A letter to Kaeo Milker - Quick Play (Idea to improvement)

An idea to improve Quick Play to find a perfect match up (1x Tank, 1x Assassin, 1x Healer, 2x Flex)

How about if a player who is searching with an Assassin Hero is asked to change his Hero to a Tank. A screen pops up saying we can start a game right away but we are missing a Tank for your team to get a proper and fair composition for both sides. All tanks are list under this message. You can click on a Tank you want to play and press accept. System says: A fair Game can start now. Loading…

You got 10 seconds to select and accept. If you don’t accept or 10 seconds run out then the next player will be asked. People who tab out to desktop will be tabed back in if this notification pops up. If all 5 players on the team don’t accept the game starts as it is without a tank in this example.

Same goes if a Healer is missed for the composition.

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Considering that QM is the mode where you choose what you want to play no matter what, imho is pretty pointless to ask someone to switch to a completly different role for the sake of others.

I think it was a better suggestion adding a check box that people can activate in order to get a longer queue time but been garaunted a “standard comp” (1 Tank, 1 Healer, 1 Ranged DPS, 2 flex) on both team.


Guys, don’t worry, I can fill in QM :joy:

Perfect comps? UR/HL/TL.
QM = quick game just to learn new heroes, practice and maybe warm up for ranked.

I’m sorry if you made QM your main game mode, but that’s how it is.


So you are learning a new hero in QM but you don’t wanna learn when this hero works out in different compositions. If you would play against a complete compositions in QM then you also learn in which situation the new hero is a good pick. If you try this out in ranked then it is to late and you might lose so even ranked would profit from this.

Why we have Unranked mode.


How many UR matches will you need to get the new hero to play? Or a specific one?

New heroes are often banned in draft or very quick picked by others if you are not first to pick.

And this is not only the case when the hero is new. Also happens to any meta hero. Even if you want to play a specific DPS hero but you are last pick and a healer is missing. It is not as easy as you are writting or wishing to work that way: just play UR is not always a solution.

No one complains about that in dota2 or lol. I see a huge problem with the playerbase in hots: they are spoiled. They just want it all.

Wanna learn a new hero and hits mechanics/abilities? AI or QM. Wanna learn how the hero works in a comp? UR. (and you don’t need to pick the hero to learn that, you can learn A LOT by watching others play it in your team or even against you).

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That is your opinion. I just think that QM can provide much more as that and everyone will profit from that.


  • pick a hero you want to try out in a composition
  • quick match finding
  • complete composition
  • you can be sure that you can play the hero you have picked and try out


  • my idea above - the system ask for a missing role. There are always people who are glad to fill and if not; the game just starts. Nobody gets hurt if the system asks players to get a better composition started.

That’s how it works*

There’s another huge problem: Blizzard would never do that. They can’t even fix simple things, you really think they would make such a complex system?

And you’re still missing the point. The whole point of QM is to just queue as a hero you want and get a quick game. It is not about filling, compositions, etc.

I don’t see this being too useful. The entire point of QM is to play what you want. If a person wasn’t too picky about their role, why would they queue up for QM instead of unranked?

Those people are not playing QM.

That’s more or less the entire point of unranked. You go to unranked to learn to draft.

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You want to practice a specific hero in QM against a “real” composition and then a window pops up asking you to fill as the tank… what do you do now? xD

If you want to practice for ranked play then you should practice drafting in general. You will get opportunities to pick heroes that are new in your roster but you should not really force these picks just for the sake of it.
If you need to practice pressing Q,W,E and R in the correct order then you don’t need “real” compositions to do so. It’s almost like you aren’t even ready to practice those heroes in a draft mode…

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With random comps you learn very little about playing as an efficient team with a Tank and a Healer. On top of that certain Heroes are really awfull to learn without those particular roles on your side.

QM should just give everyone the option to choose how they want to play it, instead of forcing faster/longer queue and random/fixed comps on everyone.

Honestly I don’t see why they just dont put in a flip switch.

For a short time after Blizzcon they DID implement and force the 1 Warrior, 1 Support, 1 Ranged assassin and 2 fill heroes for QM. Then they removed it because people could not stand 30 seconds longer que time and gank / assassin mains got mad because suddenly they had tanks to deal with - So the system DID work.

Why not just give us a toggle? I’d gladly have the option to ENABLE Quickmatch search and only be matched with others that wants the role system - Damn longer que times, I don’t care - Just give me QM games with roles filled.

To any prick saying “Do draft” Draft is full of idiots who TREATS it like QM and locks in whatever they want. Draft is in a WORSE state than QM since rather you still get broken comps or the enemy team has idiots and they have a broken comp that just lets you auto-win. Draft is is NO WAY better, it’s just longer que time with a more hard hitting roll of the dice if you get people WILLING to pick what’s needed for a balanced comp.

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Please don’t just come here and write lies. They changed it because a lot of people where getting 10-15 min queue times (WITH SCREENSHOTS TO PROVE THAT).

