A camera grip option like in Dota / WC3

Hey, I recently spent a day or so playing HoTS for the first time in maybe a year or two, I never really noticed this issue before but I have a question about something involving the camera control in the game.

I come from Dota 2 and in the game you’re able to use the middle mouse as a camera grip function to drag your camera around. The issue with it is in HoTS you’re able to do the same thing, but your mouse will stay exactly where you placed it on the screen, but in Dota / League / Warcraft 3 even. Once you hold middle mouse your cursor is visible on the screen, and it stays in the location you put it on when you drag the camera, rather than just staying in a single area on your monitor. If I explained it badly, there’s a video touching on the topic since I probably made this post way longer than it should have been.

Is there anyway to enable a setting that fixes this? Or is there any plans to add this as a setting in the future?

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Yeah it will be added.


So, where it is? Is it so hard to add this?

Is it possible to renew this topic ?
This problem is more than 6 years old, is it problematic to fix it, or is it possible to add a command to the console that would allow it?

There’s no official way to do it, but there could be a way to script the camera pan to work with the middle mouse button.

Since it’s not cheating in any way or form, I don’t see why it wouldn’t be allowed.

I don’t know where to start with making such a script though, I’d ask Spazzo965 on reddit since he is knowledgeable with this stuff.

I would like such an option too, but in absence of it, I’ve grown accustomed to quickly panning the camera by using the minimap. You can hold-click on the minimap to rapidly pan the camera from one area to another anywhere on the battlefield.



Of course, you can adapt to any conditions. But if you play several moba games, you will always use the same method. If in conditional LOL and DOTA, the control is the same, then why adapt in HOTS ? ( rhetorical question )
although this game, I really want to play and not feel discomfort