ABATHUR in almost every Quick Game

is disgusting… this heroe is in almost EVERY GAME!!! and is also damn strong in big maps well played. That is why the people plays him. Is easy, can cover all lanes, strong in big maps, does a lot of damage, can controll terrain and etc etc etc.

I played 3 games today. In every game he was in the oposite team. He is F****** strong in almost every HERO!!! and is incredible FRUSTRATING sit to play and see that he is using always a hero in his team (if not more than one) to kill, troll, evade, heal, move and etc to kill all of your team, because your team is a team of randoms like you, that plays in complete disadvantage in more of the 75% of the games every time is being matched vs a team with an Aba, if it would no be, because sometimes you can have the luck to be in a setup that can counter him.

It needs a nerf for the sake of diversity.

An for me today is over. I lost every single game and if i would show you the replay you would see what i mean. He was using Illidan, the new crazy champ that do a tornado and a lot of damage, he was using Artanis dd build, he was using Orphea to attack, evade, heal, backoff or go ahead and my team compose by randoms that no one can do NOTHING to stop him, or stun or kill him quick.


Which heroes are you playing?


As phaseshifter asked, the hero you are playing matters a lot here.

Supports are matched against supports UNLESS both teams have healer.

So playing as medivh/TLV/Zarya/Aba will tend to make Aba appear as an enemy hero very often.

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He also gets matched a lot vs Murky.

Unless you have a page of Heroesprofile/HotsLogs, that’s probably just variance/confirmation bias.

I haven’t noticed Murky as an enemy any more often when I play aba versus other heroes.

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Abathur is the cutest hero in the game.


It’s not your line.


True, but he was missing within the first postings… so I have to fulfill his job for him. :joy:

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You don’t rush art! :point_up:

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“I got beat by teamwork! Teamwork OP! Nerf plox!!!”

Aba is not nearly as strong or good as you think he is. GO play about 30 games as him and find out.


Abathur is the cutest video game character I have ever seen


Don’t facetank the Artanis? Even without an Abby hat, Artanis can hit like a truck, so you should be kiting him anyway.

While Abathur can definitely make certain heroes very strong, there are ways to counter him. The easiest is to continually send camps down his lane, as he has a hard time clearing them on his own, and will need assistance from his team mates. If you time those with the objectives properly, they will have a hard time contesting.

The problem is usually abby isn’t solo. So you end up with an enemy that is already ahead of you with a strong hat comp. Then on top of that match making is going to give your side newb medi or murky. Medi will end up lowest dps and never finish quest. And all the while you may be at an auto-loss because your random comp doesn’t have anyway to counter tracer/hat, illidan/hat, art/hat, etc

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Disappointing, you’ve been beaten.

I agree he’s too popular for how insanely high skill cap he is.

I have a hunch a lot of lazy players are playing him as a way to afk. There’s so unbelievably many bad Abathurs who even forget to symbiote anything and just sit in base for 1-2 minutes before doing anything I’m almost sure this is the case.

They also have very low exp soaked, no contribution to anything and low assists.

The average Abathur in QM makes the match 4v5. Not because he has no physical body, but because most people playing him are just afk’ers in disguise who literally do nothing for long stretches of time while at the fountain. They don’t even symbiote.

People in QM love playing heroes with no physical body due to the insane amounts of damage output in 5v5 assassin clown fiestas.

All the li-mings, tracers, novas. None of them ever take any damage with their body, one sneeze and they die anyway, and these are the popular QM heroes. And they all feel miserable to play against because it’s like playing hide and seek spending the whole game trying to hit this elusive thing that will never get hit (but once you hit it it does instantly)

I didn’t really mean that. Ming definitely has a physical body.
She even uses it to get Calamity teleport kills.

Abathur doesn’t use his body to fight at all or go into teamfights physically, unless it’s someone doing slap meme vids.

I mean, he has one, but it isn’t a factor in any fights. He fights through other heroes (or minions, or his monstrosity).

Thats how he works. He manipulate the map through others with symbiode.