Aba overbuffed plz fix

Aba’s life become harder after XP changes, but this patch balancing it wrong.
Summons deal too devastating damage after 13 lvl. You just cant leave lines after 16 lvl. And keep back door tactics was already petty dirty and requires 1 hero just sit at base to couterplay (thats impossible cuz Aba see at obj 4 enemies and not coming, so you team outnumbered 4vs5 while you wait him at base). Now it like Aba come - structure gone.
I think, in common, nowdays summons suppress structures too hard. Structures should deal bonus damage to them, like merk camps.
For Aba I’ll suggest another tweak - Mule. It replased with another ability.
Some kind of mule now in his basic kit.
If allyed structure (but not core) is in Aba’s sight it gets the following benefits:
25 points of armor.
35% increased attack speed.
Repair X hp per second, but loses 0.5X of Max hp bar (so mule now could not out of control and repair buildings endlessly, nullifying everything that did not end with the complete destruction).
Structure also have that bonus if Aba hat it (bonus 2X if structure in Aba’s sight and hatted)

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Locusts… don’t have enough timed life to be effective if an Aba is just ‘sitting at base’. If he’s getting value from his locusts, it means Aba is out on the map and you just are awful at finding him.


Dude, did you ever played against Aba? Usually I am as Aba just use objective time or if enemy team busy with something on the opposite line. The problem is not to find, it’s not difficult, the problem is that Aba manages to cause too much damage and leave before you come to him. And yes, choosing a global hero every time is impossible and does not always work.

Abathur is the cutest video game character I have ever seen


I remember the old YOLO playstyle, where you dig behind keep, spawn locusts and B to base. They used work like catapults, outranging keeps. Very easy way to YOLO a keep if not babysitted.

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indeed, this style still functions, it s just bad compared to the others.
in my opinion it s bad because it comes way too late.
symbiont aba is much stronger in most cases because it s better to babysit ur teammates or else they die to bad decisions all the time.


Especially since bodysoaking forces you to literally stand in the middle of a minion wave to be able to gather the XP globes. :frowning:

But unfortunately, it’s the least skill intensive and most boring build. Locust build forces you to play aggressive, which is a more active playstyle and makes me want to play that build even more.

i think u r wrong saying it’s the least skill intensive. it needs situational foresight, who to use symb. on and most of ur dmg with symb. comes from ur q which is a skillshot.
compare this to locust build which “only” needs some map awareness…planting a mine into bush then digging over and popping ur locust cd and finally back porting doesnt seem skill intensive to me.


you must not have been here when towers had ammo and aba would send locust to drain ammo, then just work the walls and towers behind the lines.

Oh and the bombard talent out ranged towers, keeps and forts.

So this used to be 10 times worse, and you know what aba’s win rate was ? less than 50%. So as someone who was around for old aba, current aba is nbd.

If you are behind aba’s cheese is irrelevant. If you are ahead, ignore aba and go hard to win more. Clear camps hunt and kill the enemies you care about then force them to be short handed or down a talent tier.

I summon AbaBanana :pray:

The one thing they never address is the hat. Aba’s hat does too much. Its damage/range need to be toned down.

I also think that the hat should not be allowed to just camp one hero on the team. Hat should time out and not be able to be reapplied for 15 seconds on same hero.

I also think the hat should reveal stealth heroes.

agreed, maybe if they got rid of or reworked the talent that lets him vomit out 3 locusts immediately, it would take a lil more “skill”. I don’t know why they buffed an aspect of abby that is extremely toxic to deal with. might as well buff murky by reducing his death timer even more while they’re at it.

I’ll remembr old Aba, but is old aba have any matter? We discuss new Aba, not old.
And aba have winrate >60% if we exclude bronze liague.
And this build is relevant if enemy ahead, it help me many times, while your team could not attack enemy structures, cuz lines pushed to our keeps or lvl disadvantage you could backdoor keep, thats helps cuz some evemy try to catch you and your team is 5 vs 4 or enemy losing keep for a 1-2, 3 if they react good raids.

i’m glad u are not here to balance the game


i can only agree

he totally ignores that aba has no form of auto attack with symbiont
his main dmg comes from a skill shot
his w is insignificant unless u spec into it
and the shield is nerfed to the ground already