A response to the confusion over STORM league

Let me fix your title for you:
“A response to how i think the storm league should function that will possibly create more confusion.” -There fixed.

Nothing you described is announced anywhere in the patch notes, what the patch notes say is that there will only be one league now for solo players and teams alike. This effectively means that HL is removed and TL is renamed to Storm League. Yes Storm League is just Team league renamed. You can understand this by reading the patch notes. This will make grinding for HL players to get to where they belong 100 times harder and will only benefit teams and people who dislike long queues, long queues that have been created because of the developers repeated bad design decisions of genocides of bans for chat, taking back on promises and PTRs and even patches that should fix the elo hell and grind (See PBMMR that was released after a year of hype, got deleted and devs acted like it never happened or announced) and generally only developing extra skins and hots 2 until they saw that loot boxes will not work anymore since goverments will take actions and then they scale back the hots team and fire everyone.
Imagine if they were working at actual content and fixes…

In short what you describe is your fantasy of what storm league should be, not what it is.


Like I said if you actually read the post, this is not the finished product, and the rest is all based on blue reddit responses and the AMA. Also if you want to be toxic please go elsewhere :slight_smile:

It is bad because solo only will continue to fave solo players and only solo players. This segregates them and will actually not contribute to lower queue times.

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GMs and silvers in the same match in HL, that’s the gap we had this season.

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and they’re fixing that… Max 2 rank difference

They never said ANYTHING about 2 different ratings in the new system. I’m 99.99% sure it will be just one storm league mmr, regardless if you choose to play solo only (if they actually ever add it) or team. Just like it is in overwatch.

It’s the other way around. The bronze (another master smurfing) is carrying the GM (an actual diamond-master player).

A true GM+Bronze duo (with no smurfs) usually gets rolled over by a plat+diamond duo. A true bronze can do nothing in those games and a GM can’t play for 2.

But yeah, the new matchmaking rules should solve the smurf-boosting pest problem.

That’s how they will calculate the average for 5-man. The ones that fall out will not be counted.
And they don’t allow that for less than 5-man for obvious reasons: the additional solo player may have no interest in playing with a 4-man ranging from bronze to GM - he just wants a normal platinum game.

Spoken like a true bronze player, who thinks he’s master at heart.

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This is also not the only time this was mentioned, just easiest to find atm (1 day ago btw)

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Witholding my judgment until I actually see it happen, meanwhile have only one “loss” to “mourn” about and that’s ordered-queue draft, yes I know that unordered draft is much superior but kinda miss the “flavor” of the diversity that it can provide at times

They only needed fix role-compositions, not necessarily do a merge of the two, but considering the fact that the playerbase is quite a bit low, understandable decision

Still will withold judgment for quite a while until make up my mind about it though

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You’ve got an odd definition of toxic.

You call Cardinal’s post an example of politeness and courteousness? I would say you are the one with odd definition of toxicity.

I dont think there will be 2 mmr. Otherwise there would be no reason to change anything.
Its quite sad for hero league fans. Last summer they finally made beginners start at no higher than gold league. Most of the people at plat and higher are wehere they belong now. (Occassionally I see a platinum player who hasnt played for years and getts placed in mid diamond for no reason. but its not that often it happends.)
I would say Hero league is in a good state right now. I can understand things being bad at NA where they got almost no players anymore. But all game changes will also effect EU. EU doesnt need this. We got 5-10min queue. Which is okay cuz the match quality are very good.
I tryed team league this season and its such chaos. lots of smurfs everywhere. silvers who somehow got to plat. And masters who are also placed in platinum cuz they never played tl before. Plus boosters, I saw some streamers who had a group of friends who took turns to create new accoutns to keep playing against new players. Easy master rank. np
Now u expect hero league players to get along with these chaotic team league players? I cant see how this can end well.

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There were no personal attacks. No aggression. Anyone who doesn’t check reddit would, and did, come to the same conclusion as cardinal.

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Maybe queue times. But how does it make matchmaking better? You never had to deal with players who cheated their rank by getting carried in TL before, now you will.

This would defeat the entire purpose of what they’re doing.

Unfortunately that’s exactly what the dev in the reddit link above states. They think it’s a great idea. They want to eventually have two different mmrs inside storm league. I don’t think it makes any sense. Defeats the purpose of merging team and hero league. There’s gotta be other ways to address the issues with boosters and inflated mmr ratings without just hoping they slowly fall to the level they should be at.

  • Boosted masters in TL
  • Season start that made people skip two divisions
  • Years of seeding from QM
  • People with negative winrate climbing in HL

There are many reasons the ladder is broken and the ladder in Storm League will be initially worse.
Ranks don’t mean a lot in this game.

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Yes they did. You cannot queue with players more than 2 leagues apart unless you’re a 5 man group, at which point the lowest MMR player is ignored in the MMR calculation.

It’s not nested hidden queues.

If the player has selected solo only, they will only be in a match with 9 other solo players.

If the box is not selected, then that player can be in either game type.

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But that’s then two different queues inside one. So why bother tossing hero league, when that accomplished the same thing? Lengthy solo queues are still going to exist.

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No it’s not, it’s a boolean evaluation on a single queue.

player = dequeue_player(); // Next player in queue
if(game_type != solo){
        enqueue_player(player); // put player back in queue
    } else {
} else { 

If the match is solo only, add anyone.

If the match is not solo only, add the player if they’re not solo queued, otherwise, put them back in the queue.

Only 1 queue needed.

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These show the relation. Solo players with the solo checkbox can only be in solo games, group players can only be in group games, and solo players without the solo checkbox can be in either game.


this is interesting, i see how it will work now. so there will be a pool of solo player loners while the others with preference will get into the type of game they overall desire…not bad i guess…seems like they could just add the checkbox now and simply implement the rank changes instead of re titling the system tho. Storm League has a nice ring to it tho i suppose.

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