Abathur Has No Counterplay

Abathur has guaranteed and high value because his skills do a lot of damage, are high impact, global, and he can soak multiple lanes at once. This means that as long as he is alive, Abathur is providing a lot of value to his team and a good Abathur will die 0-1 times (more often than not 0). For all of the value Abathur provides he even ends up having the most damage in the game or close to it very, very often and if not him his primary hat target.

Abathur has insane synergy with too many heroes. He is a strong combo with characters who have some combination of damage, sustain, and mobility. That is so many heroes it’s ridiculous specially when you consider his clone ultimate which is even more guaranteed value. When Abathur clones the right hero (at appropriate times where they can’t just decide to walk away such as during an objective) he can just yolo dive the backline and either he gets a free kill or they waste a lot of valuable cooldowns. Either case Abathur wins because if you did kill his clone then his team is free to dive because his enemy team wasted too many abilities/hp for basically nothing. Abathur can just hat his primary hat target and you get nothing besides a crappy amount of XP, it doesn’t even trigger a reset for heroes for whom it matters.

Because of his insane synergy with other heroes, his balance is intrinsically tied to others’. This means Illidan can never be buffed even though he is trash because they know that Abathur + Illidan would be way too opressive. Which by the way, what is even the point of Tassadar when you can just pick Abathur and do his job better, safer, and with more damage. And just like he invalidates Tassadar, he invalidates TLV because unlike TLV who give up team fight capabilities to soak, Abathur is a monster at team fights and can soak almost as well, giving up nothing except being weaker pre-level 10. However, even that is not a real weakness because past updates have almost all but invalidated the early game. Late game comebacks are now ridiculously common, meaning it does not matter that he is weaker in the first few levels since you are all but guaranteed to make it to the late game and with his soaking capabilities it will probably also come with a level advantage.

Additionally, some of Abathur’s value is harder to see in the stat screen since the damage he gives to his allies through either sustain or hat buffs is shown under his teammate’s stats, meaning he has even more hidden value, similar to armor damage prevention. None of this is even mentioning his M.U.L.E. which can just passively counter entire objectives of some maps for free! Several minutes of fighting trying to win the objective completely undone without Abathur ever having to be in danger for even a second or even having to think beyond “oh that fort could use some healing”. And no, killing the fort is not counterplay. If a team had the resources to kill a fort they would do it regardless of M.U.L.E.

Want to try to kill Abathur? Well, you better be playing 1 of like 3 heroes who can even threaten him. And even then, most of the time it is not worth it to hunt him down. The time you spent going to his lane is time you aren’t getting XP or getting a camp and that’s if he didn’t just burrow away and make you waste all your time because his mines can cover every single angle and stop the gank. Now let’s say you somehow managed to kill him and his team wasn’t around to kill you while you dive behind the enemy fort. It still isn’t worth it because, unless it is late game, by the time you hearth and make it back to the lane Abathur already respawned and burrowed back to the lane, making it back even quicker than you depending on the time he died!

Abathur’s complete and utter safety takes away any kind of meaningful counterplay from the enemy team. It is time Abathur has some meaningful counterplay added to him. It is horrible game design that he is completely asymmetrical and you as his enemy can do nothing but hope to kill his primary hat target or hope the Abathur has absolutely no idea what he is doing. I hoped that his rework would do this, but nope. Then I hoped that the XP globes would do this, but nope they actually promote him being even safer than before thanks to his hat soaking taking over body soaking. And for god’s sake why do forts reveal stealth? This benefits no one except Abathur since unless you are blind you can see every single stealth hero while stealthed a mile away. It’s almost as if the developers don’t want you to be able to do anything to him, ever. He is safe space, the hero incarnate.

Just to make it clear, this post is not specifically about Abathur being OP (although he is). It is about the complete lack of counterplay available to his enemies. You as his enemy should be able to do something to Abathur, for example killing his clone should disable him from hatting allies for a few seconds. If Abathur was the worst hero in the entire game not much I said would change because you as his enemy do not ever interact with him, whereas due to the global nature of his moves he is always able to do something to your team. As it stands Abathur plays his own little game through a one way mirror.


Abathur is a dumpster fire if your allies are no good at what they do, or if the enemy team can pressure lanes like nobody’s business.


I originally posted this (I made a few small edits) on Reddit but it got downvoted to hell even though most replies were agreeing with it so I decided to post it here where it can’t just be buried by downvotes.

