets rewarded with 600 minus point and leaver que.

And accpetable punishment when you leave a game people have waited 30 min to get into.

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почему мне дали штраф на 2 игры если игрок спецально на драфте поменял героя на другого что бы когда время вышло мне дали бан. он это сделал в самом конце когда надо было пикать а очки сняли мне очему то.

it’s a veiled aram complaint.

Using “draft” makes the play sound more ‘official’ than it really is, which goes hand-in-hand on the other complaints they back.


Yep. In the QM countdown you could see your team composition (teammates). Still can. If the player didn’t like it - they just logged out and the game got canceled for 9 others as well. No penalty whatsoever.

Sure they can still do that, but now it requires exiting the entire client instead of logging out. And reloading and opening up the client with the 200mb update could take a while.

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The point is that Blizzard forces you play with a bot. Which is wrong as those bots are useless. It’s not about the draft itself. If somebody leaves in draft the person should be punished - not the team.

if you’re asserting that you’re “forced to play” then all situations of the game are also “forced to play”

While bots are intended to not be an advantage, the ‘uselessness’ of them generally boils down to people refusing to learn how to use them, which is about as much an issue as it any player not knowing how to use their heroes.

A “punishment” is only as effective as someone thinks it is; “draft” modes dock points that doesn’t really apply to aram, so if your concern is trying to reduce the behavior of a casual mode, it’s more likely to reward trolling players that want to ‘ruin’ games by simply stalling them out to incompletion.

Someone that wants to play the game will always feel more punished than someone who doesn’t care.


Having a bot is a big disadvantage in ARAM for sure, but it doesn’t make the game unwinnable.

Having a bot in SL is generally a death sentence though. To make a pure guesstimate - in ARAM having a single bot drops your odds of winning to around 30-40%, in SL it drops it to maybe 5-10%.

I do agree it’s unfun to finish an ARAM where a player simply leaves and never comes back. Probably one of the leaver queue people with very bad internet connections.

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