So people understand once and for all, from the hots wiki page:


“The main purpose of Quick Match is that you have a guaranteed character selection, and matches that start as soon as possible.

Blizzard created QM to be a quick game as soon as possible. It should be a fast game mode over anything.

“Quick Match isn’t there to make the perfect game but just one that thinks is overall fair”

Overall fair = putting people with similar mmr in both teams and mirror roles, but never making standard comps.

They clearly said they prefer quick queues over comps all day. Quick queues is always what they will look for first. Want a standard comp? Draft, it’s the only way.

(or, you know, it’s not hard to make friends in game or as in general chat, get in a party and play standard comps, go interact to people)


It is how it worked in the past. Blizzard already implemented a new system back in December 2018. Now it is 1x Tank, 1x Assassin, 1x Healer and 2x Flex. But the system is searching for this composition only the first 30 seconds. I have a lot of very good Quick Play Matches because of the new System. It just needs some fine tuning thats why I post my suggestion.

Also QM has got a lot of more players as any other mode so you get better match ups. If you get complete compositions in QM now than you get a lot of very good games which you can enjoy much more as the chaotic once in the past.

Its only logical that QM has the most players.
Everyone starts with playing QM because almost no player can start playing HOTS in draft modes. To be able to really play draft modes, a player needs to have a roster with heroes of all the different roles. Players test out heroes and practice them first in QM until their roster is big enough for playing draft.
Every player plays/played QM but not everyone is able to make it to the next stage of the game. New players need a lot of time to get familiar with all heroes and most of the time players “main” just a few heroes, not enough for drafting.

I don’t think that QM is the most played game mode because the mode is so great. It’s just the one that everyone had to go through and some players quit the game before they even could start playing draft modes.
I played almost every hero already a plenty of times so i don’t really care which one i am playing in my next match. Like this i can enjoy draft mode and be really flexible. I takes a lot of time for players to reach that state and in the meanwhile they have to stick with QM.

Having the option for longer queues but getting a composition with tank and healer might be something that some people want but for me it doesn’t really makes sense because the only way to get balance in this game is by playing draft.

Having the same roles per team isn’t something that guarantees you a balanced match. It happens in draft modes quite a lot that both teams don’t have the same roles because sometimes you counter assassins with tanks/support so you can even go for 2x support or 2x tank in some cases.
QM is always a gamble where you could end up with TLV and Murky on a two lane map against a LiMing who gets easy resets…

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While I usually would ask for you to link this supposed proof - After seeing someone willing to create 4 accounts just to defend himself on the forums - I don’t have any doubt believing that with this day and age’s Photoshop possibilities that someone would fake anything just to win a point.

I played pretty much 24/7 after the QM role system was implemented since I loved the change. I played in any party size, Solo, and anywhere from 2-5 man groups: NEVER did we have a que time over 4 minutes - So people which had anywhere near this supposed que time must rather:

A: Have been playing at 4 in the morning where que times usually is longer; I know this since I pretty much never sleep - And to whine over that que times is longer when everyone your side of the globe is asleep is just stupid.

B: I suppose Blizzards “oh so good we will match you with players of your equal skill” system just tok a piss - Which means that people posting this supposed proof is rather Grand Masters or Bronze players - I am no more than a High Plat / Low Diamond myself and I keep meeting Silver too master rank players - So I’d take that they just had a hard time getting matched since they were on so EXTREME ends of this “We will match you correctly” spectrum.

Or the most likely one - C: Both A and B mixed together.

You can take your Wiki links and shove them away too - Using Wiki links as “proof” just shoots down your credibility instantly as anyone and their grandma can edit wiki links.

And like I said - By all means; Keep QM the way it is for those that want it but just put in a toggle possibility so that those of us that wants to play QM with role sets can do so - Draft is not the only way as Draft is as I mentioned - Just full of idiots who picks whatever they want and it ends up being 5x Assassin games anyway.

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So your point is I’m lying and if you ask for proof I’m actually making a fake screenshot? Pretty bold to accuse someone of that and a huge ad hominem too.

Argument rejected.

I was none of those. I always play at the most played times. I was getting 10-15 minute queues even when I queued as a tank or healer. No, I don’t have screenshots of that because I took none. A lot of players were already complaining and sharing their queue time so I didn’t want to make another thread/post about it. Also Blizzard can track queue times and they can see it was pretty high.

There’s proof everywhere. I just used the wiki because people don’t seem to believe in Blizzard’s own word when they say they prefer fast queues.

And as discussed in many other threads, we don’t need to divide the QM player base, especially now that a lot of people quit. This option would just increase queue times for everyone, even for those who want fast matches.

You prefer getting a bad hero composition by a robot rather than made by players themselves?^^ Have you never run into a nice group of players?
I don’t even remember when my last draft was 5 assassins in one team… probably a bronze issue xD

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It’s optional. If they don’t want to switch they just don’t.

What possible negative impact could there be to that?.