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Yeah, there’s a reason why he is banned a lot, especially in higher ranks: Abathur is good.


Play Arthas or etc and single out the hatted target. If they cant do anything aba cant.

Also sylvanas and zagara are really strong pushers. Aba has a hard time against this

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Ragnaros is a great counter to Abathur. he is great at clearing waves and keeping up with aba soak/push. Also Rag has Lava wave which also lets him passively push and gain exp during team fights.


Are we back in 2019 or something? Abathur is not as good as before


As a (former) Aba main, I can say this:
Play strong push heroes and you can destroy the lane that Aba is in pretty much by yourself. Good heroes for that are Nazeebo, Zagara, Jaina, Gul’dan, Kael, Artanis.


Mephisto hard counters him. I know not a lot of people like to play him due to his high skill ceiling and having to be a tricky trickster 100% of the time, but his R is basically the “find abathur” button. At level 20 it becomes the “kill abathur” button.


I addressed how it is not about him being OP but about how you cannot do anything to hinder him. Second, the game should be designed with the idea that the players are not horrible and thus would know how to play with Abathur. Also, defending lanes is the entire team’s job not just Abathur’s. If your team has good wave clear to defend with that is not a viable way to fight him.

The best heroes with Abathur are those with a lot of mobility. Do you think Arthas can do literally anything about two Zeratuls? Nope. As for Sylvanus and Zagara, as I mentioned above his team should be helping him defend, making that “counter” completely ineffective. Specially since Abathur is the only hero in the game with access to M.U.L.E., so he himself can counter them instead.

Abathur’s push is the least of the problems he presents. He is also just a better hero in general than Ragnaros.

I can’t post links because the forum won’t let me but in Fan’s most recent tier list he placed him as the first hero in S tier. Abathur is just as good if not better than he used to be.

Not really. I mean that’s one of Aba’s strengths but I’d say the strongest thing about him is his ability to get you ahead on exp.

Fan is a very good player but it doesn’t mean he know the absolute truth about everything.

People don’t ban abathur much lately and there is a reason for that.


Well ofcourse when he picks zera you pick another hero. But if you know all the answers. I dont have to respond

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I personally think the synergy is the biggest problem. There are too many great hat targets, and they become absolute monsters on split objective maps and ganking. I think he should be good at global soak like TLV, but his synergies complicate balancing.

Drafting a hero just to put Abathur to 40% health every 120 seconds isn’t viable. He will also likely stay in base at level 20 anyway.


See above for how pushing is not a viable counter.

Mephisto only counters trash tier Abathurs. If Abathur knows what he is doing he can simply use his clone when Mephisto ults and he will not be hit, or he can burrow back to base when he sees him cast the ult and he will be safe before the second cast. Or alternatively he can sit in the base and not even have to think about it.

While it is certainly a big strength I would say his biggest strength is the insane synergy he has with many heroes. Even Lucio becomes a menace with a hat.

I only used Zeratul as an example, you could replace him with literally any melee hero with good mobility and Arthas would not be able to do much.

Hard agree.

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My favorite hero, but 100% team dependent, beyond useless if your team wont soak exp, do camps etc., unlike heroes such as Fenix, Greymane, Zul’jin or Thrall who can do most things in the game alone without begging teammates.


well thats not the only reason why you pick him, im just saying he offers some counter play. there have been times where i hit my R to kill someone, and i accidentally kill aba while he’s in some other lane. if you trigger his lvl 20 talent he will always kill aba (thats not sitting in the fountain) so long as mephisto get the second cast.

Do you play Arthas?

Because of mule? If you destroy something its gone. Its lost. It is a counter. If they go defend against that. It means another lane is open

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If they have good reflexes they can dodge Arthas’s root and ignore him. Regardless Abathur synergizes with a LOT of heroes, not only melee. Could be Genji, Tracer, Alarak, Chen, Blaze, Samuro, Fenix, Illidan, etc. The list goes on and on. Also, tanks are one of the first picks in draft so it is much easier for the Abathur team to pick someone who would not be countered by Arthas than the other way around.

Because of mule + his own team helping him defend. If nobody on Abathur’s team helps him defend then yeah it’s a pretty good counter to him but a good team won’t let the enemy afk split push and will either send someone to his lane or gank them.

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